RoleIcons is a tiny UI mod that adds Blizzard's party/raid role icons (tank/heal/dps) in several useful places in your UI, and provides several other related features.
Role icons are added to:
- The Blizzard raid tab. The role icons replace the level field for max level players.
- Game tooltip when you mouse over a player or raid frame
- Target frame
- HealBot unit frames
- HealBot and Vuhdo tooltip when you mouse over a raid frame
- Party/Raid chat (Blizzard chat frames, Prat, Chatter, WIM)
- NEW in 4.2: System messages that mention group members
- NEW in 4.3: Player popup context menus
- NEW in 4.4: Group member tooltips on map and minimap
Other features:
- Enhances the Blizzard Raid tab with role summary counts and class summary counts
- Adds a role-check button to the Raid tab
- Blizzard Raid tab can now be left-clicked to target a raid member
- Blizzard Raid tab can now be middle-clicked to set a raid member's role
- Automatically sets your role based on your spec when joining a raid or respeccing
- Automatically replies to role checks from the raid leader based on your spec
- Adds a tooltip showing the tier token breakdown for the current raid members
- NEW in 4.0: Displays the "hosting" realm name while in cross-realm groups, showing when it changes and why
- All features are optional and can be toggled using /ri
Basic Usage:
- Install as usual
- It Just Works! (tm)
Command Line Usage:
- /ri help - Get info on command-line options
- /ri check, /rolecheck - perform a Role Check (must be leader or raid assistant)
Featured in a Curse Addon Spotlight!!!
Bug reports or feature requests
Forum thread for general discussion
I'm aware of this issue, currently the addon recognizes the special case of feral druids. It will set your default role based on whether or not you specced 2 or more points into Natural Reaction and Thick Hide, but it will never hide the role poll dialog for a feral druid.
As an aside though, you really should not be putting ANY points into those talents as a dps. Without all 5 tanking points you can't take a hit like a real tank, and you're just nerfing your dps unnecessarily. See this page for some recommended feral dps specs.
cool, ty sir
Seems pretty clear to me - it automatically sets *your* (the user's) role, and automatically replies to role checks based on your (the user's) spec. It doesn't attempt to set other player's roles, as that would require leader, and may not be reliable. It also doesn't cook you breakfast or bring in the newspaper, but I didn't think it was necessary to list all the things it doesn't do. Despite that limitation many still find it useful.
Which is why I mentioned how assignments are detected by this should be clarified in the description.
On first glance at the description with Automatically sets your role based on your spec when joining a raid or respeccing & Automatically replies to role checks from the raid leader based on your spec mentioned (among others), it can be interpreted to mean that the mod detects/handles it all automatically. When it doesn't.
DrSnuggles - yes, just do:
is it possible to deactivate those 2 things?
zidomo - it shows the roles that have been assigned (from any source). If the leader doesnt set roles or do a role check, and nobody sets their own role, then there are no roles to be shown...
As my ticket was closed before I had a chance to reply after further testing, will post here. This doesn't work with either unit frame tooltips or chat icons if the raid lead/assistants have not done role checks. It will show your own icons (as expected) and strangely, occasionally a couple of other people's (which was the basis for the original ticket), but not for the majority if role checks have not been done.
Should note this in the description.