StopAddonMessage (SAM) is a firewall that lets you prevent addons from sending and receiving hidden messages.
- Don't want others knowing you're running a certain addon?
- Worried about what addons are broadcasting?
- Want to silence a spamming addon?
- Receiving You are not in a raid spam in battlegrounds/arenas?
- Receiving You are not in a guild spam?
SAM can help.
Q) How does SAM block outgoing messages?
A) SAM hooks SendAddonMessage() and blocks messages from being sent out.
Q) How does SAM block incoming messages?
A) SAM hooks frame's receiving CHAT_MSG_ADDON and blocks them from receiving the event.
Q) Can SAM block visible addon messages like Ding!, auto congratulations and Wintertime?
A) No. SAM deals only with the hidden messages.
Q) Can SAM stop addons from printing text to the chat box?
A) No.
Q) Can SAM stop You are not in a raid from spamming me in battlegrounds?
A) Yes. SAM will block the outgoing message and tell you which addon is causing it.
Q) Can SAM stop You are not in a guild from spamming me too?
A) Yes. And SAM will tell you which addon or prefix is causing that message to appear.
Q) Can I block messages from a specific person?
A) Yes. Enter their name into the names list and their incoming and outgoing messages will be blocked.
Q) Can SAM block other's addons from spamming me?
A) No. But SAM can block your addons from receiving/processing such spam.
Q) Can other's addons spamming me cause me to disconnect?
A) No. Incoming communications will not cause you to DC. If a poorly written addon keeps replying to spam then that could cause flood disconnection.
Q) Should I block inbound messages for addons that I'm not running?
A) No. Only block inbound messages for addons you are running. Otherwise you're not blocking the message from reaching anything.
Q) Why is Add incoming prefixes disabled by default?
A) There's no benefit in blocking messages if you're not also running the addon that receives them. But if you want them in the list, you have the option.
Q) Why is IgnoreMore a optional dependency?
A) IgnoreMore blocks regular chat, but not addon communications. SAM will block addon comm from people you're ignoring using IgnoreMore.
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That's fine, but what about 2 hours later when I was alone, not in a party with anyone, and I was still getting spammed by him while he was in an instance? We are guildies, but we were not in a party later, when I finally had to disable SAM because it would just continue telling me all the prefixes. I don't have a screenshot of that, but I can test it later, with the new version if you like.
I meant to say too that Print Messages is off, and has never been turned on. (Yeah I should have realized it STILL print the added messages with that off....muh bad. XD )
EDIT: I'm just curious, I'm not pointing fingers, I am learning lua as I go along, and I'm just not sure why his addon would be communicating with me when we weren't grouped. So I apologize for sounding kinda bitchy; didn't mean to, and I can't really figure out a way to make it sound better! Sorry!
SAM will still print the Added prefix xxx (xxx) from xxx if the print messages option is disabled.
BossNotes is communicating over party chat, not with you specifically.
I did disable it, but I do like to know when something is adding a new prefix. Hope there's a better solution soon? Perhaps the problem lies in the weird prefix that BossNotes is using.
Now an only sort of related question: why would BossNotes be communicating with me if I'm not running it?
Disable the incoming Print Messages option on the main screen. That'll stop SAM from printing the messages.
I'm not sure why it's not adding the prefix to the prefixes list. I'll check if there's a limit to the number of items allowed on the list.
No I don't run BossNotes, which is one of the reasons I want the message to be blocked. It also continually spams me while this person is in an instance, and it causes some lag (it seems) while its printing the messages to the chat frame. I got over 400 messages while my guildie was in PoS then HoR, and I couldn't block any of them. I added him to the player list to block him, but it continued to happen. Screenshot attached. (Yes I see the thing that says if you're not running an addon there's no benefit in blocking it, but shouldn't SAM not spam me with garbage from the prefix? That's what I'm concerned about mostly.)
As you can see, BossNotes doesn't show up in the list (its also not under the "?" prefix). This screenshot was taken after blocking the player.
So you're running BossNotes and another person who's also running it keeps sending you comm and SAM isn't giving you the option to block it? That's not good.
Let me see the screenshot. post the link here.
BassNotes doesn't seem to have a prefix that I can block, although it spams my chat channel constantly with crap (from SAM). I have a screenie if you need to see it.
Also, when I added the person with BossNotes to my person list in SAM, it didn't stop the spam from BossNotes (the SAM prefix messages) appearing. I think since SAM doesn't recognize it its not blocking him? Not sure.
I think that will help. I was just sitting around Dalaran, letting SAM gather its information, and I noticed that when I opened a "+" sign, it stayed open when I next opened the options panel, resulting in a lot of the option trees being open. It was just a little thing. Think there's a chance to make all the trees collapse when you exit the options panel? Just makes it easier on the eyes, but I don't know if I'm the only one that feels this way.
Thanks for the new blocking, that's freaking awesome; just what I was after.
I don't think I can expand/collapse all addons at once. Most of the UI work is done by Ace's framework and I just give it info. I've added allow and block buttons to the addon's panel to simplify the options.
Maybe an option to expand/collapse all prefixes at once? Also an option to disable all communication within a prefix without having to click each communication within the tree? Great addon, I've learned a lot about the crap that is chatting to me all the time.
nope error is gone. great work. thanks for listening ;)
@ronconsoda let me know if r42 alpha causes the error too.
Maybe make use of the new prefix lib to be able to identify spamming addons?
SAM only blocks messages it sees your own addons have sent out. If you're not running addons that use the incoming spam then SAM isn't gonna help much. I /could/ add incoming prefixes to the options screen but it may add more CPU overhead blocking messages that none of your addons were going to use anyway.
When editing prefixes GuildCraft-v3.5.2-Release-7 prefixes af a german server cause the following exception from first till latest release r36.
1x AceConfigDialog-3.0-43:1756: AceConfigRegistry-3.0:ValidateOptionsTable(): StopAddonMessagePrefix.args._UNKNOWN.args[GuildCraft35] - key name contained control characters .....
additional information: on guildcraft comm you dump the following lines: {SAM} Added outgoing prefix GuildCraft35 (_UNKNOWN). {SAM} Added outgoing prefix GuildCraft35 (_UNKNOWN).
firstline: outgoing channel GuildCraft35\001 (binary 0001 <soh>) secondline: outgoing channel GuildCraft35\003 (binary 0011 <etx>) there is also a third channel with binary 0010 <stx>
Thanks that should do the trick, I obviously didn't scroll down enough :)
Click the Print Messages drop down menu and select off. If both menus are set to off, then go into prefixes and check if you've selected Print Msg on any of the messages.
By default SAM only prints once for new outgoing prefixes. To spam you need to enable some option(s).
Any chance for a "silent" or "mute" option added to the output frame settings?
To clarify I'm talking about selecting where you want SAM to route its own messages (ChatFrame# currerntly).
Burst prints to chatframes make my client "stutter", I would like an option to make SAM quiet (ie print nothing)
Thanks for reading.