- !html
simpleMinimap is a module-centric addon for modifying and personalizing one of the center-pieces of any UI -- the minimap. the core simpleMinimap mod has these features...
* left-click and drag the minimap anywhere
* hide and move the default minimap buttons
* zoom in and out with the mousewheel
* adjust the minimap's scale, outdoor alpha and strata
* bind a key to toggle the minimap
* type '/smm' for a list of commands
simpleMinimap also comes with several modules. these modules can be disabled and/or the files can be deleted if you don't need or want access to the features. they are located in the simpleMinimap/modules folder...
* Autozoom - automatically zoom-out minimap after delay
* Coords - small frame that shows map coordinates
* GUI - dropdown setup menus (default is right-click on minimap)
* Movers - allows movement of UI frames attached to the minimap
* Pings - popup frame that shows the minimap pinger's name
* Skins - allows for changing the minimap's skin (square, corner)
thanks to...
* joev - for the original CleanMinimap
* Davik - for the square minimap skin
* grimman - for the dLx corner skin
* Contusion - for rotating the dLx corner skin
this mod uses Ace2 embedded libraries. for more info on Ace goto...