Upgrade Notice
Users upgrading from versions prior to 0.6.6 will lose any aura blacklist settings. A change was made to aura identification to resolve conflicts with skills such as Sacred Shield. Please re-blacklist any auras you aren't interested in after upgrading.
SexyCooldowns is a logarithmic cooldown bar. What's that, you say? Well, most timer bars you're used to are linear. That is, the distance between 0 seconds and 10 seconds is the same as the distance between 50 seconds and 60 seconds. A logarithmic cooldown bar is somewhat different - it represents cooldowns on a compressed timeline, so that cooldowns that are closer to being ready are represented as more active on the bar. This lets you represent a large amount of data on a single bar, and have it remain useful.
In short, SexyCooldown is a single consolidated timer bar for all your spell, pet's spell, item, and proc cooldowns, as well as buffs, debuffs, and totem timers. It's very flexible, and can be customized to fit into your UI as best you see fit.
- Spawn as many bars as you want, and show the specific information you want on each.
- Supports spell and talent cooldowns, explicit and internal item cooldowns, buffs on you, debuffs on you, and debuffs on your target or focus.
- Very highly configurable look and feel. Build bars that will fit into any UI.
- Bars may be oriented horizontally or vertically, and move in either direction.
- Extensible - can support virtually any kind of timer. Currently works as a cooldown, buff, and debuff timer, but the possibilities are endless.
Here you can see that I have set up three separate bars, one for my cooldowns at the bottom, one for short buffs on me (<45 seconds) above my unit frame, and one for my debuffs on my target above the target unit frame.
In a raid setting (Click for HD):
Thanks for updating. Here's an error. It's also not picking up DoomGuard/Infernal Warlock cooldown.
1x SexyCooldown-0.6.16\Modules\Spells.lua:15: attempt to index a nil value SexyCooldown-0.6.16\Modules\Spells.lua:156: in function `CacheSpells' SexyCooldown-0.6.16\Modules\Spells.lua:57: in function <SexyCooldown\Modules\Spells.lua:56>
edit: delete please
Here's how you can fix it yourself:
1) Extract SexyCooldown onto your desktop. Do not extract it to the WoW\Interface\Addons folder yet because we cannot easily edit them from there on Vista/Windows 7.
2) Open up Spells.lua (it's in the Modules folder) in Notepad. You will have to click on the drop down that says Text Documents (*.txt) and select All Files first to get Notepad to display .lua files.
3)Look for GetSpellName, it's around 10 lines from the top. Change that to GetSpellBookItemName. (Renaming such a frequently used function... nice one Blizzard).
4) The line right after that is "if not name then break end". After THAT line, paste the following.
if (GetSpellLink(i, book)) then
5) A few lines after that is an "end". Stick another one right after that so you have "end end".
6) Open up the file Modules\RaidDebuffs.lua. Remove everything between the brackets for RAID_DEBUFF_BLEED, RAID_DEBUFF_MAJOR_ARMOR, RAID_DEBUFF_SPELL_HIT, RAID_DEBUFF_MORTAL_STRIKE. Don't remove the actual headers or the brackets, just the list of numbers inside of them. This will kill SexyCooldown's ability to monitor those debuffs.
7) Save those two files. Move the SexyCooldown folder you extracted on your desktop to its usual location in the Addons folder.
After doing this, SexyCooldowns should work fine. I haven't tested it much but it seemed to recognize the few spells I tried, including new spells. Don't know yet about items or other non-spell cooldowns.
What's your motivation/reason for scrapping out the raid debuff list?
For those computer illiterate folks out there (e.g. me), when it comes to the "RaidDebuffs" seciton of the fix, you can delete the stuff that says "--SpellName" as well. When I did it, I wasn't sure if only the numbers should go. Hope this helps.
omg omg it's alive omg luuuuv
I suspect the spell success handler is no longer triggering, which means either that handler needs to be fixed, or a different method for detecting spell casts need to be used.