SellJunk sells all junk to the vendors. This includes all grey items and user specified items, that can be added to list of exceptions. It can either sell these items automatically at each vendor or you can do it manually by clicking "Sell Junk" button on each vendor's frame. You can also see how much gold you made from selling the trash. It can also destroy all junk instead of selling it, if you're far from vendors.
- /sj
- will open config window
- /sj add itemlink
- will add given item to exception list (to create itemlink Shift-Click any item in inventory)
- /sj destroy
- will destroy all junk in inventory
- /sj destroy x
- will destroy x pieces of junk in inventory
If you'd like to add/update localizations, do so here.
Bugs / Suggestions:
If you have encountered any problem, or if you think theres something missing. Feel free to post a ticket here.
- What is an exception list?
- If you want the addon to sell other than grey quality items, or you want to not sell some of those grey items, then exception list is the thing you are looking for.
- How do I add item to exception list?
- Type "/selljunk" and then type either name of the item, or just part of the name (but be aware it might sell items with similar names), or just drag the item from inventory into the input field.
- What if I want to stop it from selling some grey quality item?
- Just add this item to exception list and it will always skip it.
- Can it destroy souldbound items, that you can't use (e.g. plate items on mage)?
- Nope, and it never will support it. The aim is to stay as lightweight as possible.
This add-on stopped working as of 5.1. 0
Please fix it as I recommend it to all 500+ members of my guild.
was there supposed to be a list of items I've added to exceptions? I don't see it :-/
Is there any way you can make items addable to the selljunk list. For example I get a lot of useless food that I have to manually vendor or delete that I would like automated. All I would like is to type in names of items I would like vendored. Kind of the opposite of an exception list.
To be honest the FAQ is a little confusing regarding the exception list. If you type /sj (enter) there are 2 fields there. If you click in the first field and shift click the food you want to automatically sell, then click okay, it will add it to the list. If you later want to remove this item then open same window click in the second field shift click the food then click okay and its removed,
The other use of the remove field is to shift click grey items you do not want the addon to sell automatically. The only thing I have a problem with the mod is a feature missing which a way to see what items you manually added to the exception list.
I noticed that you're using AceDB-3 but there's no profile options and it defaults to a char-specific profile. Can you either add an AceDB options panel or have it default to the "Default" profile (third parameter as true in the :New() method)? With such a simple add-on, there's really no need for char-specific data.
Thank you for updating this. I made one change, because of a UI conflict with GnomishVendorShrinker.
I changed line 14 in SellJunk.lua to
To put the button above the frame and to the right.
GnomishVendorShrinker puts it's search bar over top of the button, and the lower left and right corners are used by your currency depending if you're talking to a repair/reagent vendor or a supply vendor like the jewelcrafting recipe seller.
Fixed in version 3.0.7
Thanks for the update, two issues. I see what you did with the IsAddonLoaded for GnomishVendorShrinker, but for some reason it's not working for me. I'll play around and see if I have a conflict with another addon like AddonControlPanel that might be conflicting.
The other issue is when you move it to the lower left corner, GVS overwrites it there with a currency frame on a vendor that has both a gold frame and an alternate currency frame (like Jewelcrafter tokens) or tier tokens. If you only have a gold total in the hundreds it's still clickable, but due to Blizzard adding in comma's, as soon as you get over 1,000 gold the button is almost completely hidden. That's honestly why I moved it out of the frame and to the upper right.
Again I apprecaite all the effort you're putting into this, I know it's a pain when another addon overrides your design ideas :)
Just an addendum, if I run this on the command line in game is does return true, so it may be a timing issue when you go to set the button point that SellJunk is actually loading before GVS?
/script if IsAddOnLoaded("GnomishVendorShrinker") then SendChatMessage("GVS Loaded","WHISPER","COMMON","Feataur") else SendChatMessage("GVS Not","WHISPER","COMMON","Feataur") end
Follow up #2: Apparently once I do a console reloadui on any of my characters, it starts working as intended, so I think we're good :)
Thank you again
Finally got to fixing it, thanks for the useful comments guys. If you come across any issues, let me know.
Well done, and thank you!
if you fix the .lua using Sensoh8su's method open up the sellJunk.toc aswell and change the first line from
## Interface: 40300
## Interface: 50001
and it will be up to date, no need to load out of date addons just for this.
Thx for the fix Sensoh8su works fine.
Thx for Quick fix Sensoh8su works fine now
Hi guys,
Sorry for not updating the addon. I'm just in the middle of moving my house, but hopefully this weekend I'll have time to fix all my addons.
A quick and easy fix for the time being:
1. Go to you interface/addons/selljunk folder.
2. Right click the selljunk.lua and select "Open" (or edt with notpad++ if you have it), you will probably be prompted to select a program, Notepad is what you want.
3. Look for the line "addon.sellButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -41, -40)" and change it to "addon.sellButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 68, -32)"
4. Save and close it.
5. load WoW, login and click addons, uncheck any out of date addons other than SellJunk and click the checkbox for "load out of date addons" and click ok.
6. Enjoy
Wow, thanks alot Sensoh8su, i tried and it worked =D
To fix the button location, edit your SellJunk.lua file located in your WowDir\Interfaces\Addons\Selljunk directory. Change line 13 to read:
addon.sellButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 60, -32)
I've loved this Addon for years and came here for the button location fix. Problem is, I can only open the lua file with a program called Free File Viewer and cannot edit at all. Windows Vista tells me it doesn't even recognize that type of file. Any help?
You can modify the file with any text editor, such as Word Pad or Notepad. Hope this helps.
Thanks for sharing dorkino! (: