Skada Damage Meter
Skada is a modular damage meter with various viewing modes, segmented fights and customizable windows. It aims to be highly efficient with memory and CPU.
"Skada" is Swedish for "Damage".
Note: I took a tiny break from WoW (a decade), but recently started playing SoD. Be aware that this addon may not quite work yet.
When you first start using Skada, there will be a window created by default. This window can be extensively customized in Skada's configuration panel; click the little cog icon to access a menu, and then click Configure. Depending on your user interface, there may also be a minimap button allowing quick access to this menu.
Skada supports multiple windows. To create a new window, click Windows in the addon's configuration panel. There are three built-in types of windows - Bar, Inline, and Data text. Bar is the classic damage meter window, and is very customizable. Inline shows the meter in a horizontal line, which can be useful for integration in custom user interfaces. Data text shows just one item at a time, and can also be displayed by any LDB display addon, such as Titan Panel, ChocolateBar, or ElvUI.
In the normal Bar window, you can left click on specific items for more detailed information, and right click for less details. At the very "top" is the list of all saved fight segments. Some data modes have several detailed information views. In this case you choose alternate views by holding certain keys pressed while clicking. For example, in Damage mode, you can Shift-click a player to see what enemies the player caused damage to. Tooltips will display how to reach the different views.
You can also use window buttons for selecting fight segment and mode directly.
Scrolling in Skada is done with the mousewheel.
Skada is easy to extend, and there were once many extra plugin addons out there that add functionality. However, there are unlikely to be any maintained ones currently.
There is a page with API information here.
Reporting issues
For now use comments.
im with my guild now in tos about once at 2 fights hati compeltly dissapears from my skada and you can find it on our demo warlock dmg. i lose around 140 k dps.
This seems to happen every so often but not every time. Since I have been spamming LFRs to test the update I noticed a few times.
I will engage a boss after zoning in from a queue popping but my dps will be insanely low (like 1/2 or less what I normally do). If I reload my UI after a boss encounter and move on to the next boss the damage will be normal. If I don't, it will continue boss after boss until I reload.
It seems, especially in queued instances like LFR that it is not registering something properly unless you reload your UI.
Don't want to report this as a bug because I can't reproduce it everytime. I do know when it does happen, a reload of the UI is required to fix it.
The last update with the tweaks on hati and Akari what is supposed to do? Just did a dungeon with a rogue and akari appeared sepparately on skada, not merged with the owner. Dont know about Hati yet but considering the akari i wouldnt get my hopes up. (Ofc i updated the addon first).
Later edit: Hati shows not merged too sometimes, less though.
Did you update this with the game still running? If you did sounds like it didn't register the module properly now used for collecting this. If you did try relaunching the game and see if it collects properly. A lot of people update their addons without closing wow first. Any file added won't get picked up until the client is closed and relaunched (should always update addons with the game closed).
Game wasnt running when i updated.
Try rechecking merge pets. I have ran over a dozen LFR TOS runs now testing this and have not had one issue.
The bug with hati doesnt appear on every boss, I did for example Anomaly in nh probably 80 times since Nh opened and the pet never appeared bugged on that boss. It may be that on the 3 bosses available in Tos raid finder hati doesnt get bugged. Regarding the Akari it is easily possible that there was no rogue in your runs with subtlety spec as most play assasination. Do Scorpyon in nh with a friend, make sure there is another bm hunter at that boss and ask your friend to see if there is a hati at the bottom of skada on that boss.
About the bug you posted above reloading ui wont help much if it bugs for the others in the raid too. It will be directly kick from a pug. Even if it is guild run they wont reload the ui and bm hunter will look even worse than ever. Highly highly highly disappointing everything that happens with skada. A rollback of the update that created this bug would be better if this is really the case (havent had this half dps bug yet)
L.E. did a few more runs on some other bosses, Hati seemed fine mostly, got bugged once and umerged from beast cleave. Akari from rogue deffintely not working. Always unmerged. Back to Details now
Hey, I love Skada, but it's not as accurate as Details!
Can you guys fix this problem? Make it count the dps/hps/nstuff right when the combat starts, not just only after I hit the boss.
