Vellum Withdrawer
This AddOn will automatically withdraw any enchanting vellums you have from your reagent bank.
Copyright (c) 2014 by Adam Hellberg.
VellumWithdrawer is licensed under the MIT License, see the LICENSE file for more information.
As in automatically depositing reagents when opening the bank?
Yes, outside white list items
Could be considered, but it might cross into feature creep territory, the addon is called withdrawer after all :P
Sure it might be considered feature creep, but really it would be a great feature and it fits with the theme of "fixing the reagent bank".
If the addon first (if option is checked) deposited all reagents and then returned vellums and other stuff that are put into the reagent bank even though it shoudn't, then it would be even better than it is now.
I looked into the deposit code and it was simple enough that adding the feature was just a few lines. v1.2.0 will have a new option to auto deposit reagents when the bank is opened (disabled by default, go into interface options and check the boxes for auto deposit and auto deposit on current character).
Yay! Thanks.
Please consider adding the following items to your addon (I realize these are not enchant items, but they are items that need to be outside the reagent bank before you can combine them):
Version 1.1.0 will have a new feature to let you add additional items to be withdrawn in the interface options (/vw options). Simply click in one of the textboxes to give it focus and shift click an item in your bags to add it (or type its name or ID manually, separated with commas).
Enchanting Vellum being a reagent was quite possibly the most annoying thing Blizzard has ever done to Enchanters, bar none.
As a user of TSM, Reagent Restocker and auto-deposit reagents, this single addon is probably the biggest QOL improvement I've installed in a looong time, and this is coming from someone with no stock UI.