Include some data about drops from rares, so you can know whether you've gotten the mount / toy / pet that something drops. Data's present for everything in BFA, and spottily before that
You can add this to tooltips for the rare so you'll know when you see it
The target popup has a loot icon you can mouse over for details
The broker dropdown includes icons breaking out what's dropped and whether you have it already
The HandyNotes icons show this in their tooltips
Improved sound options: you can choose the channel the sound plays on (Master, Music, SFX, etc), and you can ask it to play while the game isn't focused / the channel is muted
Improved the flash alert: you can choose the color and texture
Add an option to not announce for mobs that another character has the achievement for, regardless of whether the current character has also completed it
Improved map icons in HandyNotes: you can choose between circles and skulls, and you can tell it to color the icons uniquely per-mob or by completion
You can right-click on a map icon to add a TomTom waypoint for every location that mob has
Added a bunch of new target popup themes
Added a slash command so you can do things like /silverdragon add 123456 or /silverdragon remove target or /silverdragon ignore target
Allow right-clicking on the target popup to close it
Add bulk ignore all / none buttons to the expansion mob lists
The broker dropdown is now scrollable, and you can mouse over it for more information about some icons
Cleaned up some of the Assault / Nazjatar mobs which are replacement-spawns for common mobs
Cleaned up various rares which are only ever present for world quests
Changed really long-standing behavior: raid member targets are now checked, not just party member targets
Fixed various quest ids
Stopped hiding chat-channel output from the config for other addons using LibSink