I like Skadas interface and dont want to use Details..
It would be great to have a datatext that shows the player rank, dps, damage, damage %, rather than it only focusing on the leader. During the fight I am only interested in my performance, if I want to know raid performance, I will check the full window out of combat.
Any update on the issue where if you have more than one BM hunter in a raid, one of the meter results for hati becomes ungrouped from the player and skews the ranking for their dps? It's the sole reason I stopped using this as it makes for a difficult gauge of dps in a fight.
If you right before a raid starts go in and recheck the merge pet with owner it seems to temporarily fix this so for some reason, multiple players with pets, especially BM hunters tend to often cause on hunter to ungroup their hati from dps.
Details has found a way to work around this so might want to check to see what they have done to insulate against this happening. It can be as much as a 40-50k dps difference
+1 this drives our guild nuts. Please fix it.
when will skada update to 7.2.5?
11x Skada\Skada-1.6.7.lua:1198: script ran too long
Skada\Skada-1.6.7.lua:1198: in function `Reset'
Skada\Skada-1.6.7.lua:1065: in function <Skada\Skada.lua:1058>
Skada\Skada-1.6.7.lua:1095: in function `?'
Skada\Skada-1.6.7.lua:42: in function <Skada\Skada.lua:41>
self = <table> {
FormatNumber = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2137
get_player = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:1665
FixPets = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2303
UpdateDisplay = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:1968
EnableModule = <function> defined @Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:363
SetTooltipPosition = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2342
baseName = "Skada"
GetSets = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2128
SetDefaultModuleLibraries = <function> defined @Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:398
displays = <table> {
windowdefaults = <table> {
getsetlabel_fs = <unnamed> {
ApplySettings = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:1261
ClearIndexes = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:1631
ApplyBorder = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2542
modules = <table> {
GetSetTime = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2276
versions = <table> {
PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:1477
CancelTimer = <function> defined @Ace3\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:145
EndSegment = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:1369
IterateEmbeds = <function> defined @Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:473
defaultModuleState = true
SegmentMenu = <function> defined @Skada\Menus.lua:376
SetLabelFormats = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:454
CanReset = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:1148
RemoveFeed = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2262
DisableModule = <function> defined @Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:381
char = <table> {
AddFeed = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2257
AddLoadableModule = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2924
SetNotifyStorage = <function> defined @Skada\lib\LibNotify-1.0\LibNotify-1.0.lua:400
SetDefaultModulePrototype = <function> defined @Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:440
options = <table> {
FrameSettings = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2563
OpenMenu = <function> defined @Skada\Menus.lua:73
DeleteWindow = <function> defined =[C]:-1
IsEnabled = <function> defined @Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:482
DeleteSet = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:1203
RemoveMode = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2248
db = <table> {
AddLoadableModuleCheckbox = <function> defined @Skada\Options.lua:160
OpenOptions = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2870
ScheduleTimer = <function> defined @Ace3\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:92
SetEnabledState = <function> defined @Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:455
AddColumnOptions = <function> defined @Skada\Options.lua:122
SetFeed = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:1285
ENCOUNTER_START = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:1893
defaults = <table> {
ReloadSettings = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:1233
resetoptions = <table> {
PET_BATTLE_CLOSE = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:1115
GetSetLabel = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:463
cleuFrame = <unnamed> {
OpenReportWindow = <function> defined @Skada\Menus.lua:446
AddDisplaySystem = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2180
AddSubviewToTooltip = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2423
GetFeeds = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2252
Wipe = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:1576
MemoryCheck = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2916
valueid_sort = <function> defined @Skada\Skada.lua:2409
is probable that this item add healing done to the healer?
The issue with a BM and a Hati. Is it really disappointing. Is this problem so difficult that it can't be fixed since the Legion start?..
As of today, some modules (Damage, DPS, Healing, etc..) are not gathering any data and are showing DISABLED in red. Any idea how to fix this?
*Got it, only seems to be disabled in some zones. Kinda a Blizzard thing I guess ..
where can i hide the MiniMap-Button?
Pls advice,
have fun-