Funny and/or Useful, SpeakinSpell will use random speeches in chat to announce when you use spells and other abilities, as well as items, procced effects, other events, and user-defined macros. Works with all classes. Configurable for many different situations.
Possible Uses
- Entertain yourself, your guild, and your PuGs
- Roleplay
- Tell your raid that you got an important debuff
- Tell your arena team that you're CC'd
- Whisper your target about a short term buff
- Congratulate your guild members on achievements
- Randomize your battle cries
- More
Main Features
- Can detect over 5000 "Events" and automatically announce them in the chat using a random selection from a list of user-defined speeches, including:
- Spells you cast
- All other abilities for any class (a warrior's Heroic Strike is also technically considered a "spell")
- Anything you can equip in your action bar
- Items
- Procced effects (buffs that you receive from yourself)
- Combat events (enter/exit combat, scored a crit, killing blow, etc)
- Talking to NPCs and other game objects like mailboxes
- Achievements
- Other events (Login, Changed Zone, etc)
- whenever you type "/ss macro something" (create your own event)
- Records more event hooks as it discovers more spells, buffs, and debuffs, etc the longer you use it.
- Each spells' random speeches can be directed to any chat channel you choose
- Supports different channel options (or silent) in different scenarios: solo, party, party leader, raid, raid leader, raid officer, BG, arena, and Wintergrasp.
- Also supports built-in emotes and most other slash commands (/cheer, /script, etc)
- Fully configurable through the interface options panel. (type "/ss" to get started)
- Includes some default example speeches for at least a few spells for all classes.
- These are only meant to serve as examples. In general, very few default speeches are available for most classes, so you may not see it do anything for you right away. You should look at the list of possible event hooks under "/ss create" and write your own speeches.
How do I make a backup copy of my SpeakinSpell data?
I recommend making a backup of your SpeakinSpell data frequently. All of your speeches for all characters are stored here: C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<your name>\SavedVariables\SpeakinSpell.lua
How do I erase all the defaults and start from a clean slate?
Type "/ss eraseall" to erase all your data. This includes any defaults as well as any custom speeches you've written.
How do I find the spell or other event that I want to change in this huge list?
Cast the spell, or trigger the event, then type "/ss recent" then use the click-able links in your chat frame to [Edit Speeches] or [Setup New Event].
How do I stop it from announcing this spell or other event?
Cast the spell, or trigger the event, then type "/ss recent" then use the click-able links in your chat frame to [Edit Speeches] for that event... then click the button that says "Delete this event"
OMG this is so complicated!
Hey! That's not a question! It's a common complaint though, and I'm open to specific suggestions about what you find is too complicated, or confusing, or could be made easier, more intuitive, or more user-friendly. With great power comes great complexity. Everything is labeled with detailed tooltips, and there's a detailed user manual built-in (/ss help) and online to help you out. I also usually answer questions within 24 hours.
Aetharan has also written some nice guides here: http://tinyurl.com/a64sst4
Usage Instructions
How to setup SpeakinSpell in a few easy steps:
- Login and play your toon for a few minutes.
- Activate any abilities, trigger any procced effects, and encounter any other detectable events that you would like SpeakinSpell to announce.
- Type "/ss" to access the interface options panel
- Click on "Create New..." or type "/ss create" to create settings for a new spell or other event
- Select the desired spell or event from the list and click the Create button. You will be taken to the settings page for that spell or event.
- Change the settings to your tastes and write as many speeches as you want. Now whenever you cast that spell or encounter that event, SpeakinSpell will say one of your random messages for that event, using the channels and other rules that you defined.
- Repeat until you run out of ideas for new announcements to write.
Spammy Setup Guides Method
- Type "/ss guides" to enable Setup Guides (there's also a checkbox for it under "/ss options")
- Do stuff with your toon
- Observe that the spammy Setup Guides are reporting all 5k+ of every event that SpeakinSpell detects and could possibly announce
- Click on the clickable links in your chat frame to [Setup New Event] announcements (equivalent to using "/ss create") or [Edit Speeches] for event hooks you already configured (equivalent to using "/ss messages")
- Type "/ss guides" again to turn the Setup Guides back off
- At any time you wish you had the Setup Guides enabled to catch a special proc effect or something, type "/ss recent" to see Setup Guides for the last 5 events detected, and last 5 events announced.
Type "/ss help" for the in-game user's manual for complete, thorough instructions for how to make the most of every feature SpeakinSpell has to offer. It's designed for maximum flexibility.
Additional Features
- Supports over 50 substitutions in your speeches, such as <caster>, <target>, <zone>, <spellname>, <party2pettarget> and many more.
