This addon displays the time until the next Wintergrasp battle in FuBar.
The time can be updated from three sources:
- In the Wintergrasp zone, the countdown is set from the countdown there.
- If you talk to the NPC by the portal in Dalaran, the countdown is set from the time given.
- If some guildmember who is running this addon does the above, the countdown is sent to all guild members with the addon.
If the addon does not know the time of the next battle but knows the start time for one of the previous 3 battles, it can provide a guess for when the next battle will start. Two times are displayed, based on victory in 15 mins and victory in 30 mins; the real time will hopefully be somewhere in between those. If you don't want this, turn it off under options.
New features in 1.1
Now has localizations for deDE, frFR, koKR, zhTW and ruRU. Now will attempt to accept synchronization from other addons - please let me know if it works or doesn't work.
In need of assistance
These are the strings in need of localization. Please post your language version of the strings and I'll add them and make a 1.1 beta version :)
The text displayed in Wintergrasp for time until next battle:
- "Next Battle: (%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)$"
The texts from and names for the NPCs in Dalaran:
- "The next battle begins in (%d):(%d*):(%d*)%."
- "Arcanist Braedin"
- "Magister Surdiel"
- "The battle for control of Wintergrasp will begin in (%d*) minute"
- "The battle for control of Wintergrasp will begin in (%d*) hour"
Optional, just for messages from the addon:
- "Show estimate"
- "Show best estimate when exact time is not available."
- "Active"
- "Unknown"
- "WG"
- "WgFu: New estimated start at "
- "h", "m", "s" (short for hour, minute, seconds)
"WG", "WgFu: New estimated start at ", "h", "m", "s" are new strings
I.E. "[Guild]: Wintergrasp starts in xx:xx:xx"
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("WintergraspFu")
L:RegisterTranslations("ruRU", function () return {
["WG"] = "Озеро Ледяных Оков",
["Show estimate"] = "Показать расчётное время",
["Show best estimate when exact time is not available."] = "Показать приблизительное время если точное время не указано.",
["Next Battle: (%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)$"] = "Следущий бой: (%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)$",
["The next battle begins in (%d):(%d*):(%d*)%."] = "Следущее сражение начнется через (%d):(%d*):(%d*)%.",
["Active"] = "активно",
["Unknown"] = "неизвестно",
["Arcanist Braedin"] = "Чародей Брэдин",
["Magister Surdiel"] = "Магистр Сурдиэль",
["The battle for control of Wintergrasp will begin in (%d*) minute"] = "Сражение за Озеро Ледяных Оков начнется через (%d*) минуту",
["The battle for control of Wintergrasp will begin in (%d*) hour"] = "Сражение за Озеро Ледяных Оков начнется через (%d*) час",
["WgFu: New estimated start at "] = "WgFu: Новое расчётное время начала в ",
--["h"] = true, -- short for hour
--["m"] = true, -- short for minute
--["s"] = true, -- short for seconds
} end)
["The next battle begins in (%d):(%d*):(%d*)%."] = "Следующая битва начинается через (%d):(%d*):(%d*)%.",
Also will post soon 1 minute and 1 hour strings.
["WG"] = "ОЛО",
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("WintergraspFu")
L:RegisterTranslations("ruRU", function () return {
["WG"] = "Озеро ледяных Оков",
["Show estimate"] = "показать приблезительное Время",
["Show best estimate when exact time is not available."] = "расчитать Время если точное Время не указано.",
["Next Battle: (%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)$"] = "следущий Бой: (%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)$",
["The next battle begins in (%d):(%d*):(%d*)%."] = "следущий Бой начнется через (%d):(%d*):(%d*)%.",
["Active"] = "активно",
["Unknown"] = "неизвестно",
["Arcanist Braedin"] = "Чародей Брэдин",
["Magister Surdiel"] = "Магистр Сурдиэль",
["The battle for control of Wintergrasp will begin in (%d*) minute"] = "Бой за Контроль Озера ледяных Оков начнется через (%d*) Minute",
["The battle for control of Wintergrasp will begin in (%d*) hour"] = "Бой за Контроль Озера ледяных Оков начнется через (%d*) Stunde",
["WgFu: New estimated start at "] = "WgFu: приблезительное Начало Боя",
--["h"] = true, -- short for hour
--["m"] = true, -- short for minute
--["s"] = true, -- short for seconds
} end)
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("WintergraspFu")
L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function () return {
["WG"] = "WG",
["Show estimate"] = "Zeige gesch\195\164tzte Zeit",
["Show best estimate when exact time is not available."] = "Zeit sch\195\164tzen, wenn die exakte Zeit nicht verf\195\188gbar ist.",
["Next Battle: (%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)$"] = "N\195\164chste Schlacht: (%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)$",
["The next battle begins in (%d):(%d*):(%d*)%."] = "Die n\195\164chste Schlacht beginnt in (%d):(%d*):(%d*)%.",
["Active"] = "aktiv",
["Unknown"] = "unbekannt",
["Arcanist Braedin"] = "Arkanist Braedin",
["Magister Surdiel"] = "Magister Surdiel",
["The battle for control of Wintergrasp will begin in (%d*) minute"] = "Die Schlacht um die Herrschaft \195\188ber Tausendwinter beginnt in (%d*) Minute",
["The battle for control of Wintergrasp will begin in (%d*) hour"] = "Die Schlacht um die Herrschaft \195\188ber Tausendwinter beginnt in (%d*) Stunde",
["WgFu: New estimated start at "] = "WgFu: Gesch\195\164tzter Start um ",
--["h"] = true, -- short for hour
--["m"] = true, -- short for minute
--["s"] = true, -- short for seconds
} end)