

The ultimate addon for party and raid recovery after a partial or total wipe. There is a plethora of features, most functional, some are for roleplay.

A Short List of Features

Not every feature exits for every WoW version. For example, settings for mass resurrection spells are not available in Classic Era or Season of Discovery. I am still writing the code, which means there are features which are not done.

  • SmartRes2 is lightweight and modular. You can enable or disable almost everything, up to and including entire plugins.
  • Create your own random messages for printing to chat to entertain your group.
  • Disable or remove chat messages you do not wish to use. There is a recycle bin to restore deleted messages.
  • Customize the bar frame with borders, fonts, and more. Future ideas include supporting themes.
  • Bind keys for one-click casting of your class resurrection spells, including Hunter pet spells (requires retail, crane and moth pets).
  • Non-combat spells intelligently parse your group for dead characters, prioritizing healers, tanks, then DPS. The option to change the priority is being investigated.
  • Non-combat resurrection spells, including mass resurrections, check if your cast is the fastest, and if anyone's spell is not the fastest, SmartRes2 can inform them of a collision.
  • A frame of colour-coded bars provides a visual display of resurrections. (Not ready as of June, 2024).
  • If you have a combat res spell, there is an option to switch the manual target key bind to the spell during combat, and back to your regular res spell out of combat.
  • SmartRes2 supports all WoW versions that have been released as of June, 2024. The War Within is planned, but I do not have access to the beta.


People can start localizing SmartRes2 via the Wowace web portal. As of June 6, 2024, the current words and phrases are set; however, there will be more added and those added later may change as development progresses.


Addon authors are welcome to write their own modules and plug their options into SmartRes2. There is a Public API which has the basics. More instructions will be added as development advances.

Preview Screenshots

These are not final, and are subject to change, especially as I add features.

Main UI

Chat Options Tab

Character Bindings

Minimap Tab


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 8, 2009
  • Last Released File
    Mar 28, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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