This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Class Data for The Talent Template Editor
With version 1.9.5, Talented does not use Talented_Data anymore. Talented_Data is obsolete, and you can safely deinstall it.
I read that you decided to merge the talent data into the main addon instead (I remember you splitting them in order to be able to easily update talent information without having to release a new version of Talented).
It's pretty cool that you decided to merge them, it certainly helps keep everything in one place.
But why is this project still up? It's no longer used >whatsoever<, and it can greatly confuse users, especially the ones using Curse Client that don't see the "talented_data is no longer used" message at the bottom of the Talented description.
For the sake of average users, just delete this project, unless you plan to revive it and split the data again. ;-)
This project just harms now. "Installs today: 275". As you can see, people are still installing it, they don't read the description (or in the case of Curse client, they don't even see the description saying that talented_data is no longer needed).
The project's repository is still somewhat useful, as it contains the scripts that are used to generate the data that is internally used by Talented. It would be very difficult for anyone to maintain Talented without these scripts.
There's something a little odd in that the Curse client (and maybe others) are claiming that 9464 is the most recent, and aren't downloading the 9506 version. (There wasn't a corresponding new release of Talented, because there didn't need to be. Maybe that confused the downloaders.)
Talented: Talented_Data is outdated. It was created for "3.0.8 - 9464 - Jan 13 2009 - 30000", but current build is "3.0.8 - 9506 - Jan 21 2009 - 30000". Please update.
I've got the current updates of both the data and the addon, according to Curse.
"All the Data is generated by a bunch of scripts (available in the SVN repository) based on information gathered in the client itself and information gathered from the different Blizzard websites."
Is there a link we could have to download these scripts? I love this mod and understand the excessive amount of time devs put in, but with the demise of Wowace, I do not know where I can point Turtle to find the scripts to update it myself. Thanks again for your time on the mod.
I know it says to report incorrect data to the Blizz bug forums, but my recommendation is to just stop using the Blizz calc altogether for the data. Bugs have been reported, and their calc has remained constantly out of date.
Report typos and errors in descriptions to Blizzard via the Bug Report Forum, otherwise they will not be corrected!
// but blizzard korea is lazy. so they do not think. koKR talented page is always not corrected...
korea users reported but blizzard korea don't answer...
I'll argue that I have another choice. I can choose to use a stable source of data that is available for all languages, that YOU can easily get fixed (by reporting errors to Blizzard).
You have several choices. You can choose NOT to use Talented_Data, you can choose to write your own Talented_Data (and generating one from wowhead wouldn't be that difficult).
Let's end this post by saying that I completely assume the choice I made, and that arguing with me about this choice is pretty much pointless at this point.
At the end you have to decide if it`s better to display wrong talent informations for Talented users, or stick with accurate english talent informations which is, in my oppinion, the better choice.
I still use the Talented_Data repository to maintain the script that generate the data used by Talented proper.
I read that you decided to merge the talent data into the main addon instead (I remember you splitting them in order to be able to easily update talent information without having to release a new version of Talented).
It's pretty cool that you decided to merge them, it certainly helps keep everything in one place.
But why is this project still up? It's no longer used >whatsoever<, and it can greatly confuse users, especially the ones using Curse Client that don't see the "talented_data is no longer used" message at the bottom of the Talented description.
For the sake of average users, just delete this project, unless you plan to revive it and split the data again. ;-)
This project just harms now. "Installs today: 275". As you can see, people are still installing it, they don't read the description (or in the case of Curse client, they don't even see the description saying that talented_data is no longer needed).
The project's repository is still somewhat useful, as it contains the scripts that are used to generate the data that is internally used by Talented. It would be very difficult for anyone to maintain Talented without these scripts.
Why is T_Data still updated? Are there still any benefits using the Data?
Talented: Talented_Data is outdated. It was created for "3.0.8 - 9464 - Jan 13 2009 - 30000", but current build is "3.0.8 - 9506 - Jan 21 2009 - 30000". Please update.
I've got the current updates of both the data and the addon, according to Curse.
Is there a link we could have to download these scripts? I love this mod and understand the excessive amount of time devs put in, but with the demise of Wowace, I do not know where I can point Turtle to find the scripts to update it myself. Thanks again for your time on the mod.
/em duck
(Thanks for your hard work on this excellent mod.)
Report typos and errors in descriptions to Blizzard via the Bug Report Forum, otherwise they will not be corrected! // but blizzard korea is lazy. so they do not think. koKR talented page is always not corrected... korea users reported but blizzard korea don't answer...
I'll argue that I have another choice. I can choose to use a stable source of data that is available for all languages, that YOU can easily get fixed (by reporting errors to Blizzard).
You have several choices. You can choose NOT to use Talented_Data, you can choose to write your own Talented_Data (and generating one from wowhead wouldn't be that difficult).
Let's end this post by saying that I completely assume the choice I made, and that arguing with me about this choice is pretty much pointless at this point.
At the end you have to decide if it`s better to display wrong talent informations for Talented users, or stick with accurate english talent informations which is, in my oppinion, the better choice.
... but only available in some languages.
And they keep the calculations in the tooltips, which I don't find easy to read.