This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
It would be great if this tracked lightning shield in the same way it does maelstrom weapon, so we can see when it's time to use a new lightning shield.
Are there any instructions for this? (Sorry if I am being dumb)
Can I move the bars
On my machine the bars only appear when something is running and disappear when none are running - is that right?
hello, i have problem whith this addon : in game I have no actif cooldown bars (wheras all of them are enabled)...
It may be because I have the french wow version ? or what ?
Best Enhancement Shaman add-on ever. Just wanna thank u for this awesome awesome add on, there are a few things that i could suggest maybe be added to make it better. I'm not an addon author so these suggestions maybe be harder to do than i would know, so ya. First off, i love the maelstrom weapon counter, but it is sometimes hard to read because it blends in the backround. Maybe add a box behind it that you can make make a solid color so it is easier to see, but allow it to change opacity for those who can see it as it is. Also, like other people have suggested, a duration timer for Spirit wolves. Thanks, love the add on XD
Best Enhancement Shaman add-on ever. Just wanna thank u for this awesome awesome add on, there are a few things that i could suggest maybe be added to make it better. I'm not an addon author so these suggestions maybe be harder to do than i would know, so ya. First off, i love the maelstrom weapon counter, but it is sometimes hard to read because it blends in the backround. Maybe add a box behind it that you can make make a solid color so it is easier to see, but allow it to change opacity for those who can see it as it is. Also, like other people have suggested, a duration timer for Spirit wolves. Thanks, love the add on XD
This has been one of the most useful addons ever! I love it and I appreciate the time and effort you put into it. However, it has not worked properly since the revision after 9/18/08. I use an addon updater to keep all my addons current so I have used all your revisions.
The problem is the Stormstrike and Shocks bars do not appear. The WF cooldown does and the MW count is present. I don't see anyone else reporting this, am I alone? I have reverted to your 9/18/08 release which I always used because it worked pre-302, sadly it does not work now.
I would love to see this fixed. This is the only addon I have so I'm sure its not a conflict. I also deleted all the savedvariables before and after reverting to your new release. Thank you.
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I've loved it for a very long time.
hi :D bb
It's been a while since last post, but I hope you still check this regularly.
Can I move the bars
On my machine the bars only appear when something is running and disappear when none are running - is that right?
My addon doesn't support Frnch yet... Can you upload (maybe posting will not work) translations for
["Windfury Weapon"] = "",
["Far Sight"] = "",
["Stormstrike"] = "",
["Windfury Attack"] = "",
["Earth Shock"] = "",
["Flame Shock"] = "",
["Shamanistic Rage"] = "",
["Maelstrom Weapon"] = "",
["Lava Lash"] = ""
It may be because I have the french wow version ? or what ?
Also can download it here:
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("wf3sec")
L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return {
["Windfury Weapon"] = "风怒武器",
["Far Sight"] = "视界术",
["Stormstrike"] = "风暴打击",
["Windfury Attack"] = "风怒攻击",
["Earth Shock"] = "地震术",
["Flame Shock"] = "烈焰震击",
["Shamanistic Rage"] = "萨满之怒",
["Maelstrom Weapon"] = "漩涡武器",
["Lava Lash"] = "熔岩鞭笞"
} end)
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("wf3sec")
L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return {
["Windfury Weapon"] = "Waffe des Windzorns",
["Far Sight"] = "Fernsicht",
["Stormstrike"] = "Sturmschlag",
["Windfury Attack"] = "Windzorn Angriff",
["Earth Shock"] = "Erdschock",
["Flame Shock"] = "Flammenschock",
["Shamanistic Rage"] = "Schamanistische Wut",
["Maelstrom Weapon"] = "Waffe des Mahlstroms",
["Lava Lash"] = "Lavapeitsche"
} end)
The problem is the Stormstrike and Shocks bars do not appear. The WF cooldown does and the MW count is present. I don't see anyone else reporting this, am I alone? I have reverted to your 9/18/08 release which I always used because it worked pre-302, sadly it does not work now.
I would love to see this fixed. This is the only addon I have so I'm sure its not a conflict. I also deleted all the savedvariables before and after reverting to your new release. Thank you.