ShowRaidFrame always shows the Blizzard Raid Frames, including when you are solo
If you were looking to hide them instead, you can try out HideRaidFrame or one of the dozen other addons
ShowRaidFrame will override any of these addons
Note: This will taint the raid frames, so it's recommended to only use this if you have an unknown addon hiding/disabling the Raid Frames
- Taint will prevent updating the Raid Frames if players leave/join the raid while in combat
- FixRaidTaint code included
List of AddOns that hide the Raid Frames:
- amiRaidHider - Curse
- BadRaidFrames - WoWI
- BRaidFrameRemover - WoWI
- DisableBlizzFrame - Curse
- DisableRaidFrames - Curse
- DisableRaidParty - Curse
- DismissBlizzardUI - Curse
- HideBlizz - Curse
- HideBlizzardRaidFrame - Curse
- HideBlizzRaidFrame - Curseforge
- HideBlizzRaidFrames - Curse
- HideRaidFrame - Curse, WoWI
- HideUnitFrames - Curse
- NetoxicRaidFrameRemover - WoWI
- no! CRFM - WoWI
- PieSaysNo - Curse
- RaidFrameBeGone - Curse
- RaidFrameBuster - Curse, WoWI
- RaidFrameHider - WoWI
- RaidHide - WoWI
- RaidRemover - WoWI
- RemoveBlizzardRaidFrames - WoWI
- RemoveDefaultRaidFrames - Curse
- RemoveRaidFrameManager - Curse
- RemoveRaidFrames - Curse, WoWI
Tickets (Bugs / Errors / Feature Requests)
This addon works perfectly but causes a 'taint' with the default raid frames that results in their not updating when a change occurs during combat. For example, if you DC during combat your bars will not show when you login. If a player joins the raid during combat that players bar will not show, etc.
The problem is "taint" is very hard to track, such that it spreads everywhere and blames anything. A lot of people have reported this problem and probably aren't even using ShowRaidFrame
I'll have to playtest with only ShowRaidFrame enabled to know for sure if it taints
This is a very small addon of only 45 lines though and it doesn't use the Ace3 framework, so it should be easier to poinpoint it in case anything taints
If that's indeed the case though, then ShowRaidFrame would be immediately crippled, because then it can't reliably do its job without tainting
@Ketho - I determined that this addon was the cause of taint based on a forum-suggested run script:
/run print(issecurevariable("CompactRaidFrame1"))
If there is an issue present it outputs the name of the addon causing the issue, otherwise it outputs a nil value. In this case anytime my frames failed to reload properly it output ShowRaidFrames. Conversely there is another macro that quickly causes the RaidFrames to restructure; maybe you can make it part of your addon to help bypass any taint?
/click CompactUnitFrameProfilesGeneralOptionsFrameUseClassColors
/click CompactUnitFrameProfilesGeneralOptionsFrameUseClassColors
The above just changes (and changes back) the class color option but it causes the raid frames to reload and thus forces an update.
You are right, rkieru. Sorry for not immediately believing you
(btw the post order is a bit weird, this is post #4 and below is post #3)
I playtested in BGs with only ShowRaidFrame enabled, and the Raid Frames were indeed tainted, noted from both issecurevariable() and in combat bugs
Disabling :Hide taints -- stops other addons from hiding the raid frames
Calling :Show taints -- shows the raid frames before other addons can possibly disable :Show
So ShowRaidFrame has no choice but to taint in order to "work". There is nothing to do about this
But your restructuring (after combat) suggestion could ease this problem.
There are at least 2 known raid frame taint bugs (while in combat):
#1 Raid Frame doesn't get updated when players leave/join the raid
#2 Sometimes when clicking a Raid Frame unit, it actually selects a different unit
This is supposed to be fixed by calling CompactRaidFrameContainer_TryUpdate() or CompactRaidFrameContainer_LayoutFrames()
But for some reason that didn't work so I'm thinking of changing back and forth from the [Keep Groups Together] option
/click CompactUnitFrameProfilesGeneralOptionsFrameKeepGroupsTogether
/click CompactUnitFrameProfilesGeneralOptionsFrameKeepGroupsTogether
/run local a=CompactRaidFrameContainer for _,v in ipairs({({flush="discrete",discrete="flush"})[a.groupMode],a.groupMode})do CompactRaidFrameContainer_SetGroupMode(a,v)end
Here is my proof of concept code:
The conclusion is that ShowRaidFrame taints by simply calling :Show on the Raid Frames, and should not be used unless you have an unknown addon hiding/disabling the Raid Frames
So to the general public: The fixes I described and which rkieru suggested are sadly only to patch up the taint bugs everytime after combat, if a player joined/left the raid while in combat