SorhaQuestLog is a basic Quest/Achievement addon similar to MonkeyQuest and nQuestLog.
It allows the display of quests and achievements on the screen in an configurable way.
Options panel is accessible using /sql or /sorhaquestlog
Quest Controls
Hidden Quests
- Click the square at the top of the tracker to show/hide hidden quests
- Right-click a quest to show or hide it.
- Left-click a zone to collapse/expand it
- Right-click a zone to open a menu to show/hide quests
- Alt + right-click a zone to open a menu to show/hide zones
- Left-click a quest to open quest text pane. (Alt-Left if you enable full log option)
- Alt + Left-click a quest to open quest in world map log (Left if you enable full log option)
- Control left-click a quest to set it as the active quest tracking
- Alt + Ctrl left-click a quest to abandon it. (Can disable confirm dialog in options)
Core Features:
- Individual Minions for Quests, Achievements and Scenarios
- Auto Show/Hide options when entering instances, arenas, combat, pet battles, the outside world etc.
- Can hide the default blizzard quest frame
- Handles blizzards remote quests
- Borders and background for minions
- LDB Module
Quest Log Minion Features:
- Expandable/collapsible zone headers
- Auto collapsing/expanding zone headers as you change zones
- Hide Zone headers when all their quests are hidden
- Expand collapse menu available using alt-right-click on a zone
- Hide quests by right-clicking the quest or by selecting it from its zone headers right-click menu
- Hide completed objectives
- Can completely hide quest tracker when tracking no quests
- Hide or re-size item buttons
- Colour objective texts and statuses by completeness(gradual) , state(done/undone) or choose a custom colour
- Colour quest titles and level texts by level, completeness(gradual) , state(done/undone) or choose a custom colour
- Changeable fonts, font shadowing and font sizes for Zones, Quests and Objectives
- Adjustable indentation for quests and objectives
- Option to display only the quest details pane of the quest log when left-clicking a quest. (Alt left click to get the full quest log panel)
- Ctrl left-click a quest to set it as the active quest for blizzards minimap tracker, (Dugi arrow support)
- Alt + Ctrl left-click a quest to abandon it. (Can disable confirm dialog in options)
Achievement Minion Features:
- Customizable text by choosing fonts, sizes, shadowing and colours.
- Customizable textures for progress bars
- Optional progress status bars for the achievements that can have them
- Option to limit the number of tasks displayed per achievement
Notification Features:
- Customizable sounds for quest/objective complete and quest starting item picked up notifications.
- Choose custom sounds for quest completions and objective completions
- Re-direct the objective completion messages elsewhere with LibSink
Recent Changes
New since v1.4.8
- Track world quests
- Link Scenario and achievement minions to quest minion
Other Stuff >.>
Bug reporting and Suggestions
You can report bugs or suggestions using wowaces ticket system at:
If you want to help localize SorhaQuestLog you can do so using the wowace localization section at:
In v1.5 they were meant to be displaying in a "World Quests" zone when you shift-click them on the world map or enter one of their areas.
Will check into it to make sure there isn't something silly going on though :)
How do I remove untracked quests still showing on the quest tracker? I have allow hidden quests unchecked but they still show
Here is what I mean. The circled quests are not tracked (hidden) but still show)
Ah.. tbh I don't think the current system can hide untracked quests without using the Allow hidden quests system. That system uses the tracked quests to show or hide.
I should look into adding an option to only show tracked quests when not using the hidden quests though.
Can I ask why you don't use Allow hidden quests, curious how different people play :)
Because I do not want to see hidden quests. I only want to see quests that are either showing up as newly accepted, world quests, or those I actively track.
I think I was a tad confused by the wording is all. I'll give it a try now that I know it doesn't show hidden quests.
Love this!
Would it be possible to add a manual toggle for hide / show, maybe a keybind or checkbox on the quest log?
Sometimes out in the world I would love a clean screen even though I have quests tracked (when fishing, hanging out with friends etc.). I know I can go into the preferences for that, but a quick toggle would be great. :)
D'oh! It can do that. :) Found it on Chocolate bar.
Yi the databroken plugin hides/shows which it sounds like you found :)
There should be a keybind as well, ort to be in Esc->Key Bindings->Other ^_^
Hi Sorha,
How do I move / resize / remove this frame?
And also, if you could make the remote quest minion linkable I would be so happy <3
It is generated by libToast so sadly at the moment the only way is to try to use Toaster to move it.
Is not ideal I know, wondering if I can hijack the blizzard alert system, but tis a while off
Remote minion should in theory be linkable in version r187 or higher (from here ) :)
Thank you so much. It's all solved now <3
best quest addon for me, but one point.. ..would it be possible that the quests in the tracker do not expand everytime so i have to collapse it manually?
this happens only when leaving wow complete (i think when wow is out of ram) not after a simple relog..
thx so far..
Trying to solve this one, it is a pain to track down as I can see it happen, then do the exact same thing and not get the same result.
Will keep trying though :)
Hey Sorha,
Nice addon really like it.
Just want to point out that when you look at your questlog in your map, you can't minimize zones when you press the - button. When you press the - button the quests for that zone collapse but immediatly expand again (as if you would have clicked on the +)
It works fine in the quest log in game, only in your map you can't collapse quest zones.
Thanks and keep up the good work :)
Hopefully this is fixed in version r187 or higher (from here )
Back in the day you couldn't get access to the quest log data while a zone was collapsed, but it looks like blizzard might have removed that restriction. Give it a shot, hopefully it isn't going to derp somewhere :)
Hey, Sorha! Great addon! Just woould like to ask if it's possible to make the remote quest tracker attach to the quest tracker itself. Thanks!
Sorha2 -- thx again for continuing to update. This addon rules! I cannot stand the default Quest Tracker.
I chose a border and a background but it's not actually applying it. It applies it for a split moment then disappears (blink of an eye sort of thing).
Any ideas?
I will try check in the morning and see what I can do :)
They need a bit of an update at any point, because they are a little un-intuitive right now.
You pick the textures for it in the general settings, then each minions colour menu lets you pick the colour and transparency.
Constantly getting this error:
[07:44] Interface\AddOns\SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua:3893: Usage: GetItemCooldown(itemID)
[07:44] [C]: in function `GetItemCooldown'
Interface\AddOns\SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua:3893: in function <Interface\AddOns\SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua:3887>
[07:44] (*temporary) = nil
Does it still occur in the latest version form here
Any chance I could get a list of the quests you currently have, might need to get the particular one so I can figure this out :(
I would like to be able to anchor the achievement and scenario tracker to the quest tracker but I'm using grow upwards, so this just puts them all on top of each other. Is it possible to do this and I'm just not setting the right options, or is that not supported currently?