Cashflow : Track income of target #2

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser410010
  • _ForgeUser96743 created this issue Oct 13, 2009
    Submitted Via Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Installed Version v0.2-release Description I've stared using this add-on to spy on my AH-competitors (if their wealth increase it means they are getting sales) I just can't mesure it other than writting it down and comparing each values. Between each time I come across them. I just happen to often stand next to my AH-Competitor as we use the same spot to do our AH stuff. What I'd like to see is something along those lines : Bob : Most ever held : 4107g65s71c (+107g28s78c since last seen) Total Income : 21687g61s39c (+397g75s19c since last seen) Last seen : 3 days ago I know this would add a lot of extra info to the tooltip, but since it can be turned off its not a big deal. Installed Addons TooltipWealth - v0.2-release
  • _ForgeUser96743 added the tags New Enhancment Oct 13, 2009
  • _ForgeUser410010 posted a comment Oct 13, 2009

    Pretty good idea, too. Although keeping track of the results of every query will probably make the memory use skyrocket. Hmm, if we keep a boundary of a fixed number of users, the user that you actually intend to keep track of might fall off the list easily if you visit populated areas often, e.g. Orgrimmar AH.

    Alternatively we could probably add a 'pin' button that can be used to mark people, although the last time I glanced at the tooltip API I didn't notice any methods to add complex UI widgets. What do you think?

  • _ForgeUser96743 posted a comment Oct 16, 2009

    hum, indeed this could lead to a huge memory footprint.

    I'm not aware of any widgets that would allow the "pin" feature either.

    maybe tracking 'marking' should be manual.

    /target competitor /ttw track /ttw untrack

    it would add the said player to the tracked list. Maybe limit it to 10 competitors, or something that could be adjusted. If you reach the limit and add a new one, it removes the one with the oldest "last seen".

  • _ForgeUser96743 edited description Oct 16, 2009

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