Shortens gold output in your chatframes by using the icons instead of names.
See images for clarification.
Current available options:
- Slash commands: /sgl or /shortengoldloot
- cashflow - toggles removal of guild perk "cashflow" addition to gold-loot. - Default: Disabled.
- coinicons - toggles replacement of Gold/Silver/Copper by there icons. - Default: Enabled.
Nice addon still, but the cashflow info does not show anymore in 4.3.0, icons still work though.
Was wondering if you could replace: "deposited to guild bank" with "for Guild"
/sgl cashflow2 ; cashflow has to be shown in order to work
Well, I get it to work.... - once - ... after it shows up once, it reverts back to the previous 'deposited to guild bank' line.
local gold,silver,copper = strsub(GOLD_AMOUNT,3),strsub(SILVER_AMOUNT,3),strsub(COPPER_AMOUNT,3)
ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_MONEY", function(self,event,msg,...)
msg=gsub(msg, "," ,"")
msg=gsub(msg,copper,"|TInterface\\MoneyFrame\\UI-CopperIcon:14:14:2:0|t" )
msg=gsub(msg,silver,"|TInterface\\MoneyFrame\\UI-SilverIcon:14:14:2:0|t" )
msg=gsub(msg,gold,"|TInterface\\MoneyFrame\\UI-GoldIcon:14:14:2:0|t" )
return false, msg, ...
end )
Shortened the globalstring for the cashflow