
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


TomQuest2 is a quest addon that is made for LibDataBroker (ldb) here is a list of addon using ldb.

TomQuest2 was heavilly insipred by fubar QuestFu (thanks to kemayo for this great addon)

Here is a list of Modules and their features:

Quests Tooltip

  • Display number of quests in the quest log
  • Display number of completed quests
  • Display maximum number of quests allowed
  • Quest tag for daily, pvp, dungeon, number of suggested player and level
  • Clickable tooltip and mouseOver interaction
  • Display quest by header (zone, class specific quest, world events...) that you can collapse / expand by clicking on it
  • Display of zone level (if zone is available in your language in libTourist-3.0)
  • Zone colorization by difficulty or class if it's a class header (can be toggled off)
  • Quest colorization by difficulty based on your level and the suggested quest level (can be toggled off)
  • Display party members quests that you do not have in common in a separated header (provide limited interactivity as it's not in the questlog)
  • Quest status displayed for each party member (Complete or Failed)
  • Quest objective progress displayed for each party member
  • Quest objective auto hide when you or the party have completed the quest objective
  • Quest objective information on mouseover
  • Quest log diplay by left clicking on the tooltip
  • Quest sharing by ctrl + left click on the tooltip
  • Quest tracking by shift + left click on the tooltip
  • Quest abandon by alt + left click on the tooltip
  • MobMap and Cartographer quest info integration by middle clicking on objectives
  • Hide completed objective (never, when everyone in the party has finished, when you have finished)
  • Customization of font, font size and coloring
  • Automatic special quest item macro generation / update on alt right click (3.1 only feature)
  • Use of the special quest item with a key binding defined in blizzard key binding options


Quests Tracker

  • Quests can be displayed by zone or not (see screenshots)
  • Movable quest tracker with same features as the quest tooltip.
  • Automatic quest tracking on quest accept
  • Automatic quest tracking on zone change
  • Automatic daily quest tracking
  • Automatic class quest tracking
  • Automatic quest tracking for both player and party based on quest objective progress. (can be toggled off)
  • Automatic quest tracking for both player and party based on subzone proximity. (can be toggled off)
  • Persistent quest tracking across session
  • Unlimited number of quests tracked
  • Tracking of quests without objectives (you'll get the short description of the quest instead of objectives)
  • Auto-hide quest tracker when in combat. (can be toggled off)
  • Show / hide quest tracker when shift-clicking the questsTooltip ldb plugin.
  • Show / hide quest tracker with a key binding (see blizzard key binding interface)
  • MobMap and Cartographer quest info integration by middle clicking on objectives
  • Hide completed objective (never, when everyone in the party has finished, when you have finished)
  • Hide completed quest (never, when everyone in the party has finished, when you have finished)
  • Customization of font, font size and coloring
  • Auto collapsable zone header on zone change when displayed by zone
  • Zone filtering: only display quests of the current zone
  • Filter quests by weighted quest level
  • Automatic special quest item macro generation / update on alt right click (3.1 only feature)
  • Use of the special quest item with a key binding defined in blizzard key binding options


Achievement Tracker (3.1 only feature)

  • Dispay achievement by category / subcategory with counter of realise
  • Movable achivement tracker
  • Persistent achievement tracking across session
  • Unlimited number of achivement tracked
  • Auto-hide achivement tracker when in combat. (can be toggled off)
  • Show / hide achievement tracker when alt-clicking the questsTooltip ldb plugin.
  • Show / hide achievement tracker with a key binding (see blizzard key binding interface)
  • Customization of font, font size and coloring

LightHeaded and QuestLog Integration

  • Lightheaded integration
  • QuestLog replacement to allow display of quest objective and quest description for quest that only party members have
  • LightHeaded and QuestLog links clickable
  • Share and abandon questlog button
  • QuestLog and LightHeaded attachment can be customized (Right, Left or dettached)
  • QuestLog and LightHeaded font and font size can be customized with LibSharedMedia-3.0
  • MobMap and Cartographer quest info integration by middle clicking on objectives

Daily Quests

  • Display number of daily quests completed today
  • Display maximum number of daily quests
  • Display time till reset of the day
  • More soon

Mob and Item tooltip

  • Mob tooltip modification showing quest status for the mob
  • Mob tooltip modification showing mobmap quests item droprate information
  • Item tooltip modification showing quest status for the item

Party Synchronization

  • Synchronization with party members having tomQuest2
  • Synchronization of quests details (descritpion, objective, rewards...)

Quest Log Tagging

  • Quest tag for daily, pvp, dungeon, number of suggested player and level
  • Quest tag can be used defined in the options

Quest Givers Tagging

  • Display quest level
  • Fade out the quest when not completed


  • Notifications when your status change for quest objective progress, quest objective completion, quest completion and quest failure
  • Notificaions when the party status change for quest objective progress, quest objective completion, quest completion and quest failure
  • Notifications when a quest is accepted, turned-in or abandoned
  • Notifications is done through LibSink-2.0 so you could send the notifications through:
    • Blizzard notifications
    • MSBT
    • SCT
    • Parrot
    • Chat Channel
    • ...

Sound Notifications

  • Audio Notifications for quest objective completion, quest completion and quest failure
  • Audio warning can be customized with LibSharedMedia-3.0

Special thanks

  • To Hyunkal who helped me test tomQuest2
  • To kemayo for making fubar QuestFu which is the inspiration of this addon
  • To all who participate in the localization especially
    • lswooks & shwy72 for koKR
    • yllelder for esES (also used for esMX)
    • jamejee for zhCN
    • StingerSoft and Hemathio for ruRU
    • Farook and Freydis88 and Rexina for deDE
    • alpha2009 for zhTW
  • To all who give bug reports
  • To all who give me great ideas


If you wish to participate in the localization of tomQuest2 you are welcome to do so through the WowAce localization application Localization is needed for:

  • esMX If you find some mistake in my English or French locale you can send me a pm for modification.

Bug report

Bug can be reported on the Ticket application or here in the comment If you find a ticket for the same error you can give more detail if you have.


If you'd like me to implement some features, you can do so using the Ticket application or here in the comment


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 28, 2008
  • Last Released File
    Sep 18, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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