Hunter pet manager for any DataBroker(LDB) display.
This addon is aimed for hunters, who find it tedious that you always have to use the flyout menu if you want to call a pet, but you don't want to waste 5 key bindings for every single call pet ability.
- Bind the addon to a key in the default key bindings menu, then use your LDB display addon or the minimap icon to change pets.
- Or you can use it in a macro for example:
/click WhistleFrame /cast [@pet,dead][mod:alt] Revive Pet /cast [pet,mod:ctrl] Mend Pet /cast [pet,mod:shift] Dismiss Pet
- You can not change pets in combat with the addon.
You can help out with localization at: http://www.wowace.com/addons/whistle/localization/
To fix for 10.0.0:
In whistle.toc change 1st line to:
## Interface: 100000
In Whistle.lua replace what is on lines 97 and 98 with:
WhistleFrame:SetAttribute("type", "macro")
WhistleFrame:SetAttribute("macrotext", "/cast [nopet] "..(L["Call Pet %d"]):format(pet_number))
Replace very last line of file with this(the line that starts with local secureframe)
local WhistleFrame = CreateFrame("Button", "WhistleFrame", UIParent, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
WhistleFrame:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp", "AnyDown")
Note: I never used this addon before today when it was broken, so not sure if when selecting different pets with minimap icon, if the pet selected to a little yellow dot or not, that is broken if it did, but it still switches you pet. The above code should fix both the hotkey in the keybindings, but in order to get the /click to work, you need to update your macro to this:
/click WhistleFrame MouseButton Down
/cast [@pet,dead][mod:alt] Revive Pet
/cast [pet,mod:ctrl] Mend Pet
/cast [pet,mod:shift] Dismiss Pet
I'll keep an eye on the minimap icon issue and see if I can't figure something out. If anyone is having issues with editing stuff, I'll just fix and reupload, but I'm not 100% sure on the rules at curseforge on projects that are abandoned and don't want any issues with reuploding the project
In reply to carbohydrate86:
Pre-Patch broke Whistle again. Think you could take a look?
In reply to allogator:
Sure I'll take a look either tomorrow or this weekend.
In reply to allogator:
I've fixed it, it will be available here: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/whistle2 once curseforge approves it.
In reply to carbohydrate86:
NICE, thanks a ton. Still not up so I'll keep checking. Glad Whistle was a Public GNU license.
In reply to allogator:
Yeah, I'm not sure how long it takes, I feel like last time I made a new project it took a few days?
Anyways, releases will always be posted here: https://github.com/carbohydrate/Whistle/releases
You can download the .zip file and install manually if you would like.
RIP Whistle. The 10.0 patch finally broke you. You will be missed.
Edit: Someone is amazing and fixed the code: https://www.reddit.com/r/wowaddons/comments/ydwuj5/update_request_for_whistle_addon/itxq3pb/
In reply to allogator:
With luck, the /click workaround will get it going for you again!
I'm sure no one comes here anymore but I just wanted to leave a note.
Here I am, 9 years later, still using this wonderful addon.
Thank you Calebbb!
Any chance of updating for 5.0? Most of the time my pet list just shows up as "Pet Slot 1, etc" instead of my actual pet name.
finally managed to make it working properly for deDE!
changed the localization commandline to
L["Call Pet %d"] = "Begleiter %d rufen"
i mean the cast itself. i german it would sound like "/cast [nopet] begleiter # rufen" whereas # stands for the number of the stableslot gathered by the addon previously. i would try it myself to change this, but i don't know how to put in "..pet_number" the correct way.
gonna try it right in a few seconds.
changed the localization commandline to
L["Call Pet %d"] = "Begleiter %d rufen"
"--" has to be deleted to make the loca work >.<
btw. i think this could be useful for warlocks as well, if they have such a drag-down menu as we have.
Great addon but it'd be nice if it would not be loaded when logging in classes that cannot use it.
(I cannot use my LDB displayer to do this since i use default for all my classes to keep settings the same.)
No you can not. As far as I know no LDB display offer secure frame handling.
Do you have to bind the addon to a key? Can't you just summon from a menu if you have an LDB display addon like TitanPanel?