Please read and use the main SCT site for news, bugs, and feature requests. I don't read these forums hardly ever.
Be sure to check out SCTD 2.0 if you want SCT to show your damage.
Also check out my simple but enhanced combat log EavesDrop
What is it?
A fairly simple but very configurable mod that adds damage, heals, and events (dodge, parry, windfury, etc...) as scrolling text above you character model, much like what already happens above your target. This makes it so you do not have to watch (or use) your regular combat chat window and gives it a "Final Fantasy" feel.
Why use 5.0 over WoW's new built in Floating Combat Text ? - SCT 5.0 is a complete rewrite of the mod from the ground up. Its is now based in the Ace2 framework and rewitten with more performance in mind. On top of that, it offers features far above and beyond what WoW's FCT can do. FCT is great if you just need a lightweight SCT with limited options, but using SCT's new Lightmode can get you the same performance with almost all of SCT's normal features.
What can it do?
- Damage messages
- Heals (incoming and outgoing) and Overhealing (with healer ID's), with filtering for small heals.
- Spell Damage/Resists and Damage Type
- All "Miss" events (dodge, block, immune, etc...)
- Custom Colors for all text events
- Config file to setup custom events (self and target), capture data, and display it.
- Debuff/Buff gain and loss Messages
- Low Health and Mana Warnings with values, and optional sounds
- Rage/Mana/Energy Gains
- Enter and Leave Combat Messages
- Rogue Combo Points, 5 CP Alert Message
- Class Skill alerts (Execute, Overpower, CounterAttack, etc...)
- Honor, Reputation, Skill Gain
- Eight Animation Types (Verticle, Rainbow, Horizontal, Angled Down, Angled Up, Sprinkler, Curved HUD, Angled HUD)
- Four Fonts
- Two seperate Animation frames, each with their own settings. Assign any Event to either.
- Ability to flag any event as critical or as a text messages
- Sliders for text size, opacity, animation speed, movement speed, and on screen placement (with custom editbox)
- Lightmode, for when you care most about performance (at the loss of a few features).
- Now Based in Ace2.
- CTMod, MyAddons, Cosmos, Cosmos2 support
- Settings saved per character by default, but supports all Ace2 Profiles
- Load/Delete settings from another character. Load built in Profiles.
- Localized to work in almost all WoW clients.
How do I use it?
First unzip it into your interface\addons directory. For more info on installing, please read install.txt. Now just run WoW and once logged in, type /sctmenu to get the options screen.
SCT_EVENT_CONFIG.LUA is used to setup custom message events. Please open up the file (notepad, etc...) and read the opening section to understand how to use it all. PLEASE NOTE - THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FILE IN SCT. IF YOU DON'T READ IT AND USE IT, THEN YOU ARE MISSING OUT ON A TON OF WHAT SCT HAS TO OFFER IN CUSTOMIZATION
/sctdisplay is used to create your own custom messages. Useage: /sctdisplay 'message' red(0-10) green(0-10) blue(0-10) Example: /sctdisplay 'Heal Me' 10 0 0 - This will display 'Heal Me' in bright red
How do I get My Crits or My Hits to show? I would suggest you get SCTD:
My custom event doesn't work. What's wrong? - Make sure you have the text exactly right, punctuation and capitalization matters. If you need help learning how to capture data, please see the examples or try this site If its still not working, please read about SCT_Event_Debug and SCT_Event_List in the bottom half of SCT_EVENT_CONFIG.LUA to learn how to add almost any chat event to SCT's search capabilities
How do I change the text for parry, block, etc...? - open up the localiztions.lua file and look for the event you want to change. Then change the text to whatever you like. As of 4.1, you may also now add a custom event for these. As of 5.0 You will get notifications automatically for event specfic skills like Overpower, CounterAttack, etc...
How do I get get text to scroll? I only see numbers! - Make sure the "Show Events as Message" option is unchecked. This is only if you want events to appear as static text (not scrolling/animated)
I don't understand what the 2 frames are for! - Each frame lets you set different features. So you can set frame one using Sprinker animation and Default font, while frame 2 can be using Veritcle animation and Adventure font. You can then assign each event to a specfic frame using the radio buttons next to the events.
There's too many options. Help someone new see how things work! - Try out some of the new built in profiles. While on the options screen, click the "Profiles" button. At the top of the window will be a listing of some default profiles to try out. Maybe you'll fine one you like or it will spark some ideas for you to try.
How do I change the fonts? - You can now select from four fonts on the options page. You can also change the font of message and apply the font to the in game damage font used for your damage (requires relog)
I don't like friendly nameplates on. How do I make my heals appear over who I heal? - Friendly nameplates have to be on in order to show your heals. SCT will turn them on if you turn on the option, but you must manually turn them off if you don't like it (see Target keybindings).
I don't like the new spell icons, how do I turn them off? - There is an option to turn them off under the animation tab.
Please post all errors and suggestions on using the provided forms. Please post all questions and comments on the offical SCT thread.
Fissure, Xenox. I dont think it's possible due to blizzard not allowing mods to mess with the actual models of the game. Thus it's unlikely that legal mods can scan where a mob or enemy player is located on the screen and put damage above it's head.
If such mods existed you could have them put a giant arrow over rogues doing the "shwoooosh" behind you, amongst other things. :I
I have the following error due to ace2: in the parserlib.lua, the function "setn" (line 457) is obsolete, is there a way to fix this error?
I'm wondering the same thing as xenox, currently playing a mage, and it's just useful for me to see that, Thanks in advance
How do you enable damage over target? As a hunter using multishot its very beneficial to see which targets take which damage. The way its working now, I just see a string of damages along the damage path, but no indication as to which target took which amount of damage. So, how do u enable this or edit the mod to allow this?
