WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) v3
WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) is a World of Warcraft addon which brings an instant messenger feel to communication in game.
- Whispers in their own windows.
- Chat in their own windows.
- Tabbed windows
- Highly configurable.
- History
- Copy and paste as:
- Raw Text
- BBCode
- Copy and paste as:
- Advanced, intellectual window behaviors & animations.
- Skins
- Emoticons
- Clickable web URLS for easy viewing. No more retyping a long url a friend sends you.
- Customizable sound options.
- Expose - great way to clear your screen of windows when you are in combat.
- Addon Compatibility: (Always make sure you are running the latest versions.
- Prat
In reply to humfras:
Even after the last update I'm still getting this Error. Happens when I do Shift+r, or even try to reply to a whisper. Also sets the focus to the chat window, rather than a WiM window.
Message: Interface\FrameXML\BNet.lua:22: Usage: GetAutoCompletePresenceID("name")
Time: Fri Jan 25 08:01:12 2019
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\FrameXML\BNet.lua:22: Usage: GetAutoCompletePresenceID("name")
[C]: in function `GetAutoCompletePresenceID'
Interface\FrameXML\BNet.lua:22: in function <Interface\FrameXML\BNet.lua:21>
Interface\AddOns\WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:553: in function <Interface\AddOns\WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:537>
Interface\AddOns\WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:626: in function <Interface\AddOns\WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:626>
[C]: in function `ChatFrame_ReplyTell2'
[string "REPLY2"]:1: in function <[string "REPLY2"]:1>
Locals: (*temporary) = nil
In reply to Swarfy:
Because there is no way you can get a nil error at that part of the code anymore.
Thank you so very much for the latest update. I know it takes a lot of work to keep these up and that you have other things to do!
In reply to spliffmaster:
The 3.7.20 release should be available now.
It would be time to pass the addon to 8.1.0 because we have bug when we do a / who on wow or when we whispers to someone. Take action. It is getting long, you are putting a lot of time to update your addon to each patch.
In reply to Forge_User_72978019:
In reply to Forge_User_72978019:
mysticalos and myself are studying/working so time for playing WoW and updating AddOns is quite limited.
This ad-on appears to be working fine (for me) but still needs a .toc update for 8.0.1. However, others have stated below they have had errors recently. Since I have not receive any such errors, this may be due to conflicts with other add-ons they use. In any case, the author, humfras was last online Sun, Jan, 6 2019 so they are still active.
Date: 2019-01-13 10:09:28
ID: 2
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua line 919:
attempt to index field 'Result' (a nil value)
WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:919: ProcessWhoResults()
WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:897: ?()
self = <table> {
GetNextFromScheduler = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:377
ReturnWho = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:502
Cache = <table> {
UserInfo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:179
MinInterval = 2.500000
CachedUserInfo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:260
SetWhoToUIState = false
AskWhoNextIn5sec = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:329
CapitalizeInitial = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:737
CancelPendingWhoNext = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:337
embeds = <table> {
hooked = <table> {
ProcessWhoResults = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:912
WHO_LIST_UPDATE = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:903
AllQueuesEmpty = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:314
CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:895
RegisterCallback = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ahoy\Libraries\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:90
CheckCallback = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:675
TriggerEvent = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:750
UnregisterCallback = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ahoy\Libraries\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:153
PossibleEvents = <table> {
DupAll = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:725
ConsoleWho = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:610
Embed = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:291
