TooltipWealth (originally TinyTipWealth) is an Ace3 module that lets you sneakily inspect how much gold your mouseover target has made so far using the Achievement API.
- Display most gold ever owned (default)
- Display total gold acquired - may be used to indicate the economic prowess of a character, but is usually wildly inflated for the wealth owned by auction house players as they tend to have very high income and expenditure.
- Display average gold earned by day
- Disable for opposite faction
- Disable when in combat
- Disable when not in major city
- Show wealth as coins or plain text (e.g. 1g 10s)
- Currently tested with: TinyTip, TipTac, TipTop, CowTip, normal game tooltip
It's not working?
Try mouseovering your target carefully. If you quickly move your cursor over a bunch of people, the addon can only query the first person you've mouseovered; due to the limitation of Blizzard's API and the server's generally slow response time, by the time we've got the wealth results back from the server your cursor is likely already on a different person, so ToolTipWealth will have to discard the data.
!!! Some might consider the use of this addon to be an intrusion of privacy, please do not abuse it for harassing or intimidating other players. !!!
Seems to be working again. Must have been a blizz bug.
Hey all, thanks for the bug reports! I had been on a hiatus from WoW, but I'll try and update my client and activate a 7-day free game time to take a loot at the reported errors. :P
I think there is a bug on Blizzard's end. Using "Compare Acheivements" and switching to the Statistics tab also gives duplicated information.
Nice addon! But after 5.0.4 it seems broken. When i hover over any other player, it will display exactly what my current toon has, not their wealth.
Same here.
Needs an update for 5.04
Message: Interface\AddOns\TinyTipWealth\TinyTipWealth.lua:143: Usage: GetComparisonStatistic(achievementID)
Time: 08/31/12 14:55:50
Count: 1
Stack: [C]: ?
[C]: in function `GetComparisonStatistic'
Interface\AddOns\TinyTipWealth\TinyTipWealth.lua:143: in function `Query'
Interface\AddOns\TinyTipWealth\TinyTipWealth.lua:149: in function <Interface\AddOns\TinyTipWealth\TinyTipWealth.lua:139>
(tail call): ?
Could you make something which would show the number of times a player has killed a particular boss? I don't think the statistics UI shows it for all bosses, but whenever you kill one, it shows up in your guild news feed.
Date: 2011-12-24 13:19:41
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\TinyTipWealth\TinyTipWealth.lua line 120:
bad argument #1 to 'abs' (number expected, got string)
[C]: ?
[C]: abs()
(tail call): ?
Swatter, v5.12.5198 (QuirkyKiwi)
NPCScan, v4.3.0.2
NPCScanAutoAdd, v1.1
NPCScanOverlay, v4.3.0.1
NPCScanOverlayBroker, v1.1.3
AckisRecipeList, v2.2.11
Altoholic, v4.3.001
Armory, vv9.11.0
Atlas, v1.21.1
Auctionator, v3.0.0
AuctionLite, v1.8.3
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.312(/embedded)
BindPad, v2.4.1
BlizzMove, vv1.2.4
Configator, v5.1.DEV.312(/embedded)
CooldownCount, v3.81
Cooldowns, v
Coordinates, v1.6.1
DataStore, v4.3.001
DataStoreAchievements, v4.3.001
DataStoreAgenda, v4.3.001
DataStoreAuctions, v4.3.001
DataStoreCharacters, v4.3.001
DataStoreContainers, v4.3.001
DataStoreCrafts, v4.3.001
DataStoreCurrencies, v4.3.001
DataStoreInventory, v4.3.001
DataStoreMails, v4.3.001
DataStorePets, v4.3.001
DataStoreQuests, v4.3.001
DataStoreReputations, v4.3.001
DataStoreSpells, v4.3.001
DataStoreStats, v4.3.001
DataStoreTalents, v4.3.001
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.312(/embedded)
FreeRefills, v107
Gnosis, vv3.03
GoingPriceWowhead, v4.3.1323635415
Informant, v5.12.5198 (QuirkyKiwi)
LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.311(/embedded)
LookinAtMe, v1.0.6
MapNotes, v6.05.40300
MapNotesBrowser, vv1.00.40300
MapNotesForAtlas, v1.00.40300
MapNotesIconLib, v1.04.40300
MapNotesIconLibFancy, v
MapNotesIconLibLegacy, v
MapNotesIconLibNeptunia, v
MapNotesIconLibNumbers, v
Mapster, v1.4.3
MarketWatcher, v2.14
MinimapTarget, vv1.6.3
MinimapZoom, v4.3
Outfitter, v5.4.1
Postal, v3.4.13
qUserKey, v
RecipeKnown, v0.27
shieldmonitor, v1.11.0
SimpleReloadUI, v
SlideBar, v5.12.5198 (QuirkyKiwi)
SpamMeNot, v4.0
Stubby, v5.12.5198 (QuirkyKiwi)
TargetInfo, v1.0.0
TheUndermineJournal, v2.2
TinyTipWealth, v0.3.2
TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.310(/embedded)
WIM, v3.5.8
ZygorGuidesViewer, v3.3
ZygorTalentAdvisor, v2.0.240
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v4.3.0.40300 <us>
Both. :P Let me repaste this copypasta from next page;
WoW doesn't exactly let us see the actual amount of gold in another person's purse, but only gives us 2 stats:
Basically 'Most Gold Ever Owned' means the highest record of gold the person ever had in their purse. Sometimes, if a player always saves up gold and doesn't spend much (like splurge 20k on a motorbike) this will be the exact amount of gold they have.
Then 'Total Gold Acquired' is how much money the person has ever looted, earned and spent since level 1, so for most level 80 players this should be a pretty high number (even above 100k).
Thanks. :)
I changed Line 117 "local max = 2014179932" to "local max = 2147483648" (without quotes).
Awhile ago I added a personal option to view Average Gold Earned Daily if that's something you might like to add. I just slipped the code between your other values in two places.
local MOST_GOLD_OWNED = "334"
local AVG_EARNED_DAILY = "753"
[TOTAL_GOLD_ACQUIRED] = "Total gold acquired",
[AVG_EARNED_DAILY] = "Avg earned per day",
[MOST_GOLD_OWNED] = "Most gold ever owned"
This is a great addon, thanks for making and maintaining it.
Also that's actually a pretty nifty suggestion, but wouldn't it be inaccurate for Pre-Cata characters since wealth is only tracked from the day achievements were rolled out? I recall reading a discussion about calculating the true creation date of characters, will see if I can dig it up. :P