Skada Damage Meter
Skada is a modular damage meter with various viewing modes, segmented fights and customizable windows. It aims to be highly efficient with memory and CPU.
"Skada" is Swedish for "Damage".
Note: I took a tiny break from WoW (a decade), but recently started playing SoD. Be aware that this addon may not quite work yet.
When you first start using Skada, there will be a window created by default. This window can be extensively customized in Skada's configuration panel; click the little cog icon to access a menu, and then click Configure. Depending on your user interface, there may also be a minimap button allowing quick access to this menu.
Skada supports multiple windows. To create a new window, click Windows in the addon's configuration panel. There are three built-in types of windows - Bar, Inline, and Data text. Bar is the classic damage meter window, and is very customizable. Inline shows the meter in a horizontal line, which can be useful for integration in custom user interfaces. Data text shows just one item at a time, and can also be displayed by any LDB display addon, such as Titan Panel, ChocolateBar, or ElvUI.
In the normal Bar window, you can left click on specific items for more detailed information, and right click for less details. At the very "top" is the list of all saved fight segments. Some data modes have several detailed information views. In this case you choose alternate views by holding certain keys pressed while clicking. For example, in Damage mode, you can Shift-click a player to see what enemies the player caused damage to. Tooltips will display how to reach the different views.
You can also use window buttons for selecting fight segment and mode directly.
Scrolling in Skada is done with the mousewheel.
Skada is easy to extend, and there were once many extra plugin addons out there that add functionality. However, there are unlikely to be any maintained ones currently.
There is a page with API information here.
Reporting issues
For now use comments.
In reply to eSkiSo:
I've tested this and corroborated the change. I modified my file local _retail_\Interface\Addons\Skada\lib\SpecializedLibBars-1.0\SpecializedLibBars-1.0.lua and made three edits:
1. line 317 (in AddButton) remove the 1.0 param and close the parenthesis after highlighttex
2. line 499 (in NewBarGroup) remove SetMinResize entirely
3. line 500 (in NewBarGroup) remove SetMaxResize entirely
Kudos to eSkiSo for solving the lib changes
In reply to eSkiSo:
I've tested this and corroborated the change. I modified my file local _retail_\Interface\Addons\Skada\lib\SpecializedLibBars-1.0\SpecializedLibBars-1.0.lua and made three edits:
1. line 317 (in AddButton) remove the 1.0 param and close the parenthesis after highlighttex
2. line 499 (in NewBarGroup) remove SetMinResize entirely
3. line 500 (in NewBarGroup) remove SetMaxResize entirely
Kudos to eSkiSo for solving the lib changes
In reply to eSkiSo:
I've tested this and corroborated the change. I modified my file local _retail_\Interface\Addons\Skada\lib\SpecializedLibBars-1.0\SpecializedLibBars-1.0.lua and made three edits:
1. line 317 (in AddButton) remove the 1.0 param and close the parenthesis after highlighttex
2. line 499 (in NewBarGroup) remove SetMinResize entirely
3. line 500 (in NewBarGroup) remove SetMaxResize entirely
Kudos to eSkiSo for solving the lib changes
In reply to eSkiSo:
Thanks! A lot of addons broke with the new patch and it's great that someone fixes them.
In reply to eSkiSo:
As per the API changelog, SetMinResize and SetMaxResize have been changed to SetResizeBounds, so, you probably want to change the deprecated calls to SetResizeBounds and not just remove them.
list:SetResizeBounds(60, 40, 800, 800)
For the SetHighlightTexture, the '1.0' can also be replaced by "ADD". Removing the 1.0 probably disables blending (although not sure about this).
In reply to eSkiSo:
After installing the DF pre launch patch, I have tried downloading and still can't get Skada to open/run. If I type /skada config, nothing happens. If I type /skada toggle, nothing happens. I switched between the new Modern or Classic HUD's and also turned off every other add-on except skada and still won't work. Yesterday I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling but it's a no go. Any suggestions?
In reply to Lgrobertson22:
It could be that you have another addon that loads AceLibs (so skada does not load its own) and those libs could be broken, try disabling all addons and just keep Skada and see if it shows correctly
In reply to eSkiSo:
Yes, I had already tried that. I usually try everything I can think of before posting a question. I could finally get the skada config to load but I still can't get the skada meter to work. It worked before the patch.
In reply to eSkiSo:
After searching for a fix to the problem, I found this suggestion and now Skada is working. Thought I'd pass it along and save you some time.
In reply to eSkiSo:
Tried this, just caused WoW itself to stop launching.
In reply to meganerd20:
No way any of this changes stopped WOW from launching, you can even type random words in an addon code and it will just fail to load the addon, not WOW.
In reply to eSkiSo:
Thank you very much for the update and for posting it on GitHub.
I have one request - to set up the file structure of the .zip file on GitHub to include the Skada folder (like how it is set up on Curse for Skada if I download the file directly from this website). That's what allows me to unzip all of the addons that I install manually into the same folder (\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns). I would like to be able to do the same with the updated Skada .zip file on GitHub.
Please don't make me use the bloated, poorly designed mess that is Details..
After prepatch today not working at all. No any errors, but skada`s window is absent... I can call window with skada setting through command line, but nothing useful happens...
In reply to BloodyFess:
I've fixed Skada for Dragonflight.
- Updated AceLibs
- Fixed SpecializedLibBar-1.0.lua that prevented addon to load
In reply to BloodyFess:
I've fixed Skada for Dragonflight.
- Updated AceLibs
- Fixed SpecializedLibBar-1.0.lua that prevented addon to load
In reply to IArsene:
Can you share what fix you did?
Farewell. Another old friend has left my Addons folders. It's been a while, but we all have to move on, eventually.
I may need to soon switch to another addon, sad to say. Skada still functions for the most part but it's been over a year since the last update and, with the soon-to-be on PTR Patch 9.2.0, the addon will only depreciate further.
It's not an easy thing to let go. I've been using Skada since the days of Throne of Thunder, when the Thunder King boss fight forced a switch from Recount due to the latter causing severe encounter issues. Never looked back after that.
So long, and thanks for all the numbers.