Show alerts and popups when treasure vignettes appear on the map
Haven't y'all missed Ikiss screaming about trinkets? Well, if you really haven't, there's sound options for this.
New option to only have vignettes trigger alerts when they actually become visible
This is force-enabled in Ardenweald, because it has all vignettes viewable from the entire map for some reason
Change the behavior of the sound preferences: you can now separately toggle regular-mob sounds, mount-dropping sounds, boss sounds, and loot sounds without having to use the hack of setting the sound file to "None"
The overlay map pins were too sensitive, triggering the tooltip sooner than was ideal
Avoid tooltips for mobs with loot in the map overlay sticking around when they shouldn't
Avoid the tooltip on the loot window attached to the target popup overlapping the popup poorly
Avoid an error if you focus a mob that's in a zone with no route to you