SorhaQuestLog is a basic Quest/Achievement addon similar to MonkeyQuest and nQuestLog.
It allows the display of quests and achievements on the screen in an configurable way.
Options panel is accessible using /sql or /sorhaquestlog
Quest Controls
Hidden Quests
- Click the square at the top of the tracker to show/hide hidden quests
- Right-click a quest to show or hide it.
- Left-click a zone to collapse/expand it
- Right-click a zone to open a menu to show/hide quests
- Alt + right-click a zone to open a menu to show/hide zones
- Left-click a quest to open quest text pane. (Alt-Left if you enable full log option)
- Alt + Left-click a quest to open quest in world map log (Left if you enable full log option)
- Control left-click a quest to set it as the active quest tracking
- Alt + Ctrl left-click a quest to abandon it. (Can disable confirm dialog in options)
Core Features:
- Individual Minions for Quests, Achievements and Scenarios
- Auto Show/Hide options when entering instances, arenas, combat, pet battles, the outside world etc.
- Can hide the default blizzard quest frame
- Handles blizzards remote quests
- Borders and background for minions
- LDB Module
Quest Log Minion Features:
- Expandable/collapsible zone headers
- Auto collapsing/expanding zone headers as you change zones
- Hide Zone headers when all their quests are hidden
- Expand collapse menu available using alt-right-click on a zone
- Hide quests by right-clicking the quest or by selecting it from its zone headers right-click menu
- Hide completed objectives
- Can completely hide quest tracker when tracking no quests
- Hide or re-size item buttons
- Colour objective texts and statuses by completeness(gradual) , state(done/undone) or choose a custom colour
- Colour quest titles and level texts by level, completeness(gradual) , state(done/undone) or choose a custom colour
- Changeable fonts, font shadowing and font sizes for Zones, Quests and Objectives
- Adjustable indentation for quests and objectives
- Option to display only the quest details pane of the quest log when left-clicking a quest. (Alt left click to get the full quest log panel)
- Ctrl left-click a quest to set it as the active quest for blizzards minimap tracker, (Dugi arrow support)
- Alt + Ctrl left-click a quest to abandon it. (Can disable confirm dialog in options)
Achievement Minion Features:
- Customizable text by choosing fonts, sizes, shadowing and colours.
- Customizable textures for progress bars
- Optional progress status bars for the achievements that can have them
- Option to limit the number of tasks displayed per achievement
Notification Features:
- Customizable sounds for quest/objective complete and quest starting item picked up notifications.
- Choose custom sounds for quest completions and objective completions
- Re-direct the objective completion messages elsewhere with LibSink
Recent Changes
New since v1.4.8
- Track world quests
- Link Scenario and achievement minions to quest minion
Other Stuff >.>
Bug reporting and Suggestions
You can report bugs or suggestions using wowaces ticket system at:
If you want to help localize SorhaQuestLog you can do so using the wowace localization section at:
I also love this addon and would wish for it to be updated. However, Sorha hasn't been on here for over 6 months and the addon hasn't been updated since September 7th and from there to now the addon has seen a slew of errors and parts requiring updates which haven't been addressed.
Let's hope that they are just having a case of the thing called IRL and that they will come back for TWW and fix all the addon's issues!
It seems like, as with many addons in The War Within pre-patch, this one is now broken as well. Hoping for an update in the near future, as I find this addon critical to my gameplay.
Will the "Collections"-tracker be added to this? Blizz added the feature to track certain pieces of transmog when you shift-click them and have them tracked in your questlog.
The tab exists in the default questlog but it's not part of this addon sadly.
In reply to wheatleyzor: I added it to the ToDo list.
I can't give an ETA because of severly limited time, sorry.
In reply to wheatleyzor: Ah sorry, I raised a beta with a version of that but forgot to ever push a release >.>
It's a little primitive, need to work on it loading data in when you track something the client doesn't know vs staying just the title (rightclick twice to 'collapse'->'expand' will update it)
Anyone having issues with the Remote Quest Tracker? I can't click on quests that trigger that widget. I've had to disable it to keep it from hanging out on the screen all day which is less than desirable.