- <spelllink> will create a clickable link to the spell or achievement (for applicable events)
- All of these substitutions also support first person pronoun forms (to say "me" instead of my own name), gender forms, and possessive forms, to make your automated macros sound less like macros and more like natural speech
- Also includes random substitutions like <randomfaction> (like Mad Libs™) and you can create your own random substitution word lists.
- Up to 100 speeches can be entered per spell.
- Never says the same message for a given spell twice in a row (unless you only have 1 message defined for that spell)
- Can be configured to limit your chat spam in several ways
- based on a cooldown between automated speeches in chat
- based on a random chance to speak or not
- optionally limited to once per combat
- optionally limited to once per target name
- based on a global cooldown
- Can whisper messages to the target of your spell (This can be useful for resurrect style spells, innervate, power infusion, etc.)
- When you get compliments on your "macros" use "/ss ad" to tell your friends about SpeakinSpell. Some of the random ads are funny. Yes, it's an addon that spams random text in chat, and it has a feature to spam random text to advertise it's ability to spam random text. "/ss help" in game for more advanced options for using /ss ad.
- Detection of "other events" such as Login, entering combat, changed zone, and more. Type "/ss help" in game for the complete list.
- Custom Defined User Macros. Type "/ss macro something" to make SpeakinSpell detect a pseudo spell event called "When I type: /ss macro something" which you can setup to be announced with random speeches like a spell. This can be used for randomized battlecries (/ss macro battlecry), greetings (/ss macro hi), farewells (/ss macro bye), or anything you want to define (/ss macro _blank_).
- Share your speeches with your friends through the Data Sharing system
- type "/ss import" to browse the shared content you collected from others and add it to your settings (works for copying from your alts too)
- type "/ss network" for options
- type "/ss help" for help.
- Easter Egg ... there's a mildly amusing little story hidden away somewhere in an obvious place where you will never look for it ... yes, I do actually have a lot of time on my hands ...
More Information
SpeakinSpell has many more features than those listed above.
Click here for the Complete User's Manual, or type "/ss help" in-game for the same info. NOTE: If "/ss help" doesn't work, you may have an installation error, or you may have too many addons installed. Try right-clicking the minimap button, or hitting: Escape > Interface > Addons > SpeakinSpell.
Please submit a ticket for any problems, bug reports, or feature requests, or feel free to post in the comments below (but tickets are easier for me to remember to fix).
Submissions Welcome. To submit content including the witty random speeches you wrote, please read this. If you are a translator with better translations, please use this localization tool.
More Technical Information: If you're a programmer interested in understanding more about how SpeakinSpell works, read the SDD.doc in the SpeakinSpell addon folder. It's a software design document in the (compatible) MS Word 97 file format with details about the system architecture.
Aetharan's Tutorials for advanced tips and tricks: http://tinyurl.com/4ptc2xg
Petit tutoriel en Français http://abz.progp.net/wow/Tutoriel_SpeakinSpell.pdf
en Français a Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f62eE6rzAFA
The official SpeakinSpell Forum http://www.rismisner.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=3 - Unfortunately, the SpeakinSpell forum is currently disabled because it received an excessive amount of spam advertisements (about 80 per day and only about 1 real post per month for 2 months). I will need help or time to learn how to adequately block advertisers before re-opening it.
SpeakinSpell was created by...
- Stonarius of Antonidas
Additional coding by...
- Duerma
Primary Beta Testing, Arena Team Pwnage, Key Grip...
- Meneldill
- German: leXin (inactive)
- Korean: troth75 (inactive)
- French: contrebasse, An_Braz
Many of the default speeches were blatantly stolen from...
- Cryolysis2
- Necrosis
- LunarSphere
- Ultimate Warcraft Battlecry Generator
- RPHelper2
Thanks for the open license guys! I hope you like what I did with it.
Additional Content Packs Written by...
- Stonarius
- Meneldill
- leXin
- troth75
- Folji
- Dire Lemming
- Duerma
Special thanks to the authors of these addons that I used for copy-paste... *Ahem* I mean example code...
- Titan
- Omen
- Recount
- Healbot
- Mountiful
- WinterTime
- the WowAce libs
- RPHelper2
Additional thanks to...
- Blizzard Entertainment for this great game! ... hire me??
- The community on the wowace forums
- curse.com
- Microsoft Visual Studio, SubVersioN, and TortoiseSVN
- Texas Instruments for enabling E.T. to phone home
- The Order of the Stick
- Mom and Dad
- YOU!!
SpeakinSpell is made from 83% Recycled Materials.
No animals were harmed in the making of this addon.
... Well, the hunter popped a sheep with his aoe, but I resheeped with my /cast [target=focus] macro, and automatically said "Baaah! sheeped again <target>?!" and it was all good...
1) As an module disabled by default, addition of functionality from the defunct Chronos addon (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info4328-Chronos.html) in the form of the macro command /in. Its function is to delay the next command on the line by X seconds, as follows:
"/in 5 /s This sentence is being spoken 5 seconds after it was triggered!"