Dup = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:711
simple_dump = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:701
GetQueryInterval = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:327
external = <table> {
callbacks = <table> {
CheckArgument = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:647
RaiseCallback = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:637
MaxInterval = 10
AskWho = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:494
GuiWho = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:592
Library = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:304
ReturnUserInfo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:631
AskWhoNext = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:409
L = <table> {
queue_bounds = <table> {
UnregisterAllCallbacks = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Ahoy\Libraries\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:174
UpdateWeights = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:358
Total = 1
Debug = false
SetWhoLibDebug = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:276
CheckPreset = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:657
GetWhoLibDebug = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:272
hook = <table> {
Queue = <table> {
WhoInProgress = false
CacheQueue = <table> {
events = <table> {
Who = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:147
frame = LibWho-2.0 {
Reset = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Libs\LibWho-2.0\LibWho-2.0.lua:141
num = 1
(for index) = 1
(for limit) = 1
(for step) = 1
i = 1
charname = "Merylstreaks"
guildname = "Duplicity"
level = 120
race = "Highmountain Tauren"
class = "Druid"
zone = "Dazar'alor"
nonlocalclass = "DRUID"
sex = 3
(*temporary) = nil
Swatter, v8.0.6162 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AAPCore, v8.1044
AdvancedInterfaceOptions, v1.2.9
Ahoy, v1.10
AskMrRobot, v71
AtlasLoot, vv8.09.00
AtlasLootBattleforAzeroth, vv8.09.00
AtlasLootBurningCrusade, vv8.09.00
AtlasLootCataclysm, vv8.09.00
AtlasLootClassic, vv8.09.00
AtlasLootLegion, vv8.09.00
AtlasLootMistsofPandaria, vv8.09.00
AtlasLootWarlordsofDraenor, vv8.09.00
AtlasLootWrathoftheLichKing, vv8.09.00
AzeritePowerWeights, v8.1.6
AzeriteTooltip, v1.92
BeanCounter, v8.0.6157 (SwimmingSeadragon)
Clique, vv80000-1.0.0
CurrencyTracking, vv6.12
DBMCore, v8.1.2
DBMDefaultSkin, v
DBMStatusBarTimers, v
EasyMail, v7.3
ExRT, v4000
GarrisonCommanderBroker, v3.0.1 1.1.0
GatherMate2, v1.43.4
Grid2, vr838
Grid2LDB, vr838
Grid2RaidDebuffs, vr838
GTFO, v4.46.12
HandyNotes, vv1.5.3
Informant, v8.0.6159 (SwimmingSeadragon)
KkthnxUI, v8.33
KkthnxUIConfig, v8.33
LFRAdvanced, v8.1.0.28768
LootAppraiser, vv1.9.3
LossOfControl, v2.5.4
MasterPlanA, vA
NPCScan, v8.0.1.13
Oilvl, v8.0.2
OmniCC, v8.1.0
OmniCCConfig, v
Pawn, v2.2.33
PersonalLootHelper, v2.19
RaiderIO, v8.0.1 (v201901130600)
RareScanner, v5.3.1
RSA, vr514-Release
RSAPriest, v
SatchelScanner, v8.1.0
SlideBar, v8.0.6160 (SwimmingSeadragon)
Stubby, v8.0.6161 (SwimmingSeadragon)
TargetNameplateIndicator, v1.32
TellMeWhen, v8.5.7
TheUndermineJournal, v5.4.20190112
TipTac, v18.08.20
TipTacItemRef, v18.08.12
TipTacTalents, v18.07.30
TooltipSpec, v1.0.2
WarfrontRareTracker, v0.9.6-1
WIM, v3.7.18
WorldQuestTracker, v
ZygorGuidesViewer, v7.0
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v8.1.0.80100 <none>
Since WoW Patch 8.1 I get sometimes no Names frim Wisper in WiM Window. It will be everytime I wisper with Friends from Friendlist and they have a Name like charname#userid. In this cases the Name will be Show as [IHBNplayer….. instead of the charname. But That will be not in all cases. Some names are o.k.
BR Ralf
Message: Interface\FrameXML\BNet.lua:22: Usage: GetAutoCompletePresenceID("name")
Time: Mon Jan 7 21:02:58 2019
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\FrameXML\BNet.lua:22: Usage: GetAutoCompletePresenceID("name")
Interface\AddOns\WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:625: in function <Interface\AddOns\WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:625>
[C]: in function `ChatFrame_ReplyTell'
[string "REPLY"]:1: in function <[string "REPLY"]:1>
Locals: replyTellTarget = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:537
Message: Interface\FrameXML\BNet.lua:22: Usage: GetAutoCompletePresenceID("name")
Time: Mon Jan 7 21:03:24 2019
Count: 2
Stack: Interface\FrameXML\BNet.lua:22: Usage: GetAutoCompletePresenceID("name")
Date: 2019-01-02 13:37:33
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\FrameXML\BNet.lua line 22:
Usage: GetAutoCompletePresenceID("name")
[C]: ?
