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UploadedJul 2, 2011
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 4.2.0
r1026 | starlon | 2011-07-03 02:06:35 +0000 (Sun, 03 Jul 2011) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
A /tags/v1.4.55 (from /trunk:1025)
Tagging as v1.4.55
Bug fixes related to DPS and Noise tracking.
The Mouse Gestures module should manage memory a little better now.
r1023 | starlon | 2011-07-02 00:52:42 +0000 (Sat, 02 Jul 2011) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Don't hide arena lines when mousing away from a unit.
r1020 | starlon | 2011-07-01 21:43:50 +0000 (Fri, 01 Jul 2011) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/Appearance/StarTip_Appearance.toc
M /trunk/Modules/Bars/StarTip_Bars.toc
M /trunk/Modules/Border/StarTip_Border.toc
M /trunk/Modules/Fade/StarTip_Fade.toc
M /trunk/Modules/Gestures/StarTip_Gestures.toc
M /trunk/Modules/Histograms/StarTip_Histograms.toc
M /trunk/Modules/Icons/StarTip_Icons.toc
M /trunk/Modules/Portrait/StarTip_Portrait.toc
M /trunk/Modules/Position/StarTip_Position.toc
M /trunk/Modules/PvP/StarTip_PvP.toc
M /trunk/Modules/RaidIcon/StarTip_RaidIcon.toc
M /trunk/Modules/Targeting/StarTip_Targeting.toc
M /trunk/Modules/Texts/StarTip_Texts.toc
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/StarTip_UnitTooltip.toc
Update tocs for modules.
r1015 | starlon | 2011-06-29 19:52:17 +0000 (Wed, 29 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Localization/enUS.lua
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Stop calling everyone a n00b under PVP Rank. Replaced it with "No Rank (-1)"
r1014 | starlon | 2011-06-29 19:43:14 +0000 (Wed, 29 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/StarTip.toc
Add LibScriptable dependencies to altdeps
r1013 | starlon | 2011-06-29 07:05:39 +0000 (Wed, 29 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/StarTip.toc
Slight modification to Notes.
r1010 | starlon | 2011-06-29 06:41:52 +0000 (Wed, 29 Jun 2011) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/Gestures/Gestures.lua
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
M /trunk/StarTip.toc
Bug fix.
Add WipeInspect to WipeData gesture.
Bump toc for 4.2.
r1008 | starlon | 2011-06-21 05:29:37 +0000 (Tue, 21 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Localization/enUS.lua
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Moved PVP Rank and Arena lines to their own functions in PluginLuaTexts, calling the new functions in our lua code. 1 line vs 15 lines repeated thrice.
r1007 | starlon | 2011-06-21 01:27:12 +0000 (Tue, 21 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Bug fix to prevent left and right segments from updating if leftUpdating and/or rightUpdating are/is true.
r1006 | starlon | 2011-06-20 21:11:17 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Deal with mousing away from the unit a little better in terms of Feats and PVP Rank lines.
r1005 | starlon | 2011-06-20 20:27:50 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Cleanup whitespace. Also touchups to Feats and PVP Rank so they don't blank on the right side when mousing away from the unit.
r1003 | starlon | 2011-06-20 04:21:35 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Bug fixes
r1002 | starlon | 2011-06-20 02:00:54 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Bug fix. Arena lines should show the actual brightest emblem color now. Could probably use further improvements.
r1000 | starlon | 2011-06-20 00:50:16 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Add wins/losses to arena teams. duh
r998 | starlon | 2011-06-20 00:24:16 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Touch up before beta.
r997 | starlon | 2011-06-20 00:15:42 +0000 (Mon, 20 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Keep 2v2/3v3/5v5 text from being too dark, really dark.
r996 | starlon | 2011-06-19 23:51:42 +0000 (Sun, 19 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Colorize 2v2/3v3/5v5 tag with the team's emblem or background color, which ever's the brightest of the two.
r994 | starlon | 2011-06-19 23:06:14 +0000 (Sun, 19 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Touch ups to add textures and rearrange text for PVP lines.
r993 | starlon | 2011-06-19 21:09:19 +0000 (Sun, 19 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Add rank index to guild rank line.
r992 | starlon | 2011-06-19 20:29:00 +0000 (Sun, 19 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Add arena ranking, colored gradually according to rank
r991 | starlon | 2011-06-19 19:06:39 +0000 (Sun, 19 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Move text around some
r989 | starlon | 2011-06-19 02:51:33 +0000 (Sun, 19 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Localization/enUS.lua
M /trunk/Modules/UnitTooltip/UnitTooltip.lua
Add lines for PVP information. Displays PVP rank, which falls back to a little harmless humor if no rank is available. Also displays lifetime honorable kills, and arena team names and points.
r987 | starlon | 2011-06-18 22:19:44 +0000 (Sat, 18 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/Appearance/Appearance.lua
Bug fix. This should fix the issue with Aurora. That addon is evil by the way.
r983 | starlon | 2011-06-18 19:29:46 +0000 (Sat, 18 Jun 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Modules/Appearance/Appearance.lua
M /trunk/Modules/Border/Border.lua
M /trunk/StarTip.lua
M /trunk/StarTip.toc
Temporary bug fix related to the Border module not getting along Pitbull4's Border module. This commit addresses Ticket 20, but further debugging is needed as this fix is not ideal.