RS_ClassColors colorizes player names by their class colors (as shown in the raid window). Player names that appear in the chat log, the friends list, the /who results list, the guild roster, and the battlegrounds scoreboard will be colored by class. You have the additional option of leaving offline players colored gray.
A player's class is garnered from the guild roster, friends list, party/raid list, or results of a recent /who query. If the player is not in any of these lists (e.g., he is some random n00b spamming in Orgrimmar/Ironforge), his name will be colored gray until his class can be determined.
Player's classes can be saved from session to session, such that a growing database of players' names and classes is kept. This can of course take up a lot of disk space, so the option is available to turn this off. (It is off by default.)
Along with player names, players' levels and zones can be colorized in the friends list, guild roster, and /who results list. Levels are colored the same as in the target frame, and zones are shaded green if they are the same as your zone.
If you dislike the coloring effect on any particular part of the game, you can turn it off. You can individually control whether or not to color player names in the chat window, battlegrounds scoreboard, guild tab, friends list, or /who results list.
For instructions on how to do all this, please type /rscc after installing the mod.
RS_ClassColors is an Ace3 mod. Ace3 is embedded; no need to download it separately. Ace3 embeds LibStub; therefore, RS_ClassColors may not work correctly with other mods that embed an older and incompatible version of LibStub.
I have to delet to string.upper but my problem persists.
Thank you in advance
i have a problem with friends' list when one of my friends it connects I have an error message :
Interface/addons/RS_ClassColors/Hooks.lua:71: bad argument #2 to 'format' (number expected, got string)
French client
Saturnev: That's not currently supported by the mod. If you are asking how to do that yourself, it shouldn't be too hard, if you are familiar with WoW mod coding.
Mirakle: People in your chat windows will be gray until you do a /who on them. The mod doesn't "know" what class a person is until he is in a group with you, or you /who them. Because of that, most of the people in General, Trade, etc., will be gray until they are /who'd.
[Edit II - Probable fix] : I maybe done a fix for the european version, but I havn't tried it. [Edit III - European fix ] : Well, it was very simple, you just need to change in the file "Core.lua" the following paragraph :
[[ -- Adds a player's class to the database, for future colorization. -- PARAMETERS -- name: the player's name -- class: the player's class (any capitalization is OK) function RS_ClassColors:AddPlayer(name, class) if (string.upper(class) == "UNKNOWN") then return; end if (name == nil) then return; end self.db.realm.playerClasses[name] = string.upper(class); end ]] You must delete "string.upper", after that, it's working perfectly.
Classcolors work for me only in the listing windows. In all chatwindows i get grey colored names. The only class i see true is the paladinclasscolor. All others grey.
German client
Is there a line I could add to turn the class name column in the guild and /who social window to color as well?
If I only want guild to show class-color in chat-log, how do I do that? I use /who a lot and I dont wanna built a database which uses my whole harddisk.
By default your /who database is cleared when you log out. If you somehow turned on , typing /rscc remember will turn it back off.
Thanks Stupid_Inc the issue i was having was fixed.
Thanks for the addition of CensusPlus support. I really appreciate it.
One other thing I noticed is that it does not colorize the names of players if that player linked an item on that line. Not a big deal, but its the only problem left with the mod that I can see.
Unfortunately, that's not possible in WoW at the moment. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong.)
The bug has been fixed in 1.1.1. I was afraid it would take more time...
drowning: I can reproduce your bug, I'll fix it.
Crusadebank: Once I fix it, try downloading again.
I'm not sure if it's the addon or the addon server but when i download it and install it for some reason it only gives me partial of the files in my addon folder. It only puts in core and hook nothing else.
There is a big error in the /who list. I am not sure if this has been addressed but I see that it still hasn’t been fixed. If I right click someone's name in the who list, it copies the name as the appropriate color into the chat typing bar. If you try going through with this whisper, it kicks you off wow. Please look into this.
Maniacpriest: I'll check it out when I get the error message.
GlDustin: I've never used CensusPlus; I'll download it and see how easy it is to do that.
Any chance of creating an optional dependancy on CensusPlus and have your mod memorize the names and classes of everyone on the server all at once? That would be an awesome addition.
I've got the german client and my problem is that I always get a error message when I join a BG and whant to chat with sb with rightclick on whisper in my friend- or guildlist If I relog in BG, I can chat with them without a Problem.
I'll post the error message next time
Probably some weird WoW thing. You can fix it by changing line 14 from:
if (self.db.profile.colorizeChat) then
if (self.db.profile.colorizeChat and text ~= nil) then
I just started getting the following error on login:
Interface\AddOns\RS_ClassColors\Hooks.lua:15: bad argument #1 to 'gmatch' (string expected, got nil).
Any thoughts?
(And thanks for a nice ui enchancement!)