SurgeonGeneral is an addon designed to simplify healing assignments in a raid situation. It's easy to use interface allows you to give all your healers assignments and then report those assignments to /raid and/or the custom channel of your choosing. It supports multiple phases for complex fights.
Reporting is done in the following format:
Healing Assignments: Boss Name
Healer: Phase1 ~ Phase2 ~ Phase3 ...
CharName1: Assignment
CharName2: Assignment
CharName3: Assignment
CharName10: Assignment
Boss Name will only be displayed if there is an entry in this text field. Healer: Phase1 ~ Phase2 ... will only be displayed if the fight is set use more than 1 phase, and will use the phase names supplied by the user.
Slash Commands
- /sg
- Opens the configuration screen and allows you to enter in your player names/assignments
Button Controls
- Auto Fill
- Scans your raid for healers and populates the addon with their names. If a player it out of inspection range, you will be notified.
- Report to Raid
- Allows the reporting of assignments to /raid when the Report button it clicked.
- Report to Custom Channel
- Allows the reporting of assignments to a custom chat channel when the Report button is clicked. Enter your channel name in the box below.
- Raid Name
- Use this dropdown to select a raid instance.
- Boss Name
- Use this dropdown to select a specific boss within a raid instance.
- Copy/Paste/Save
- Copy will copy the current assignments, phase names, and phase enable checkboxes.
- Paste will paste the copied information into the boxes for the selected boss encounter. This information is not permanent, yet...
- Save will save the current assignments, phase names, and phase enable checkboxes permanently. ''Healer names are not saved as they would mostly vary too much to be worth saving.''
- Class Icons
- Class icons will be displayed to the left of a healer's name. These class icons will only show if the healer is in your party or raid group. You can click and drag the class icon to swap healer names or healer assignments (depending on your selection of Swap Behavior under Interface Options). Holding Shift while dragging will always swap healer names.
Support for Main Tanks
Starting with version 1.4 you may use substitutions for MainTank assignments configured in CTRaid/oRA2. To use these substitutions, enter %MT# in any of the assignment fields, where x is the Main Tank number. Example: %MT3 for Main Tank 3
You may also you the scroll wheel on your mouse while over any of the assignment fields to increment/decrement the Main Tank target. Example: Field contains %MT2, scroll up and %MT2 becomes %MT3, scroll down and it becomes %MT1.
Interface Options
- Verbose
- Displays extra information during certain actions, used mainly for debugging purposes.
- Condense
- Condenses the reporting of assignments so that two players with the same assignment will be shown on a single line in the format: <pre> CharName1, CharName2: Assignment </pre>
- Reset
- Resets the configuration window to be centered on the screen. Useful in case you dragged it off screen and can't see it anymore.
- Tooltip Scale (Added in 1.6.0)
- This slider adjusts the scale (size) of the tooltip provided when mousing over the LibDataBroker widget.
- Swap Sytle (Added in 1.6.5)
- Swap Names: When dragging class icons, healer names will be swapped, assignments will not change.
- Swap Assignments: When dragging class icons, healer names will not be adjusted. The healers' assignments will be swapped.
Minimap Support
Minimap icon/launcher support is not planned. However, keep reading.
LibDataBroker Support
There is support for a LibDataBroker object/launcher. You will need to use an addon such as Fortress to enable it.
- Left Click
- Opens/Closes the main configuration screen.
- Right Click
- Reports the current assignments to the designated raid/custom channel. This is very useful for spamming assignments mid-encounter.
Surgeon General Listen Client
(Added in 1.7.0) Surgeon General also supports a "listen client" that raid healers can install to view the most recent assignments in a tooltip with improved formatting. Assignments are broadcasted to all listen clients in the raid regardless of the report channel checkboxes. This addon is available for download here:
Version Numbering
As of WoW 4.0.x version numbering has been changed to correlate with World of Warcraft's game version.
Your positive feedback and appreciation really make my day. However, if you just can't express yourself in words, you're welcome to make a small donation.
Let me know if you have any issues. Thank you.
If your healers are using the Listen Client (available here: they'll need something that displays LDB feeds as well.
I hope this answers your question. Please let me know if you need more help.
The Listen Client will allow raid healers to install an LDB widget to see the latest assignments in a tooltip with improved formatting. Packaging the listen client seperately allows your raid healers to avoid the complexities of SG and keeps their addon overhead down.