[C]: GetAutoCompletePresenceID()
[C]: ChatFrame_ReplyTell()
[string "REPLY"]:1:
[string "REPLY"]:1
Swatter, v8.0.6162 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucAdvanced, v8.0.6122 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucFilterBasic, v8.0.6149 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucScanData, v8.0.6150 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatHistogram, v8.0.6151 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatiLevel, v8.0.6155 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatPurchased, v8.0.6152 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatSimple, v8.0.6153 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatStdDev, v8.0.6154 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucUtilFixAH, v8.0.6156 (SwimmingSeadragon)
BeanCounter, v8.0.6157 (SwimmingSeadragon)
DBMCore, v8.1.1
DBMDefaultSkin, v
DBMStatusBarTimers, v
Details, v
DetailsDmgRank, v
DetailsDpsTuning, v
DetailsEncounterDetails, v
DetailsRaidCheck, v
DetailsStreamer, v
DetailsTimeAttack, v
DetailsTinyThreat, v
DetailsVanguard, v
ElvUI, v10.84
ElvUIDTBars2, v8.0.0.0013
ElvUILocPlus, v2.39
ElvUIProfessions, v2.0
ElvUISLE, v3.492
Enchantrix, v8.0.6158 (SwimmingSeadragon)
ExRT, v4000
Informant, v8.0.6159 (SwimmingSeadragon)
InstancePortals, v19
LegionTreasures, v7.3.5.26822
MethodDungeonTools, v2.2.50
MogIt, v3.8.11
MogItArtifact, v3.8.11
MogItOneHanded, v3.8.11
MogItOther, v3.8.11
MogItPlate, v3.8.11
MogItRanged, v3.8.11
MogItTwoHanded, v3.8.11
MyRolePlay, v8.0.1.424
RaiderIO, v8.0.1 (v201901020600)
RaiderIODBUSA, v
RaiderIODBUSH, v
SlideBar, v8.0.6160 (SwimmingSeadragon)
Stubby, v8.0.6161 (SwimmingSeadragon)
TradeSkillMaster, vv4.6.13
TradeSkillMasterAppHelper, vv4.0.2
WIM, v3.7.18
WIMElvUISkin, v80000.01-Release
WorldQuestTracker, v
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v8.1.0.80100 <none>
I use ElvUI, Shadow & Light and WIM: I don't know if this a problem of elvui, but i can't change the font of the whispers.
6x FrameXML\BNet.lua:22: Usage: GetAutoCompletePresenceID("name")
[C]: in function `GetAutoCompletePresenceID'
FrameXML\BNet.lua:22: in function <FrameXML\BNet.lua:21>
WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:553: in function <WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:537>
WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:625: in function <WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:625>
[C]: in function `ChatFrame_ReplyTell'
[string "REPLY"]:1: in function <[string "REPLY"]:1>
(*temporary) = nil
49x FrameXML\BNet.lua:22: Usage: GetAutoCompletePresenceID("name")
[C]: in function `GetAutoCompletePresenceID'
FrameXML\BNet.lua:22: in function <FrameXML\BNet.lua:21>
WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:553: in function <WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:537>
WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:626: in function <WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:626>
[C]: in function `ChatFrame_ReplyTell2'
[string "REPLY2"]:1: in function <[string "REPLY2"]:1>
(*temporary) = nil
Message: Interface\FrameXML\BNet.lua:22: Usage: GetAutoCompletePresenceID("name")
Time: Fri Dec 14 03:18:27 2018
Count: 4
Stack: Interface\FrameXML\BNet.lua:22: Usage: GetAutoCompletePresenceID("name")
[C]: ?
[C]: in function `GetAutoCompletePresenceID'
Interface\FrameXML\BNet.lua:22: in function <Interface\FrameXML\BNet.lua:21>
Interface\AddOns\WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:553: in function <Interface\AddOns\WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:537>
Interface\AddOns\WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:625: in function <Interface\AddOns\WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua:625>
[C]: in function `ChatFrame_ReplyTell'
[string "REPLY"]:1: in function <[string "REPLY"]:1>
Since one of the last updates, the chat window doesn´'t display the guild of the person you chat with anymore.
Also it displays Battlenet Name rather than character name and there are no options to change that.
The location button hasn't been working for ages now.
Since a lot of time, when I send a message to someone there is only visible what the person answers me. what I write myself is not visible