Speedy Actions
Simple addon, all this does is speeds up triggering actions by making them happen when you press a key or press your mouse rather than releasing them. It's setup to work with all of the default Blizzard action bars as well as totem summoning and recalling. It will automatically work with any addon that uses the default Blizzard system for key bindings (Game Menu -> Key Bindings). Even if an addon doesn't work with Speedy Actions I can add a module to make it work, just see below.
There is no real performance cost from using this addon either, the work it does is out of combat and while in combat the only "cost" is that of executing a key binding.
Slash commands: /speedyactions (/sa, /speedyaction)
<addon> does not work with this?!
If you find an addon that does not work with Speedy Actions, post a comment with the download page and I will work on making a module to make that addon work with Speedy Actions.
<addon> is already supported but a button didn't work
Should you find an addon that is already listed as working, but a button isn't being sped up then do this:
Mouse over the button that isn't working and run /script print(GetMouseFocus():GetName() or "<unnamed frame>") then post the addon name and the results of the script and I'll get it fixed
Doesn't support custom bar mods and such as well, and in general is coded in an odd way.
SnowfallKeyPress =. =?
Open a ticket at http://www.wowace.com/addons/speedyactions/create-ticket/ and upload your bindings in WTF/Account/<name>/bindings-cache.wtf and I'll look into only bindings on bar 1 working.
grate thing i wasent been aware of that after 5 years of playing, its not big diference when you are spaming anyway but it give some ekstra dps for sure on longer fights, anyway its not working with mouse clicks and with bindings on any bar beside 1 in bartender4 :) thanks for addon and keep up good work ;)
btw you haven't opened the ticket system for this project yet. so your instructions above aren't good yet ;)
Try latest, that should fix vehicle issues.
yes. default UI.
On default UI I assume?
breaks vehicle actions, none of them work at all from keybindings
also after leaving vehicles you don't get your action bar back.
There was a bug with it not supporting all default Blizzard buttons, give the latest one a try. If that doesn't fix it then find one button per a bar that's not working and run /script print(GetMouseFocus():GetName()) and give me the name and I'll get it working.
I use bartender4, and could not get the 2nd action bar (in BT4 Bar 5) to register the action on the press. It still went off the release. Not sure this is a problem, or not. I did rebind the top action bar (BT4's Bar 5), but no luck. Than when I did my jousting daily, the possessing action bar wouldn't register the key press at all (press or release). I could use the mouse however (release).
Not sure these are things you are aware of or not. But Ive been dying for a press for action button work around in WOW since I started playing 5 years ago. Love alot of your other addons, keep up the good work. Looking forward to a release version. Peace.