With such functionality built into SpeakinSpell, it would be easy to create a greater sense that the output might not actually be automatic. For instance, in response to a guild mate getting an achievement, one could have the speech "/in <d2>.<d10> /g <congratulations>, <caster>!", with <d2> returning either a 1 or a 2 and <d10> returning anything from a 0 to a 9.
2) Six triggers related to pets: clicking the buttons for Attack, Come, "Go over there", Aggressive, Defensive, and Passive.
To further explain why I'd love to see these things come into being, I also use the addon Tongues (http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/tongues.aspx), which provides a slash command to make your pet speak. Theoretically, with the above additions to SpeakinSpell, it'd be possible to have the character give a spoken command to his pet when you click the button, and for some banter between the two entities to occur with delays between the posts.
A demon could complain, and its master threaten to rip its entrails out or something, followed a few seconds later by some sniveling from the cowed slave. Effectively bringing the relationship between master and servant to life!
I can say that "/in" does work in SpeakinSpell if you get it from another addon. I haven't tried it since the big 4.0 patch, but before that, I've been using it when my DK casts Army of the Dead:
/in 1 /s STORM
I never figured out which addon I run is giving me the "/in" function. I hope that's in a lib that I can embed in SpeakinSpell. It's totally fun.
If we can't find a currently functional lib to embed, how difficult a task would it be to create one, based on Chronos? Would it be something that somebody used to other languages could accomplish without his brain exploding, or something best left to the more experienced coders?
Thanks for your efforts. :)
Theoretical repair to a Lua error (couldn't reproduce the problem)
- When one of your SpeakinSpell speeches is a slash command like "/cheer" the invisible chat frame used to run the slash command is now created on-demand, instead of when the addon loads.
I have an hopefully little bug.
Every time if somebody in the near get an achievement, I got this error:
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4184: attempt to call method 'AddMessage' (a nil value):
<in C code>: in function `ChatEdit_ParseText'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3737: in function `ChatEdit_SendText':
SpeakinSpell-\utils.lua:665: in function <SpeakinSpell\utils.lua:648>
(tail call): ?:
SpeakinSpell-\speech.lua:308: in function `SayOneLine'
SpeakinSpell-\speech.lua:448: in function `SayMultiLineWithSubs'
SpeakinSpell-\speech.lua:485: in function `SpeakForSpell'
SpeakinSpell-\speech.lua:58: in function `OnSpeechEvent'
SpeakinSpell-\wowevents.lua:877: in function `?'
CallbackHandler-1.0-6 (Ace3):147: in function <...Ons\Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:147>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[16]":4: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[16]"]:4>
<in C code>: ?
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[16]":13: in function `?'
CallbackHandler-1.0-6 (Ace3):92: in function `Fire'
AceEvent-3.0-3 (Ace3):120: in function <Ace3\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>
Ace3 Lib is installed standalone.
Prat is installed too.
When someone near you gets an achievement, I assume you're saying one of the default speeches, which is either "/cheer" or "/congrats" (randomly) ... to support that kind of slash command voice emote in SpeakinSpell, it requires some tricky integration with the chat frame... and Prat changes the chat frame, so it looks like a conflict with Prat.
I'll look into it though. Maybe I can fix it in SpeakinSpell.
Meanwhile, you can probably stop it from throwing that error if you either unload Prat, or stop using voice emotes in your SpeakinSpell speeches.
*MAYBE* the new version of SpeakinSpell fixes the problem, but it's a wild guess. Please let me know.
It could also still be a conflict with another addon, but Prat seems OK, and I'm not sure what else you run? Do you still get the problem even when SpeakinSpell is the only addon you have loaded?
The 2-year Anniversary Release! - good enough to stop calling it a beta
If you skipped the beta versions, please save a backup copy of your saved data, and read the release notes below for - BETA.
The interface options now live outside the Blizzard interface options frame
- If you browse in the options for Escape > Interface Options > Addons > SpeakinSpell, you will now find a single button that says [/ss options] and opens the real options windows
- The SpeakinSpell options GUI is now larger, movable, and resizable without the use of LibBetterBlizzOptions
- This also fixes a problem with loading the GUI on-demand
Restored <rank> as a substitution in speeches
- This still shows the Polymorph animal (sheep, pig, etc) and ranks of profession skills (journeyman, master, etc)
- This can be used for redirects to separate speech lists for a specific rank by using "/ss macro <spellname> <rank>"
Ce tutoriel a pour but d'aider à la prise en main de ce formidable add-on.
Cette prise en main suffit à comprendre SpeakinSpell, permettant ainsi (en vous appuyant sur l'aide présente dans l'add-on lui-même) de vous orienter vers un usage plus poussé.
Just need some witty remarks to add for my spells!