In reply to Dzendrieh: I've had nothing but problems with the Remote Quest Tracker, and this has been at least 2 expansions so far. I first noticed with alts leveling in BFA, I was stuck on quests, then I realized Sorha wasn't auto-popping up the Remote Tracker so I could accept the new quest. If I "/reload" when the remote tracker is available, it will show up, but after I click it to accept or turn in a quest, it is stuck until I "/reload" again. Since very few people are complaining about it, I figure it must be one of my other addons causing the tracker to get stuck. But I don't see an error, and it's very difficult to troubleshoot as I do not know a good way to trigger a remote quest to test it, like with turning addons off to see if it stope occurring. /shrug. That fucntion is pushing me to other trackers, which I hate, 'cause Sorha is otherwise my favorite. I really like the way it's laid out.
is there a way to limit the height of the tracker? I love how it looks but with many quests it easily goes under the rest of my UI
In reply to Dagnet: Not yet sorry. It is something I have thought about doing a lot, but the addon it just not built around it. I tend to keep a lot of things collapsed for that reason.
But I know it only goes so far
The "-nolib" uploads are really annoying with addon managers... dependent of what file you upload last, is the one downloaded, which most of teh times seem to be the "-nolib" version.
Why not use a separate project for it? Do i really need to had a filter in my addon manager code specifically to this addon, to never download the "-nolib" version?
I basically seem to be forced to do:
if (addonName=="sorhaquestlog" && fileName.endsWith("nolib") { // skip file }
But i guess i will do what ive been thinking for a while and say fuck it... have an input to ignore based on regex.
This is the only addon that i have issues for downloading the wrong file 90% of the time, because this is the only project that uses the same project page for 2 different versions of the same addon for 1 game version.
Other than that, i love the addon and been using it since BFA.
In reply to PiniponSelvagem: I believe its a leave over from the old wowace way of handling/packaging addons.
It doesn't get many downloads (And most are probably just clients getting the wrong file) but I worry about removing them for the few who may use it.
In reply to Sorha2: Fair point, i get you for not wanting to break some old code or something/someones work that rely on that.
By now I created a workaround using a regex so if there is an addon file with nolib, it will skip. So far it has been doing fine, this is the only addon that needs it, but no issues since ;)
A lot of this error is showing up now, this is while doing m+
74x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'SorhaQuestLog' tried to call the protected function 'ObjectiveTrackerFrame:Hide()'.
[string "@!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua"]:480: in function <!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:480>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Hide'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog/Core.lua"]:776: in function `HandleBlizzardTracker'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog/Core.lua"]:698: in function `RefreshConfig'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog/Core.lua"]:987: in function `ShowSorhaQuestLog'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog/Core.lua"]:669: in function `?'
[string "@Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0-7/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:114: in function <...Ons/Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:114>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0-7/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:24: in function <...Ons/Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:20>
[string "@Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0-7/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:59: in function `Fire'
[string "@Ace3/AceEvent-3.0-4/AceEvent-3.0.lua"]:120: in function <Ace3/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>
In reply to wheatleyzor:
Have tried make a new version but its still not being packaged, just waiting, hopefully resolves this
Experienced a new error:
[ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'SorhaQuestLog' tried to call the protected function 'ObjectiveTrackerFrame:Hide()'.
[string "@!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua"]:480: in function <!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:480>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Hide'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog/Core.lua"]:776: in function `HandleBlizzardTracker'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog/Core.lua"]:698: in function `RefreshConfig'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog/Core.lua"]:987: in function `ShowSorhaQuestLog'
[string "@SorhaQuestLog/Core.lua"]:669: in function `?'
[string "@Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0-7/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:114: in function <...Ons/Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:114>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0-7/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:24: in function <...Ons/Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:20>
[string "@Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0-7/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:59: in function `Fire'
[string "@Ace3/AceEvent-3.0-4/AceEvent-3.0.lua"]:120: in function <Ace3/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>
This was during a m+ key
Will this be updated for dragonflight? Really like this addon and hope that it stays relevant for the next expansion as well
In reply to wheatleyzor:
SQL should work fine with DF when you enable Load outdated AddOns for it.
I'll upload a new version with updated toc later the day.
If you encounter any errors, please let me know.
In reply to humfras:
I'm noticing since the update that quests in my log that have an item that is used in the completion of the quest and that appears to the left of the quest text in the log for easy access no longer works correctly. Prior to the patch, I could click on the item to use it while completing the quest rather than needing to access the item in my bags. Now, the item still appears where it should, but clicking on it doesn't do anything. An example of this would be:
It would be nice to have that functionality back. While it appears Blizzard did make a change that allows some quest items to be used while hovering over the target mob, not all quest items work that way and still have to be accessed manually from bags. Having them accessible in the quest log was a nice quality of life improvement.
In reply to danawhitaker:
I assume this is caused by the container/bag changes in DF.
I'll investigate as soon as I find some time (I'm currently very low on spare time, sorry).
But thanks a lot for the comprehensive feedback!
In reply to humfras:
Just wondering if this will be fixed soon (the quest item not being interactable)? I love Sorha and don't want to have to switch!