The ultimate addon for party and raid recovery after a partial or total wipe. There is a plethora of features, most functional, some are for roleplay.
A Short List of Features
Not every feature exits for every WoW version. For example, settings for mass resurrection spells are not available in Classic Era or Season of Discovery. I am still writing the code, which means there are features which are not done.
- SmartRes2 is lightweight and modular. You can enable or disable almost everything, up to and including entire plugins.
- Create your own random messages for printing to chat to entertain your group.
- Disable or remove chat messages you do not wish to use. There is a recycle bin to restore deleted messages.
- Customize the bar frame with borders, fonts, and more. Future ideas include supporting themes.
- Bind keys for one-click casting of your class resurrection spells, including Hunter pet spells (requires retail, crane and moth pets).
- Non-combat spells intelligently parse your group for dead characters, prioritizing healers, tanks, then DPS. The option to change the priority is being investigated.
- Non-combat resurrection spells, including mass resurrections, check if your cast is the fastest, and if anyone's spell is not the fastest, SmartRes2 can inform them of a collision.
- A frame of colour-coded bars provides a visual display of resurrections. (Not ready as of June, 2024).
- If you have a combat res spell, there is an option to switch the manual target key bind to the spell during combat, and back to your regular res spell out of combat.
- SmartRes2 supports all WoW versions that have been released as of June, 2024. The War Within is planned, but I do not have access to the beta.
People can start localizing SmartRes2 via the Wowace web portal. As of June 6, 2024, the current words and phrases are set; however, there will be more added and those added later may change as development progresses.
Addon authors are welcome to write their own modules and plug their options into SmartRes2. There is a Public API which has the basics. More instructions will be added as development advances.
Preview Screenshots
These are not final, and are subject to change, especially as I add features.
I am nearing the end of what I can code in SmartRes2 without rebuilding LibResInfo. There is light at the end of the tunnel!
I am feeling the pressure of time. The War Within is, or is about to be, in beta, and I am hoping SmartRes2 would be done sometime during the beta, or at least in time for the prepatch. I'm not sure anymore. I may need help working on the code. I haven't even truly got started on LibResInfo-2.0. If anyone is interested in helping, send me a DM here or on GitHub.
The rewrite is moving along more slowly than I hoped. Still, there is progress. The code is significantly easier to understand and maintain, and I learned quite a lot about using Ace3 to build modules and user databases. After I test some things, a new build will be pushed to It may appear not much has changed, but *everything* has changed.
Any updates on the coding journey? I can't tell you enough how Altoholic needs some competition...
I am chipping away at SmartRes2 when I have time. As expected, I had to start from scratch, writing a new library to handle resurrection spells. I've been testing that in Dragonflight, then I need to convert and modify the library code for Classic Era as the two versions of WoW do not work the same.
The error is fixed, which lets me move on to other options and settings. I'm getting closer to having to rewrite LibResInfo, as I'm running out of things to code. If anyone is interested, you can check the progress on GitHub:
A small update: I've been working away at the new build, but ran into an error I don't know how to fix, so I asked on the Wowinterface forums; now I am waiting for a helpful soul to reply.
What's "done" (as in, not "finished"): the main skeleton of the code, most of the core options, and part of the first module handler. The actual resurrection code has yet to be started, as I need to rewrite that from scratch.
Still.... Progress!
October 2023: I am, *a-hem* reviving SmartRes2. It will be a long development process, as I need to start from scratch. The old code doesn't work for any version of the game, and Phanx's LibResInfo-1.0 is broken too. LibBars-1.0 died years ago, meaning a switch to LibCandyBar-3.0, and lots more fixes and changes.
The end goal is to make it compatible with all game versions, which is no easy task.
I would link my development repository, so people can see the progress, but I don't want people to install a buggy and incomplete "addon" thinking it works. When it works, SmartRes2 will be uploaded to Curseforge, Wowinterface, and Wago.
In reply to Sygon_Paul: as I said over on Altoholic, I loved this addon back in the day. Eagerly awaiting any versions for testing!
In reply to McAoifeDA: When I get to the testing stage, I will message you. SmartRes2 requires at least two people to test, more if I want to test the collision bars.
Is this addon going to continue? I would really like to continue using it.
Please guys make it work for wotlk classic 3.4.0 UwU
8.01 please
so, i guess its safe to assume that the other parts that are "coming soon" won't come?
the good part with this was the one button ress and the bars.
i know people get bored and quit the game, but i still gona hope the updates comes :D
This is probably a stupid question, but if I understand this right, the only functional piece at this time (Jul 2017) is the notification system and casting is still left to default mechanics or via some other addon? This will merely do chat messages so far? I ask because it says that the smart target system isn't written, but I half expected a targeted component to be in.
Correct. I all but left the game and never did continue this addon. I probably should, given people keep asking me.
About modules:
The modules are intended to be seperate downloads, and are not included with SmartRes2 on purpose. This allows users to install (or not install) whichever modules you wish. Of course, once installed, you can disable each module within the options.
For those wondering where the bars are, please read the main description above –– it specifically states that the only module currently available is the Chat module. The bars and the "smart" function are still being written, and are Coming Soon™.
To clarify, there are no bars visible right now, because the bars module does not yet exist. I am working on it!
Suddenly I got a popup each time I log in or reload UI that I have no modules installed. So I had to install the chat module only to disable it. Can we get a way to just disable the popup please. Thanks.
It should only notify you once per profile. Or on profile reset/new profile. If it doesn't (it does for me), please let me know.
It seems to me that SmartRes does not recognise Absolution. Please confirm/deny/fix/whatever.