Inserts more than 30 additional fonts into LibSharedMedia's storage.
LibSharedMedia is used as a library in other addons to add resources such as fonts, sounds, images, ... By installing SharedMediaAdditionalFonts, you add fonts to the list of fonts provided by LibSharedMedia to these addons. If your other addons do not use LibSharedMedia, this addon (SharedMediaAdditionalFonts) doesn't do anything.
List of popular addons that use LibSharedMedia:
- Recount / Skada Damage Meter / Details! Damage Meter
- Prat
- WeakAuras
- Omen Threat Meter
- Quartz
- ...
120x Error loading SharedMediaAdditionalFonts\Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua
Still getting errros....
48x Error loading SharedMediaAdditionalFonts\Libs\LibStub\ this addon no supported any more????
woke up this morning and logged into wow and got this error....
3x Error loading SharedMediaAdditionalFonts\Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua
Any ideas? It looks like i posted back in December but no one responded...Is anyone watching this?????
Hi, how can I add a custom font to your addon ?
I added my font in "Interface\AddOns\SharedMediaAdditionalFonts\fonts", but it doesn't work, I don't see it in game.
so i'm getting this following error
6x Error loading SharedMediaAdditionalFonts\Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua
Is this just the addon not getting updated or fixed?
Why dont works dude:( I want Roboto font for nameplates but there is no any font from this addon I have LibSharedMedia 3.0 and SharedMedia. Tryind to change fonts for plater. But i dont see them in Weak auras or plater or Suf
In reply to BeyondRem:
It's up to the AddOns themselves to support SharedMedia. If they don't add support, the fonts will not show. This can't be fixed by this AddOn.
Hello. I use "Lib: SharedMedia-3.0" and I get following error with your addon enabled:
This folder doesn't even exist. I have "Lib: LibStub" installed, but even when it's enabled, error is still there.
Just to be sure I tested following scenarios:
1. Lib: SharedMedia-3.0 enabled
2. Lib: SharedMedia-3.0 and Lib: LibStub enabled
3. Lib: SharedMedia-3.0 and WeakAuras enabled
4. Lib: SharedMedia-3.0, Lib: LibStub enabled and WeakAuras enabled
Thanks for updating the addon, works like a charm again for me.
Only two addons enabled:
In reply to RealRobD:
Im getting errors too, which is a shame as although its an old addon, I used it primarily to import new fonts I found into the game and without this, Ill lose all those fonts. Anyone able to update the addon or is there a way of swapping all the fonts in this font folder to the game some other way?
In reply to snichy:
Let me give it a look.
In reply to snichy:
Alright so the current version of the AddOn does NOT support MyAdditionalFonts.lua by default, which means to things:
While 1) is correct, 2) needs to be fixed. You should give a look at the ShareMediaAdditionalFonts.lua file and make sure that your MyAdditionalFonts.lua is similar.
Here is what your file should look like:
if not SharedMediaAdditionalFonts then return end
SharedMediaAdditionalFonts:Register("font", "Readable Font Name", [[Interface\Addons\SharedMediaAdditionalFonts\fonts\YourFont.ttf]])
The parts in bold need to be changed. The last line can be copied for each font that you want to add.
My font list is significantly smaller with the new patch. All of the "vibro" fonts are missing among many more. I used Vibrocen for everything. Do I need to add it somehow or are we waiting for more updates?
In reply to Froagh:
In reply to pb_ee1:
In reply to Froagh:
In reply to AllInOneMighty:
I have a .ttf for the Vibrocen font. I know it is also available with LUI.
I also found it here:
In reply to pb_ee1: