This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
When none of the available quest rewards tickle your fancy, what do you do? Pick the item that vendors for the most, of course. VendorVision will assist you by placing a small gold icon over the the item which has the highest vendor price.
It might be there, just overlayed with the quest reward. I noticed this when running two accounts, each on the same quest. One character was showing the icon correctly. The other character had the quest reward on a higher layer than the icon, but I could barely see the icon at the bottom edge of the quest reward. This issue here is why I visited the website today.
If the author is reading this, might I make two requests:
Elevate the layer level so that the gold icon is always visible and does not get layered over by the quest reward.
Move the gold icon to a different corner, such as bottom left. When this addon is used in conjunction with addons such as Pawn, Pawn's "upgrade" icon overlaps the gold icon.
This still applies if anyone is still using this. It is fairly easy to change the alpha setting for the icon. Simply navigate to your World of Warcraft folder, interface folder, addon folder, vendorvison folder. Open core.lua with your text editor or lua editor of your choice.
and replace with
Save the file, exit out of any open window and completely log out and exit World of Warcraft and restart.
After installing this addon today I noticed that the addon doesn't always add the icon to quest rewards.
It might be there, just overlayed with the quest reward. I noticed this when running two accounts, each on the same quest. One character was showing the icon correctly. The other character had the quest reward on a higher layer than the icon, but I could barely see the icon at the bottom edge of the quest reward. This issue here is why I visited the website today.
If the author is reading this, might I make two requests:
Caution - Out of date reply
This still applies if anyone is still using this. It is fairly easy to change the alpha setting for the icon. Simply navigate to your World of Warcraft folder, interface folder, addon folder, vendorvison folder. Open core.lua with your text editor or lua editor of your choice.
and replace with
Save the file, exit out of any open window and completely log out and exit World of Warcraft and restart.
Been looking for this one. Great stuff.
Nice and clear, whereas others often are not.