design/features/Version One
This is a detailed description of the design for version one for use by the creators of the AddOn as well as people interested in our design intentions minutiae.
Version one should consist of a frame brought up by the commands /sdkp or /successiondkp. The frame should have three tabs.
The first tab is DKPTable. DKPTable contains a scrollable list of all players with DKP and their standings, classes, guild ranks, attendance over total raids, and a writable notes section. Classes should be colored by blizzard's standard class colors. It should be sortable by every section but note, with classes alphabetically, ranks from guild leader to alt (or reversed), dkp from high to low or low to high, and name alphabetical or reverse alphabetical.
The second tab is Manual Entry. Manual entry should contain a slimmer dkp table with only name and standings. Names should be selectable, with a "select all" and a "deselect all" button on the bottom right. On the middle right should be two dialogs, one DKPReason and one DKPAmount, with a "award" button underneath. When "Award" is pressed, DKP is changed for selected players by DKPAmount. In addition, the addon will output "SDKP: DKPAmount given to selected players for DKPReason." If all players in the raid are selected, it should instead output "SDKP: DKPAmount given to all players for DKPReason." Underneath this but above the select buttons should be a dropdown list with "All, Raid, Party, Self" as the options. "All" shows all dkp standings (the dkp table from tab one should always do this.) "Raid" shows dkp standings for the raid and should be the default when in a raid and grayed out otherwise. "Party" shows the standings for the current party and "self" shows only the standing for the user.
The third tab should be an interface for a log file. This is TBD.
Note that the GUI is intended to look a lot like WEBDKP, and the output is built to look a lot like WEBDKP. This is because we currently use WEBDKP and we don't want to cause confusion when we do switch to SDKP.