As always, I welcome your feedback!
A few things:
- Once I've posted the assignments to the channel, I'd like healers to be able to whisper the word 'heal' to me, and automatically whisper back what their assignment is
- The LDB is rather counter intuitive, as it's the exact opposite of the major raid broker addons, right-click is usually configure, left click is report.. I keep reporting, when what I really want to do is configure (My other raid mods, ORA2, BigWigs, etc are all the opposite of SG and use right-click to configure)
- I'd like to be able to resize the configuration window... it's pretty large.... when trying to clear trash and assign healing, I can't see anything... if I could resize it I could multi-task better =P
- It would be cool to have a LDB display for my healers. Like once I assign something to the channel, they can have a SG LDB that shows them the assignments (same thing I see when highlighting over my LDB, but without the configuration part). Perhaps requiring raid-assist to configure?
1) Interesting feature and could prove helpful. Not 100% sure on using just the word "heal" by itself is a great idea, but I like the concept. I think the key here is to keep the keyword short, but still generally unique. This also may become a non-issue due to #4 below.
2) At this point I'm a little reluctant to change that functionality as it's been like that for a while. If there's enough people who think it's wrong, I not opposed to changing it.
3) I agree that it is a little on the large side and in the future I'll try to scale it down a little. It might take a little while for me to get to it because....
4) This is what I'm working on for the next major release. It should resolve any complaints regarding the less-than-ideal output format. I have two ideas for this: (a) a separate addon that just functions as a viewer for SG assignments, or (b) a "listen-mode" in SG so that it's still one addon. The other decision I have to make is exactly what you've brought up which is "who do I listen to for assignments?". I'm not often raid-assist and I hate asking for it so I'm not terribly enamored with that conditional. What I might end up doing is letting it listen to everybody in the raid and have the LDB viewer show who the assignment came from. I would hope that the healers would know who they're supposed to be listening to! :)
I think I've got my plan laid out enough to start actual code work on things, so I'll probably get started after the holiday.
I really appreciate the constructive feedback.
Healer 1: Tank ~ 1, 2, 3 ~ 1 & 2 + tank
It all starts to look rather cryptic, although I'm not sure of a great way to break it all up
Healer 1: Tank || 1, 2, 3 || 1 & 2 + tank ?
I love the idea of whispered assignments. Not all our raiders use LDB, so while some would appreciate a display, a whispered assignment doesn't require them to download a mod.
Thanks again for all your effort on this mod!!
I've started work on the LDB display for raid healers and plan on testing it tonight. This is not intended to replace assignments in the chat channel, but offer another option to those willing install a small addon. Obviously, I have a lot more control over something that uses the addon-channels for communication than something contrained to the chat-channels. I think people will be pleaantly surprised if they try the LDB addon.
This version adds the ability to select how you'd like the swap behavior to work when you drag the class icons around. In the interface options you can select either "Swap Names" or "Swap Assignments". The option defaults to "Swap Names" and if you leave it on this setting you won't see any real change in functionality. Using "Swap Assignments" is useful so you can keep the list of healers static between encounters just in case you need to rebroadcast the assignments for something like trash.
As always, I love hearing your feedback; good, bad, or indifferent.
Please let me know if you have any further issues. I apologize for the delay in the fix.
On our most recent raid, it reported 0/12/59 correctly for one pali, but for another SG reported 51/5/15 for a pali that was actually 0/64/7.
I'm going to continue testing to see if I can figure out if it's bad results from the API due to issues with dual spec.
Was the Paladin that was reported incorrectly before or after you in the sequence?
Does the Paladin in question have 51/5/15 as his second spec?
I'm wondering if the client isn't properly requesting the current spec every time and instead using something cached after the first request. I'll see what I can dig up.
Problems: When I hit Auto Fill it doesn't work correctly. Sometimes there are spaces between people in the list. It also does not correctly gather the healers. It always picks up my guild's shadowpriest as a healer and my guild's feral druid as a healer. This may be due to the fact that they have some points in Disc and Resto respectively but not for healing. This aspect is what is most frustrating about the mod and thus I have to manually type the names each raid.
Suggestions: I know you mentioned that you are not planning to add a minimap icon. Perhaps you could enable some chat commands such as the following.
/sg report This would report the information to the selected channel(s). This allows us to put this in a macro and therefore have a button we can push quickly to report if someone forgot what they are supposed to do.
Thank you again for your work,