This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Shows capture state of all three Tol Barad bases using RAID communication.
Since Tb doesn't seem to have a scoreboard per se that can tell you how many players there are. Could you possibly add horde/alliance counts per area? That way we can tell how unbalanced the sides are. Right at the end of the bars on the red/blue would be great.
It will hide when you're not currently in Tol Barad. If nobody is using the addon at a base, the most recent information available is displayed. If no information is available or the information available is not from the current battle, no indicator will be displayed.
Since Tb doesn't seem to have a scoreboard per se that can tell you how many players there are. Could you possibly add horde/alliance counts per area? That way we can tell how unbalanced the sides are. Right at the end of the bars on the red/blue would be great.
There's no reliable way I can think of that you could use to retrieve the number of enemy players in an area.