The purpose of this mod is to help us sell the kind of items that we get most frequently: Junk!
How to use it
- Open the merchant window.
- Check if the top right coin style button is greyed or not.
- If the button isn't greyed it means you have items to sell. If you hover your mouse above the button it will display the total profit you will earn.
- Hit the button and all junk items will be sold.
- Profit!
SellOMatic vs SellOMatic2
SellOMatic has been rewritten to give the old SellOMatic lovers the essence of the addon back, to sell those pesky junk items without complications: No options, no lists, no problems. Also it has been rewritten to be a light and fast addon.
SellOMatic2 is the evolution of the addon, giving the user the ability to choose which modules/functions to enable to configure the addon as the user needs. It includes list/item/class/destroy functions to suit a variety of needs. More info here
If you want to help with the localization of the addon feel free to use the new localization tool
Chinese Locale zhCN&zhTW
locale by 默语(murmurwoods)
file download url:SellOMaticv1.1.09b.rar
This is true of every addon, ever.
From a report:
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("SellOMatic", "zhTW")
if L then
-- Main option
L["General Options"] = "一般設定"
L["Actions"] = "動作"
L["Auto sell"] = "自動賣出"
L["Toggle ON/OFF automatic mode."] = "切換啟用/禁用自動模式."
L["Show detail"] = "顯示細節"
L["Toggle ON/OFF item sell detail."] = "切換啟用/禁用物品賣出細節."
L["Use list"] = "使用清單"
L["Toggle ON/OFF the sell/save list."] = "切換啟用/禁用物品賣出/保留清單."
L["Show list"] = "顯示清單"
L["Shows the sell/save lists."] = "顯示賣出/保留清單."
L["Add item"] = "增加物品"
L["Adds item to sell/save list."] = "增加物品到賣出/保留清單."
L["Del item"] = "刪除物品"
L["Deletes item from sell/save list."] = "從賣出/保留清單刪除物品."
L["Import sell list"] = "匯入賣出清單"
L["Imports the old sell list."] = "匯入舊的賣出清單"
L["Reset sell list"] = "重置賣出清單"
L["Resets the sell list."] = "重置賣出清單"
L["Reset save list"] = "重置保留清單"
L["Resets the save list."] = "重置保留清單"
L["Autoselling items!"] = "自動賣出物品!"
-- Selling
L["Selling "] = "賣出 "
L["item(s) sold"] = "物品(s) 已賣出"
L["You've earned "] = "你獲利 "
-- Lists
L["#### Sell List ####"] = "#### 賣出清單 ####"
L["Sell list empty!"] = "賣出清單空的!"
L["#### Save List ####"] = "#### 保留清單 ####"
L["Save list empty!"] = "保留清單空的!"
L["You're not using any list. Use list option is off."] = "你沒有使用任何清單. 使用清單選項是禁用."
L["is not valid."] = "不是有效."
L["added to sell list."] = "增加到賣出清單."
L["already on sell list."] = "已經在賣出清單."
L["added to save list."] = "增加到保留清單."
L["already on save list."] = "已經在保留清單."
L["removed from sell list."] = "從賣出清單刪除."
L["not found on sell list."] = "在賣出清單未找到."
L["removed from save list."] = "從保留清單刪除."
L["not found on save list."] = "在保留清單未找到."
L["Sell list reset."] = "賣出清單重置."
L["Save list reset."] = "保留清單重置."
-- PopUp
L["Type the item/part of the item text box."] = "輸入物品/物品的一部分文字框."
L["Add to sell list"] = "增加到賣出清單"
L["Add to save list"] = "增加到保留清單"
L["Delete from sell list"] = "從賣出清單刪除"
L["Delete from save list"] = "從保溜清單刪除"
-- Import
L["Old data imported to list."] = "舊資料匯入到清單."
L["No import data found."] = "匯入資料未找到."
-- Help
L["Commands"] = "指令"
L["this menu."] = "選項."
L["same as /sellomatic."] = "/sellomatic相同."
L["opens add item box."] = "打開增加物品框."
L["opens del item box."] = "打開刪除物品框."
L["prints sell/save list if used."] = "列出賣出/保留清單如果在使用."
L["add #text to the sell list if used."] = "增加#文字到賣出清單如果在使用."
L["delete #text from the sell list if used."] = "刪除#文字到賣出清單如果在使用."
L["imports old sell list if available."] = "匯入舊的賣出清單如果有的話."
L["deletes all sell list data."] = "刪除所有賣出清單資料."
L["deletes all save list data."] = "刪除所有保留清單資料."
-- L["List tips"] = true
-- L["Some tips and clues to maximice the use of lists"] = true
-- L["tip #1"] = "If you want to sell a bunch of items, try to be a little specific, dont just add the letter b for basilisk whatever."
-- L["tip #2"] = "Avoid using special characters such as blank spaces, dots, percentajes and all that sort"
-- L["tip #3"] = ""
-- L["tip #4"] = ""
-- L["tip #5"] = "Remember: If you sell your entire inventory its probably because you set up WRONG your sell list."
ty chumsapaladin
but can u maybe add the option that it sells also blue and epic items?
i meen like a click-box directly in the main window of som.
that would be really nice =)
I'm sorry, I can not Ability.
text box Add to typing (no) Add to drag (yes) I want to add/Delete items to drag
Do you can add this function?
hi Thank you, a good addon add items by dragging it?
I am posting this on Curse, wowui, and WoWinterface, lets see if it stays this time... and oh, it is going into the Curse forums as well.
Date: 2008-12-04 11:51:42
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua line 1740:
attempt to call method 'SetUserData' (a nil value)
(tail call): ?
...nfig-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:1740: AddToBlizOptions()
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:9:
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5
(tail call): ?
...\AddOns\Altoholic\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:340: InitializeAddon()
This happens because SOM does not package AceGUI-3.0. In my setup, Altoholic provides an old version of AceGUI that is not compatible with the AceConfig-3.0 packaged with SOM.
Copying the most recent AceGUI-3.0 from Talented (loaded at a later time) to Altoholic solved the problem.
Please add AceGUI to SOM.
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\SellOMatic\SOM-esES.lua line 4:
attempt to index local 'L' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
SellOMatic\SOM-esES.lua:4: in main chunk
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("SellOMatic", "esES", false)
false change to true, it will work again (for me at least)