sRaidFrames was originally designed to replace the raid frames provided by CT_RaidAssist. They share the same look and feel of the original frames, but are highly optimized and even include extra features such as aggro highlighting and display of PVE critical abilities.
Feel free to submit pull-requests on GitHub:
Includes HealComm support
Yay. No other raid frame mod gets things just right like sraid.
Thank you so much Dridzt. With the new r756 version all works fine. I have a range check and the dead people are displayed as dead. Thank you so much to continue and fix this wonderfull addon.
Heh, did it for nostalgia.![Embarassed](
(Used this for 2 expansions tail end of vanilla and all of BC, part of wrath).
Details might need tweaking but at least now it's not relying on broken / half-fixed / fan fixed / abandoned libraries; WoW API is for the most part current as well.
Should be easier to maintain going forward.
I did a couple commits (with a bunch of updates) that should be actually working![Tongue out](
Full details at the alpha changelog.
If it tests out ok, a couple phrases need to be added to the Localization App and minor edits to the addon where I've temporarily used hardcoded strings before a beta/release can be packaged.
*edit* I think I can reproduce with the excellent information provided by chudabega in this comment:
For now just turn off "frequent health updates" and I think you'll be OK. I'm incorporating his research/fixes now.
~~~~~ original comment ~~~~~
Hrm I was able to get it to work in Stormwind just trying it between some friend I invited to raid (same for checking death/online status). I get the feeling that something is messing with it after a while though. Did it not work right away upon load. Did you get any LUA errors? will save off the LUA errors so you can access them with more info/full stack trace. I won't be able to play today but I can do fixes tonight if I can get a good reproducible case down.
tnx for the update, but the very important range check still not work
I've finally got around to getting my SVN account working with wowace...So now I've applied all the patches to the underlying libraries. It seems to be working for me pretty well now. No LUA errors and range-check and offline/dead status are working (whereas before the library updates in my raid this week they were not).
I've made a dummy checkin to sRaidFrames to grab the new libs and in wowace you'll see the new built version 754 here: Look to the filename link on the right of the page.
@tomsommer I'm assuming you have to promote it from Alpha status to release for curse to pick it up as the new version. Try it out people and let me know if anything's broken.
Will this be fixed/updated soon?
i love this mod. but since the last addon the range check dont work. the "too far away charakters" are not grey.
Would be nice to get this fixed one of these days.
@tomsommer: did you notice the slight change to LibResComm's ResEnd callback? It shouldn't break anything, but if you need to properly clear caster data, it may help.
Still broken. Will this be fixt?
It looks like LibSpellRange-1.0 is missing?
My Sraidframes seems to work, tho I am having problems with the range frame check. That does not work for some reason.
Anyone know a fix to this?
I didn't notice but the mod was only activating properly after a /console reloadui. On normal startup it fails to become enabled.
It was also failing to start properly when invoking the EnableFrames function from inside the OnInitialize function as it was throwing a null pointer when referring to its self.* variables. Anyway I just moved the code directly into OnInitialize commented the declaration of --self.enabled = true which was still throing a null pointer and it's working properly on first load.
The addon is still throwing 1 error:
10x libs\LibGroupTalents-1.0\LibGroupTalents-1.0-73.lua:747: attempt to call global "GetNumTalentTabs" (a nil value)
Here is the present work around that is working properly:
my apologies but I don't know how lol :(
I'm just an amateur with lua so I just changed some API commands so there wouldn't be errors
I do know how to submit the fixes and I was going to clean up both yours and mine and submit them to the various projects however I can't login with my SVN account. I thought I had followed the steps to enable my wowace account for SVN access via this FAQ: and at this location: but I'm not having luck.
Jump on IRC and ask for some help. It should be faily simple.
Made changes refer to newer post.
After looking at the aggro borders, it turns out that it was simply that the frames weren't being enabled so I added the call to the code on line 440 inside of the function sRaidFrames:OnInitialize(). The frames still can't be disabled though but whatever.
Here's the updated lua file:
--ZZZ Addon wasn't being enabled
@danyune and @shuntaec
Hey guys it appears that there is an issue with the OnUpdate calls being invoked within the program and the reason why dead people aren't appearing as normal after resurrection is due to the fact that the frames are only updating because of the Frequent Health Updates option under Frame Behaviour is looping on the health bars. It explicitly blocks if the target was dead at one point.
I haven't figured out what initiates the frame scripts such as what I believe is the debuff script:
sRaidFrames.lua : line 1585
debuffFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function()
But I believe that is the major problem that is being encountered.
I did find a work around though by updating everything within the Frequent Health Update loop which I believe renders all the SetScript calls obsolete and probably has inefficient performance.
Anyway I modified it to include death for now and update the unit details, power, statuses and auras (buffs/debuffs)
sRaidFrames.lua : line 1013
function sRaidFrames:FrequentHealthUpdate()
for munit in pairs(self:GetAllUnits()) do
--if not self:GetStatus(munit, "Death") then
local unit = self:GetVehicleUnit(munit)
local hp = UnitHealth(unit) or 0
local hpmax = UnitHealthMax(unit)
local hpp = (hpmax ~= 0) and ceil((hp / hpmax) * 100) or 0
if hpcache[munit] ~= hp then
hpcache[munit] = hp
for _, f in pairs(self:FindUnitFrames(munit)) do
self:UpdateSingleUnitHealth(f, hp, hpmax, hpp)
--ZZZ updates not working
I also fixed the issue with the range finder requiring the slider to be moved to initiated it by starting it's timer in the OnInitialize function on line 434. The function sRaidFrames:OnInitialize() starts on line 108
--ZZZ added to have range finder initialize
It is able to be enabled and disabled successfully after including it in that section.
Here is the link to the updated lua file.
Hopefully somebody can figure out what is going on with the frame updating for this mod, so it works as intended, but my work around should get it working for now.
Please commit your fixes to SVN: