About SimpleUnitFrames
SimpleUnitFrames is an extension to the default WoW Unit Frames. Rather than a complete unitframe replacement, this addon adds further information and features to the existing frames and allows a greater degree of customization to enhance their usability.
The v2.x.x series of SimpleUnitFrames involved a complete re-write of the code, however credits go to Rophy and xan for their original work on the v1.x.x series.
All configuration for SimpleUnitFrames can be performed through the Interface Options panel which can be opened through the slash commands /simpleunitframes or /suf, or through ESC -> Interface -> AddOns Tab -> SimpleUnitFrames.
HP, Mana, Energy, Rage & Runic Power Display
The default unitframes only allow either [total]/[max] or [percent] values to be shown on HP and mana bars, however SimpleUnitFrames provides several default overlay options or a method to create your very own styles using LibDogTag-3.0 syntax (also available through the in-game /dog command).
SimpleUnitFrames comprises the following modules which enhance each frame:
- Class Icon Display
- Text Overlays
- Custom Text Overlay Styles
- Portrait Damage Display
- Bar Textures
Supported Frames
SimpleUnitFrames supports the following frames, each with their own customizations available:
- Player
- Pet
- Target
- TargetOfTarget
- Party
- PartyPet
- Focus
- FocusTarget
- Boss
For translators wishing to create/update translations for other languages than enUS, please do so though the Localization Page.
Bugs & Development
While the best effort is made to ensure that release quality zips do not have any bugs, inevitably errors slip through. If you encounter a bug, please ensure that it has not already been fixed in a more recent beta/alpha release or reported already on the ticket tracker. If the bug persists even in the latest development build and has not been reported, please post a ticket on the Project Tickets Page
Please report bugs and suggest features via the Ticket page rather than using the comments section as it provides a single point of reference to track the development of the addon.
Development builds of SimpleUnitFrames can always be found on the Project Files Page.
--Move Target Frame
TargetFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 50, -4)
Would you consider making this adjustment?
Count: 5
Call Stack:
Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:299: in function `TriggerEvent'
Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:910: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:903>
See this ScreenShot
mhp = {
point = { "TOP", TargetofTargetHealthBar,
"TOP", 0, 4 },
mmp = {
point = { "TOP", TargetofTargetManaBar,
"TOP", 0, 3 },
rmp = {
I never liked third party mods that changed the unitframe looks completely... don't know what I would've done without this. Thanks so much :)
HPcurrent and MPcurrent have been added in r72. I've not seen any issues with the group/loot icon overlapping the class icon myself, but will take another look.
There's no mouseover option for what specifically?
Oh! Good Work!! Ccurrently Error of "PartyFrame" is fixed perfectly and work well.
But.... The error with "Vehicle" in "PlayerFrame" is happen in "PartyFrame" too.
Can I confirm, when a party member takes control of a vehicle their party frame and pet frame are switched (the same as player/pet frames)?
Then, PartyPlayer frame's "PlayerFrame" and "VehicleFrame" reverse too(Like Playframe).
Formatted Health/Mana...
...Why is 'current' without the max not a supported format? You've got deficit. o-o Argh.
...Nevermind, I added it myself as 'HPcurrent'. Nice clean coding, there, very nice! ^-^
Hum, sorta wish I could move the group/loot icon off the class icon. Hmm. Maybe if I scootch one to one side... Also, there's no mouseover option. That'd be nice.
Anyhow! Beautiful work, thank you.
Ability to put percentage of target to the left of the bar (like the right text for the player frame).
When class of unit isn't known, don't show it (I don't need to know the class of npc's or bosses, just party members, or pvp targets).
Ability to make the actual numbers/percents for party members only show up on mouseover?
Maybe some sort of more visual display when a person goes offline rather than their frame just all being gray?
And now I'm just blithering. =)
Thanks for the addon, it is great, really simple and useful.
I have a question. How can I configure it? Is there some UI for change addon settings or console maybe?