SorhaQuestLog is a basic Quest/Achievement addon similar to MonkeyQuest and nQuestLog.
It allows the display of quests and achievements on the screen in an configurable way.
Options panel is accessible using /sql or /sorhaquestlog
Quest Controls
Hidden Quests
- Click the square at the top of the tracker to show/hide hidden quests
- Right-click a quest to show or hide it.
- Left-click a zone to collapse/expand it
- Right-click a zone to open a menu to show/hide quests
- Alt + right-click a zone to open a menu to show/hide zones
- Left-click a quest to open quest text pane. (Alt-Left if you enable full log option)
- Alt + Left-click a quest to open quest in world map log (Left if you enable full log option)
- Control left-click a quest to set it as the active quest tracking
- Alt + Ctrl left-click a quest to abandon it. (Can disable confirm dialog in options)
Core Features:
- Individual Minions for Quests, Achievements and Scenarios
- Auto Show/Hide options when entering instances, arenas, combat, pet battles, the outside world etc.
- Can hide the default blizzard quest frame
- Handles blizzards remote quests
- Borders and background for minions
- LDB Module
Quest Log Minion Features:
- Expandable/collapsible zone headers
- Auto collapsing/expanding zone headers as you change zones
- Hide Zone headers when all their quests are hidden
- Expand collapse menu available using alt-right-click on a zone
- Hide quests by right-clicking the quest or by selecting it from its zone headers right-click menu
- Hide completed objectives
- Can completely hide quest tracker when tracking no quests
- Hide or re-size item buttons
- Colour objective texts and statuses by completeness(gradual) , state(done/undone) or choose a custom colour
- Colour quest titles and level texts by level, completeness(gradual) , state(done/undone) or choose a custom colour
- Changeable fonts, font shadowing and font sizes for Zones, Quests and Objectives
- Adjustable indentation for quests and objectives
- Option to display only the quest details pane of the quest log when left-clicking a quest. (Alt left click to get the full quest log panel)
- Ctrl left-click a quest to set it as the active quest for blizzards minimap tracker, (Dugi arrow support)
- Alt + Ctrl left-click a quest to abandon it. (Can disable confirm dialog in options)
Achievement Minion Features:
- Customizable text by choosing fonts, sizes, shadowing and colours.
- Customizable textures for progress bars
- Optional progress status bars for the achievements that can have them
- Option to limit the number of tasks displayed per achievement
Notification Features:
- Customizable sounds for quest/objective complete and quest starting item picked up notifications.
- Choose custom sounds for quest completions and objective completions
- Re-direct the objective completion messages elsewhere with LibSink
Recent Changes
New since v1.4.8
- Track world quests
- Link Scenario and achievement minions to quest minion
Other Stuff >.>
Bug reporting and Suggestions
You can report bugs or suggestions using wowaces ticket system at:
If you want to help localize SorhaQuestLog you can do so using the wowace localization section at:
UPDATED 19-Oct-2020
I've taken a SECOND pass at updating for 9.0.1 -
Reported issues, and some other problems found in my testing, have now been fixed.
I'll try to update further if people report additional issues.
The only currently known issue is that quest timers are currently disabled.
Download link:
NOTE, you will want to rename the folder after extracting it.
It will extract as SorhaQuestLog-main and should be renamed to SorhaQuestLog - and you probably need to remove your existing SorhaQuestLog folder before doing that.
(For the curious - follow this link to see first pass changes, and this one for second pass.)
In reply to RubioTwitch:
Getting an error, which causes the quest log frame to disappear, when the quest has an item that needs to be used with it.
Turning off quest items "fixes" it.
13x SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua:5646: attempt to call global 'GetDistanceSqToQuest' (a nil value)
In reply to Greybit:
(fixed; download again from same url)
In reply to RubioTwitch:
Also getting an error when you shift click on a world quest to track it.
This causes the quest log frame not to show until you remove the WQ from tracking using the default tracker.
7x SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua:2496: Usage: GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo(index)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua"]:2496: in function `Update'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua"]:2479: in function `new'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua"]:2631: in function `Update'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua"]:2573: in function `new'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua"]:3500: in function `Update'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua"]:5333: in function `GetQuestLogInformation'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua"]:4856: in function `?'
[string "@Ace3\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0-17.lua"]:55: in function <Ace3\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:50>
(*temporary) = nil
In reply to Greybit:
in Modules\Quest.lua:
2923: change GetDistanceSqToQuest to C_QuestLog.GetDistanceSqToQuest
5646: same
In reply to pjotrpottervogel:
Still getting the following error when a world quest is being tracked when shift clicking the quest on the map.
Prevents the quest tracker from showing until its removed.
Item button is now working correctly.
19x SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua:2496: Usage: GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo(index)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `GetQuestLogSpecialItemInfo'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua"]:2496: in function `Update'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua"]:2479: in function `new'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua"]:2631: in function `Update'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua"]:2573: in function `new'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua"]:3500: in function `Update'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua"]:5333: in function `GetQuestLogInformation'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua"]:4856: in function `?'
[string "@Ace3\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0-17.lua"]:55: in function <Ace3\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:50>
(*temporary) = nil
In reply to Greybit:
(fixed; download again from same url)
In reply to Greybit:
(fixed; download again from same url)
In reply to RubioTwitch:
Thank you very much! I love you forever ^^
In reply to RubioTwitch:
When clicking on a completed quest it throws back this:
SorhaQuestLog\Modules\Quests.lua:5702: attempt to call global 'GetQuestLogIsAutoComplete' (a nil value)
In reply to Greybit:
another one:
look for line 5700
In reply to pjotrpottervogel:
Could you roll all your changes into a .zip file and upload them to github or dropbox?
In reply to mothandras:
sorry, no. posting here is the best i can do.
In reply to mothandras:
I'll be updating mine soon with fixes for what's been reported, and a few that haven't
In reply to Greybit:
(fixed; download again from same url)
In reply to RubioTwitch:
Thank you very much RubioTwitch! I feel lost questing without Sorha.
Really hoping there will be an update for Shadowlands. SQL isn't working at all in 9.0.1
Please forgive me if I'm missing something obvious but I'm having an issue and can't seem to solve it.
Bonus objectives don't seem to be showing up for me.
If I go into an area where one exists, it's still auto-accepting and it has a visual like it seems to be going "into the tracker" but I don't see the progress bar or anything like that. I pretty much just have to keep going until I get the "Quest Complete" audible and chat message telling me I'm done. World quests, etc all seem to work fine.I hadn't gone into the settings for some time but I didn't see anything obvious that may have changed.I have no idea of maybe WoW made some sort of weird change regarding this functionality and am also admittedly making an assumption that this is due to something in Sorha but I can't figure it out. Any suggestions other than starting with a fresh install? Which I will do but I was hoping to avoid if at all possible....Thanks in advance!Sorry! I should have checked the bug reports first. I found this had been noted previously and the fix posted still works (
The "more work?" sound is 558127 (the number listed below is for peonwhat3, not peasantwhat3)
Tried this and it work, thanks!