SCT - Damage
Website -
What is it? - A mod that adds your damage to SCT. It provides a way for you to see your damage in a static location. This can be useful against large mobs like those in MC, Bosses, etc...Can use SCT animations or its on built in style.
What can it do?
- Your Melee, Spell, Skill, Periodic, and Pet Damage - Spell Damage/Resists and Damage Type (by color) - Can show damage at enemy nameplates - Target and Spell ID's - All "Miss" events (dodge, block, immune, etc...) - Custom Colors for all text events and crits. - Ability to show only target damage - Ability to Turn SCTD on/off in PvP - Four Fonts to choose from - Can disable built in WoW damage - Sliders for text size, fade speed, and on screen placement (with custom editbox) - CTMod, MyAddons, Cosmos, Cosmos2 support - Localized to work in almost all WoW clients.
How do I use it? - First you must have SCT installed already. Next, unzip SCTD it into your interface\addons directory. For more info on installing, please read install.txt. Now just run WoW and once logged in, type /sctdmenu to get the options screen or you can click the SCTD button on the SCT options menu.
FAQ How do I remove the damage the scrolls above my targets head? - WoW itself does this. You can turn it off by checking the the "Disable WoW Damage" option, or by going to the Advanced Options under Interface options.
My Wow Damage won't turn back on, even after I turn off SCTD! - You need to turn this back on manually in WoW. Go to Advanced Options under Interface options and you will see a checkbox to enable damage. Also, it is highly recommended you don't use the "Enable Wow Damage in PvP" option if you are on a PvP server.
My peridoic damage is not showing up in the combat log or on the screen! How do I fix it? - You have turned off periodic damage on the Advanced Options under Interface options. Make sure the "Periodic Damage" check box is checked, even if you have Damage unchecked.
SCTD damage is ontop of my SCT messages, how do I fix this? - I highly suggest you move SCT's message using the sliders on the SCT option menu. You can also move SCTD using the sliders on its menu. Consider placing it over you target bar.
How do I reset SCTD or load another users settings? - SCTD is tied directly to SCT. You can reset SCTD using SCT's reset button or typing /sctreset. You can load another users SCTD settings by loading them from the SCT option menu.
How do I change the fonts? - You can select from four fonts on the options page.
I don't like enemy nameplates on. How do I make my damage appear over who I hit? - Enemy nameplates have to be on in order to show your hit over the enemy heads. SCT will turn them on if you turn on the option, but you must manually turn them off if you don't like it (see Target keybindings).
I'm having a problem with SCTD turning itself off, and not saving when I try to enable it again, checking enable at the top clicking close. I am not sure how to reproduce this problem, since I wasn't really paying much attention to what I was doing. I just remember leaving an instance, running around a bit playing with AH, then flying to another place, next mob I fought I realized that it wasn't working normally. I may or may not have tapped a mining vein between it.
jeah thats my problem too Oo i cant see the damage over time ;) plz fix it :D
lg kc
I Have a Problem with this mod, i don´t see DoT´s when they tick. The normal DMG is showing, but the tick of the dot not?
nice mod. Need 1-2 adjustments if possible
1) Crits saying "critical" instaead of having double text size 2) more functionality...options to enable / disable Evade etc etc.
Keep up the good work
Great mod. 2 things I would like to see:
1) Hunter auto-shot is now colored white by blizzard, but is still a yellow (spell) color in SCTD.
2) I would also love to disable sticky crits.
I'd love the option to disable sticky crits as well
Could you please include an option to unsticky crits... I can never tell what my last damage done was whenever there was a crit within the last 5 spells which would be very useful. thx
Does anyone know why my crits are stickied in the center of the screen? I was told sticky crits are suppose to show up to the left and right of the normal damage, and I've seen videos where it was. I have looked at the sctd xml file and it pretty much confirms the crit frames are not suppose to be in the center. I have never changed anything in the sct or sctd lua's so I have no idea why my defaults are different.
I tried deleting all sct/sctd files from interface and wtf folder, and reinstalling the newest versions, and I still have the same problem. Does anyone know what's causing it?
Hi there, Grayhoof
My name is Pakka - ingame I play Fowltooth, a warlock on Die Silberne Hand. I use the german WoW client and your SCT Damage 1.1. I spent some time to correct/ update the translation of the sctd menu for the german client because you've used a translation program and therefore some of the translations are very rough and hard to understand, even misleading in some places. I'd be very happy if you would appreciate this work and include this with the next release. I'll go through the menu from top to bottom, showing your current translation in front followed by my new translation.
Current german translation ---> new translation
Ermöglichen Sie SCT Beschädigunge ---> Aktiviere SCT Schadensanzeige Handgemenge-Beschädigung ---> Nahkampfschaden Periodische Beschädigung ---> Periodischer Schaden Bann-Beschädigung ---> (since this is "Spell/ Skill Damage" in the english version it has to be:) Zauber-/ Fertigkeitsschaden Haustier-Beschädigung ---> Pet-Schaden (oder: Haustier-Schaden) Color Crits ---> Farbe kritischer Treffer
Markierungsfahne Beschädigung ---> ("flag damage" in the english version; don't know what this is about, so I this is the only one I don't know a translation for) Bann-Art ---> Art des Zaubers Bann-Name ---> Name des Zaubers Widersteht ---> Widerstehen Ziel-Name ---> Name des Ziels Only Target ---> Nur für ausgewähltes Ziel Sperren Sie WoW Beschädigung ---> Sperren der WoW Schadensanzeige Enable during PvP ---> Anzeige für PvP aktivieren
There you go :) Some basics for future work: spell ---> Zauber skill ---> Fertigkeit damage ---> Schaden melee ---> Nahkampf
the difference is that SCTD shows the YOUR damage output rather than the damage you TAKE in which is what STC does.
reflect damage (like thorns and retribution aura) is not showing up
What's the difference between SCT and SCTD. Because SCT shows the damage you so how is D/L this any different from what we already have?
is it possible to make SCTD actually scroll like SCT does? Also would like it if the crits didn't shoot off to the side. Pretty much exactly what the default WoW damage does.
me need remove damage from sct and show only in sctd... how it to make?...
oh and a small bug report, if you turn off periodic damage it will still show the ticks from curse of agony :)
only thing I'd really like to see is some way of making resists "seperate", ie moved to a different area/bigger color/more noticable.
When your fighting a big mob seing resists is sometimes very hard. A big fat text in the middle of my screen saying resist would be awsome :p
It scrolls by so fast, it would be nice if we could adjust the distance it scrolls. As far as criticals, it appears your crits show up on either left or right side of center.
Grayhoof can you make this option. I would like to change colors of my criticals, normal hit one color and critical is another. So if you have time to make it sometime, do it :p
Allright here goes!
First of all nice to see such a mod around here, i hate to not see my damage and having to check my combat log about how much damage i gave or soaked..
Even though it's working quite nicely thusfar i'd love to see the same way of SCT, Flagging your criticals.. It doesn't happen here and it's kind of troublesome as you can't keep track of it anymore.
Good job thusfar, Thumbs up
Is it possible to see my DoT's when i change to an other target? Btw. can you make it possible?
I dot the 1st target then i change my target, now i can't see the DoT Dmg from the first target. Thats a real problem fo me...