SCT - Damage
Website -
What is it? - A mod that adds your damage to SCT. It provides a way for you to see your damage in a static location. This can be useful against large mobs like those in MC, Bosses, etc...Can use SCT animations or its on built in style.
What can it do?
- Your Melee, Spell, Skill, Periodic, and Pet Damage - Spell Damage/Resists and Damage Type (by color) - Can show damage at enemy nameplates - Target and Spell ID's - All "Miss" events (dodge, block, immune, etc...) - Custom Colors for all text events and crits. - Ability to show only target damage - Ability to Turn SCTD on/off in PvP - Four Fonts to choose from - Can disable built in WoW damage - Sliders for text size, fade speed, and on screen placement (with custom editbox) - CTMod, MyAddons, Cosmos, Cosmos2 support - Localized to work in almost all WoW clients.
How do I use it? - First you must have SCT installed already. Next, unzip SCTD it into your interface\addons directory. For more info on installing, please read install.txt. Now just run WoW and once logged in, type /sctdmenu to get the options screen or you can click the SCTD button on the SCT options menu.
FAQ How do I remove the damage the scrolls above my targets head? - WoW itself does this. You can turn it off by checking the the "Disable WoW Damage" option, or by going to the Advanced Options under Interface options.
My Wow Damage won't turn back on, even after I turn off SCTD! - You need to turn this back on manually in WoW. Go to Advanced Options under Interface options and you will see a checkbox to enable damage. Also, it is highly recommended you don't use the "Enable Wow Damage in PvP" option if you are on a PvP server.
My peridoic damage is not showing up in the combat log or on the screen! How do I fix it? - You have turned off periodic damage on the Advanced Options under Interface options. Make sure the "Periodic Damage" check box is checked, even if you have Damage unchecked.
SCTD damage is ontop of my SCT messages, how do I fix this? - I highly suggest you move SCT's message using the sliders on the SCT option menu. You can also move SCTD using the sliders on its menu. Consider placing it over you target bar.
How do I reset SCTD or load another users settings? - SCTD is tied directly to SCT. You can reset SCTD using SCT's reset button or typing /sctreset. You can load another users SCTD settings by loading them from the SCT option menu.
How do I change the fonts? - You can select from four fonts on the options page.
I don't like enemy nameplates on. How do I make my damage appear over who I hit? - Enemy nameplates have to be on in order to show your hit over the enemy heads. SCT will turn them on if you turn on the option, but you must manually turn them off if you don't like it (see Target keybindings).
I have been using SCT forever it feels like, and decided to give this a try. Downloaded and installed 2.1. I get the config menu tab, and can setup all the options; but when I do any damage it does not display anything. If I have it set to "Disable WoW Damage" then my damage doesn't get displayed anywhere except the combat log. Enable SCTD is checked, and it is displaying the position from Frame Options and the examples when I toggle Damage Events.
Is there something simple I could be missing?
Hi, at least I've found that the last checkbox was resolving my wow built in damage dispearence.
I want you to do something for the french comunity : Remove the translated text : it was translated with a bot who don't speak french at all. Resulting in lot of unreadable sentences.
Hi, at least I've found that the last checkbox was resolving my wow built in damage dispearence.
I want you to do something for the french comunity : Remove the translated text : it was translated with a bot who don't speak french at all. Resulting in lot of unreadable sentences.
Hi, at least I've found that the last checkbox was resolving my wow built in damage dispearence.
I want you to do something for the french comunity : Remove the translated text : it was translated with a bot who don't speak french at all. Resulting in lot of unreadable sentences.
Hi, at least I've found that the last checkbox was resolving my wow built in damage dispearence.
I want you to do something for the french comunity : Remove the translated text : it was translated with a bot who don't speak french at all. Resulting in lot of unreadable sentences.
Hi, at least I've found that the last checkbox was resolving my wow built in damage dispearence.
I want you to do something for the french comunity : Remove the translated text : it was translated with a bot who don't speak french at all. Resulting in lot of unreadable sentences.
Hi, at least I've found that the last checkbox was resolving my wow built in damage dispearence.
I want you to do something for the french comunity : Remove the translated text : it was translated with a bot who don't speak french at all. Resulting in lot of unreadable sentences.
Hi, at least I've found that the last checkbox was resolving my wow built in damage dispearence.
I want you to do something for the french comunity : Remove the translated text : it was translated with a bot who don't speak french at all. Resulting in lot of unreadable sentences.
Artrigis, use /sctd standby
Would it be possible to implement a /sctd off, and a /sctd on command? Thanks for this great addon btw.
I find SCTD a great and useful addon but: Is there any way to make SCTD doesn't display Warlock's Hellfire AOE damage? When i disable Periodic damage in SCTD options it doesn't show Dots or Rain of Fire damage anymore, but Hellfire yes :[
It dosnt show MY dmg on ppl as well absorbs and that shit . When i first installed it it was there but tryed to change it a bit and loaded another profile . Now it wont come back at all :S
I was wondering the same thing. It gets kinda messy with the crits overlapsing my regular hits. I would like em to stick at random places around the screen :)
Dunno if im missing an option or something, but when i crit it overlaps on my normal hits and I was wondering how i can get my crits to display on the side's like you have in your screenshot? Thanks in advance.
- Ability to Turn SCTD on/off in PvP how couldnt find anyway to do it
with the latest release 2.02, i still can't make it display totem's damage.
since this last update it isnt showing anything and i cant figure out why it has suddenly stopped working
HOW please.. your mod is anoying...
i cant see any pet damage and dot damage
The problem with Hammer of Wrath isn't this mod, its the actual SCT mod, if you disable this one, you will still see if happening.