This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
RunXP shows a little frame displaying your current instance, how much XP you have gained in this instance so far, and how many instance runs are left until you hit the next level.
Message: Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3916: Usage: GetLFGInfoServer(LE_LFG_CATEGORY[, lfgID]) Time: 10/09/13 22:37:31 Count: 1 Stack: [C]: in function `GetLFGInfoServer' Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3916: in function `GetLFGMode' Interface\AddOns\RunXP\RunXP.lua:43: in function <Interface\AddOns\RunXP\RunXP.lua:22>
It should reset itself automatically whenever you leave a LFG party. You can use the following code to hard-reset data: /run RunXPData.curInstance = nil RunXPData.curInstanceXP = 0 RunXPData.instanceFinished = nil
Message: Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3916: Usage: GetLFGInfoServer(LE_LFG_CATEGORY[, lfgID])
Time: 10/09/13 22:37:31
Count: 1
Stack: [C]: in function `GetLFGInfoServer'
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3916: in function `GetLFGMode'
Interface\AddOns\RunXP\RunXP.lua:43: in function <Interface\AddOns\RunXP\RunXP.lua:22>
Locals: (*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
i get this error once i enable it
You can use the following code to hard-reset data:
/run RunXPData.curInstance = nil RunXPData.curInstanceXP = 0 RunXPData.instanceFinished = nil