Please use http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/xloot - Group is included in the package, and this is no longer maintained.
Smooth "Group Loot" roll frames
Options not featured in screenshot:
- Show time remaining on roll (Shown over icon)
- Show winning roll type icon (Need, greed, etc)
- Show undecided players
- When to track rolls you have decided on (Always, when rolling, never, by quality)
- Anchor direction (Up or down)
- Skins (Choose skin in XLoot 1.0, compatible with Masque skins)
- Frame scale, width, and button size
Loot Rolls anchor and Loot Popup anchors can be re-shown through the options panel or with /xlg
Skin used is determined by XLoot 1.0, if installed
They should already dim, in fact the default addon image shows it in action. Would you provide a screenshot showing how yours are appearing?
Here is a screen shot. There is no enchanter in the group, and therefore, the disenchant button does not work, but it is not dimmed. Also, it is a wand, and as a death knight, I can't roll Need, but the Need button is also not dimmed. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Sure. Update. I pushed the beta version to release.
You might also want to try http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/xloot-1-0 as it is the (soon) replacement for XLoot itself.
I installed the update to XlootGroup and it works great. Thanks!
What localization are you having this issue with? Could you please note the player who was awarded the loot when it fails?
Sometimes the addon does not read the roll choice of someone and the item remains stuck in the watch list for some minutes. I also randomly get this error:
thx i hope^^
cu cardo_
german version!!
Apparently there are some issues with the chat parser and the German version. I'm working on them right now, hopefully everything will be shipshape shortly.
hi i have the new beta! i can not seen the roll or winner.is already available? or coming soon?
cu cardo_
What language/localeare you using? I'll see why it doesn't work for you =)
What language/locale are you using? It should report disenchants properly, but I could well have missed something =)
English version and I was in Firelands last time I checked.
I really love the addon now. Its much more informative. I have also found a bug
, I think. If no one Needs and the item is disechanted then its not reported by the addon. If you need any more info just tell me to post.
Keep up the good work,
I love the way it goes now, but is there a chance that the monitor part would be more in the monitor addon? I am using both at the moment and while I like the way Group shows me who is winning/bidding for items id rather have it where my monitor is. Example: Have bidding in progress showing just on Monitor anchor and than other loot showing above those if any. If there is no bidding then all loot would be anchored just on Monitor anchor.
I love the progress on all the Xloot family. This addons make my UI look exactly how I want it to look :D
Keep the good work...
I'll keep it in consideration, but the problem is Group does all the calculation and tracking of active rolls since wow doesn't pass rollid on group events.
Glad you like it, though. Master and Monitor will likely be next, and I'm still pondering how I'm going to replace XLoot itself. I'm considering doing exactly what I did with Group to give people still using it a chance to try the "beta" first
Glad to hear it you like it. Positive feedback keeps me working on it =)
Loving the updates to this. The monitor is much better than it's ever been. I love the hover to see who rolled what feature, as well as the numbers on the monitor panels. Thanks to your improvements, I have now totally removed loot rolls from my chat window... which frees up that window for other, more important things.
Thanks for all your hard work!
Wasn't there a timeout in the previous roll watch ?
I honestly don't remeber. Over a series of late night coding binges, I discarded that code and let the thanadants crap on it. Point being, next update will have proper expiration checks.