Duskhorns SCT-guide and setup for nibblets!
Dusks Sct guide: (alternate link, provided by Devilslayer: )
This link will provide you with a .rar folder. When extracted you'll notice that it holds various pictures labeled 1, 2, 3 etc. Show them as a slideshow or whatever floats your boat to get a quick insight in how to setup your sct. (It also holds some random screens that I forgot to remove ^^ )
Why? I've seen so many movies with sick-slick UI surrounding the pwn'ing player, but the player itself is nowhere to be seen due to sct being non-edited, looking like a bee-swarm on top of the player. Not good.
How? This is the idea. It looks messy, but it isn't, trust me and the other people that use it.
A .rar extracter can be dl'ed on top here: The uppermost link, a trial-verision. (it never expiers, just encourages you to purchue the actual software. It's not dangerous.)
I'll most likely keep this thread updated and bumped if there is an interrest in it. I'll also try to answer questions and help you with scriptlines for the sct_event_config.lua file, to create costum events.
Costum Events not included in the downloadable file: (add theese to your sct_event_config-lua file, below the events named [13] [14] etc. Remember to add a befitting number in the [ ], they need to be in chronological order. I'll use [##] in scriptlines posted here )
--- Theese lines should show the damage You inflict next to your character, instead of over the head of a 600 ft tall boss. Go into the Advanced Interface and disable the Floating Text opition saying Show Target Damage, or else you'll have double messages. You'll also have to replace my original [9] and [10], as these also affect crits and thus would owerride any other scripts affecting crits, inserted below.
( - [i]Appearently there is a sct-mod for showing the damage you inflict already, thus I removed the script I had posted for that function. /i This is how I set it up after installing it. I'm not sure I'd recommend it to just anyone though. If you Want to use sct and have it togeather with my sct-setup, thsi is how you can do it: . Take note: "Sct Messages" has been moved up a bit, so it's not confused with the damage you inflict. I tried to have the damage go vertical and the messages to the left of it, but I want messages above my characters. It's a matter of taste I suppose. :J )
Entangling Roots-Fail Alert [20] = {name="FAIL!", search="Your Entangling Roots (.*)", r=200/256, g=256/256, b=0/256, iscrit=1,}, Confirmed: Yes.
Merits so far: Vikturus Saladrax Mummrak Duskbraid Melyssa Crimsonutd Saigo Prak Myself ;D
what exactly do they do and can you disable them saftley if tyou don't need what they do?
Also would it be possible to add a sliding bar or an option to increase or decrease the scrolling speed, with the current scrolling speed set at a default value of 75% on the slider?
getting a debuff popup on serpent sting or something like that...on my rogue.
SCT (and SCTD) work great for everything I've wanted. But in AB last night, I had to do a back scroll to see if my new Goblin Land Mine actually worked. There isn't a graphical display for when it goes off, like grenades or spells. It just damages the target(s) and disapears. (A bug that the GLM has had since its first being invented... I'd really hoped that they'd fixed it.)
I did find the damage messages (300+ and 400+ on two targets... very nice) but they read as though the GLM actually cast on the targets, which may be why no messages were shown in SCT.
Has anyone created a custom event to display GLM damage like other explosives? It would save me hours of experimentation time that I really don't have.
Okay, I get the overpower notifaction (OVERPOWER!) only when I am in battle stance (the only stance you can use it in), but often I'm in berserker stance so I don't see the message to switch and overpower. Is there any way I can fix this to show in berserker stance as well?
got a question is there any way to add custom fonts to sct and if so please tell me how :)
Nirrudn, there are lots of replacement mods for buffahoy. It hasn't been updated in close to year, so I highly recommend you find one =) In the meantime, SCT 4.131 would still work for you I think.
Cirk's blessings I hear is very good:
i cant find out how to make it pop above my head how much damage i am hitting per spell on my mage :(
That would be correct sir! How odd. I guess I'll have to live without SCT on my Paladin, because I can't live without BuffAhoy.
Nirrudn, I bet you have buffahoy installed. Its badly breaks SCT for some reason.
I'm having the oddest problem in the world. SCT works fine on every single character except for one, my Paladin. I get a host of errors when I log in, open the options menu (which is totally blank and filled with "test1234" and the like), or basically any time an SCT event would normally fire. (gaining a buff, etc.) As far as I can tell, the variables are never getting set, because the errors are things like "attempt to call LOCALS, a nil value" and "attempt to call db, a nil value."
I've deleted my Saved Variables, deleted the SCT folder and re-installed clean, and still the exact same issues.
Again, though, this only affects one character specifically: My human level 60 Paladin, named Janus on Elune. He's in the top character slot.
I wonder if it is possible to display the message you gain soul shard with sct?
i had the sticky crits and Flash ticked but It doesn't show my crits. I tried re logging already. Anyone as a solution to that?
Fist: Big thank for this grate add-on!
I think (sry I'm not sure) since 5.01 no heal gains are shown. I tested 5.0, 5.01 and 5.1 and all options I have found, but I can't bring them up anymore. Not for me or other players I heal (Druid), also no gains I received form other players. I’m playing with a germane client and have disabled blizz sct. Hope you can fix this or someone can give me a tip, how to fix. Best regards, Ryhlian
Feroth, there is a simple answer to everything, and the answer to your question isn't so direct, but important nevertheless. Don't be French, that'll help you out =D
Also you may learn how inferior France is as a country in your endeavour to find another, after you've decided to leave France and your 'Frenchness' behind!
@Saken: Do you have "Show all power gains" on? This will make it show even your natural mana regeneration
@mmzmaster: That is the worst error report in the history of error reports. As a mod developer myself, I want to punch you in the face.