Skada Damage Meter
Skada is a modular damage meter with various viewing modes, segmented fights and customizable windows. It aims to be highly efficient with memory and CPU.
"Skada" is Swedish for "Damage".
Note: I took a tiny break from WoW (a decade), but recently started playing SoD. Be aware that this addon may not quite work yet.
When you first start using Skada, there will be a window created by default. This window can be extensively customized in Skada's configuration panel; click the little cog icon to access a menu, and then click Configure. Depending on your user interface, there may also be a minimap button allowing quick access to this menu.
Skada supports multiple windows. To create a new window, click Windows in the addon's configuration panel. There are three built-in types of windows - Bar, Inline, and Data text. Bar is the classic damage meter window, and is very customizable. Inline shows the meter in a horizontal line, which can be useful for integration in custom user interfaces. Data text shows just one item at a time, and can also be displayed by any LDB display addon, such as Titan Panel, ChocolateBar, or ElvUI.
In the normal Bar window, you can left click on specific items for more detailed information, and right click for less details. At the very "top" is the list of all saved fight segments. Some data modes have several detailed information views. In this case you choose alternate views by holding certain keys pressed while clicking. For example, in Damage mode, you can Shift-click a player to see what enemies the player caused damage to. Tooltips will display how to reach the different views.
You can also use window buttons for selecting fight segment and mode directly.
Scrolling in Skada is done with the mousewheel.
Skada is easy to extend, and there were once many extra plugin addons out there that add functionality. However, there are unlikely to be any maintained ones currently.
There is a page with API information here.
Reporting issues
For now use comments.
One thing though, when I was first using skada, I noticed that while browsing abilities and whatnot, upon mouseover of a certain skill, it would show me the minimum, maximum, and average hit for every skill I hovered my mouse over, but it doesn't seem to show up anymore. I looked all across the options but have not found anything to show it. Anything I'm missing?
If such data is available, how do I get to it?
I don't find any option to increse this
thank you :]
You don't need to do this to see more though, as you can scroll down and up with your mousewheel.
All done, andy52005.
Also, the top 5 on Skada are not consistent with the top 5 via Recount or WWS reports. Also, Recount and WWS are identical to each other. So it seems they are using combatlog data the same way while Skada is not. Now this could be some setting in Skada that I need to tweak or it may not be. I am just looking for any advice I can get.
It is frustrating that there is not response on this question. I feel it is a fair question.
tooltip:AddDoubleLine("Minimum hit:", Skada:FormatNumber(spell.min), 255,255,255,255,255,255)
tooltip:AddDoubleLine("Maximum hit:", Skada:FormatNumber(spell.max), 255,255,255,255,255,255) end
tooltip:AddDoubleLine("Average hit:", Skada:FormatNumber(spell.damage / spell.totalhits), 255,255,255,255,255,255)
tooltip:AddDoubleLine(L["Minimum hit:"], Skada:FormatNumber(spell.min), 255,255,255,255,255,255)
tooltip:AddDoubleLine(L["Maximum hit:"], Skada:FormatNumber(spell.max), 255,255,255,255,255,255) end
tooltip:AddDoubleLine(L["Average hit:"], Skada:FormatNumber(spell.damage / spell.totalhits), 255,255,255,255,255,255)
locale\enUS.lua add
L["Minimum hit:"] = "Minimum hit:" L["Maximum hit:"] = "Maximum hit:" L["Average hit:"] = "Average hit:"
locale\zhTW.lua add
L["Minimum hit:"] = "最小傷害:" L["Maximum hit:"] = "最大傷害:" L["Average hit:"] = "平均傷害:"
I love this addon but if the comparisons are not equal or even close, they lose credibility with others and affect my ability to rely on them for splitting groups for certain boss fights.
I cant be the only one experiencing this but I dont see anything about it. What am I missing?
Skada has support for LibDataBroker. Any LDB display addon (such as Titan Panel, Fortress, DockingStation, Carousel, NinjaPanel, etc) should be able to show Skada.
FuBar support is not something I plan on adding, since I don't use FuBar.
Say if I wanted to report the hit/crit breakdown of my Howling Blast during a specific fight. To get to the window it's segment -> damage -> player -> ability, but you can't report anything more detailed than damage for that segment.
Along with a quick report button in the menu (using the same channel/max lines as the normal report I guess, but personally I kinda see the current report function as redundant if a report like Recount is implemented, why would I want to report something else than what I'm looking at and even if I do it's MUCH faster navigating in the main view than the report menu) I'd love a reset option in the menu since I haven't found any other way to reset the addon apart from the command. An option to delete the data when you delete segments and another to not count specifically saved segments towards the total would be awesome (say you keep XT damage from the previous week for comparison but don't want it cluttering up the data from the current raid).