Please use http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/xloot - Group is included in the package, and this is no longer maintained.
Smooth "Group Loot" roll frames
Options not featured in screenshot:
- Show time remaining on roll (Shown over icon)
- Show winning roll type icon (Need, greed, etc)
- Show undecided players
- When to track rolls you have decided on (Always, when rolling, never, by quality)
- Anchor direction (Up or down)
- Skins (Choose skin in XLoot 1.0, compatible with Masque skins)
- Frame scale, width, and button size
Loot Rolls anchor and Loot Popup anchors can be re-shown through the options panel or with /xlg
Skin used is determined by XLoot 1.0, if installed
what dependencies has this plugin? i have Ace2 and XLoot 1.0 but it still misses something!
3.3.5? The current version has no external dependencies and I don't support old versions of WoW.
It has a download version for 3.3.0!! Whats that?
It means that I don't support old versions of wow, I didn't say that there was no old version available. The only way you would be playing 3.3.0 is on a private server of some type, and not only is it bad business for any wow fansite-type site to condone them, but I also have no reason to deal with someone who is rude and demanding about my freely provided addon.
Edit: Upon reading your post history, you seem to be inquiring on a few addons for old WoW functionality, and at least one of them has already given you more or less the same answer I just did.
You're free to do whatever you like, but I suggest you don't go around asking for help using addons on a private server, as it is likely to get you more hostility.
Ok, sorry if i was rude!
Well, it took longer than I figured, but unless I entirely exploded Dridzt's changes, it should work more or less fine in MoP now.
Please report any bugs or issues from z11-beta.
Hi, since 5.0 update Blizzard added the new loot frame when recieving loot in groups. I mean the loot bag in LFR and when recieving loot in 5 mans, not the roll frame. Is it possible for xloot to control this and move it? Thanks, love this mod.
I certainly plan to implement the LF* frames the next time my WoW sub is active.
I previously used teksLoot, which has the nice feature that you can see the current number of people who rolled need/greed/pass as a number on the roll icons. Is this also available in XLootGroup?
Also, when I was trying out XLootGroup today, I did not see people passing (is that because of the new patch?) and I also missed other people clicking Need for some reason. Is this a configuration thing, or am I doing something wrong perhaps?
It does have that feature, refer to the screenshots. Unfortunately it has not been updated to match the MoP API yet, but it will be. Keep a eye on it.
Thanks for the update. Who's rolling greed/need/pass is the main reason I love this mod and looking forward to getting it reintroduced.
Was very nice and useful addon before 5.0.4, but now when MoP has its own Loot Rolls window, I can't see a reason for using this addon, because it provides same functionality but with more restrictions (see http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/xloot-group#c242) then built-in blizzard window, which also have history of all rolls which can be seen until logout, which this addon mises. So not sure how it will evolve in the future, interesting to learn authors's thoughts on it. Maybe you will redesign built-in blizzard addon instead of developing this one, or what your future plans?
As far as I am aware, Dridzt is working on restorying full previous functionality to Group.
My plans depend on what he is doing as well as getting a active account to actually try things out on - I haven't really seen or used the new group frames yet which would make things much easier to grok than simply looking at the FrameXML source for it.
There's a bit of a confusion here.
1. The new blizzard group frames (as in the frames you use to need/greed/pass etc) offer no new functionality apart from visual style.
2. There is a totally new blizzard LootHistory frame added to the game that in terms of XLoot* would compare to the old XLootMonitor and especially its history module (does fewer things than that offered in some areas - example: only shows rolls, not who actually got the item, and more in other - example: can be used to directly assign loot to the player in masterloot mode)
It would be a long writeup to say the default loothistory plus/minus - no sorting, no grouping, no timestamps, lots of usability issues and a clunky frame would immediately come to mind for defects.
But anyway what I mean to say is there is no direct comparison between XLootGroup and blizz loothistory, it would have to be a new XLoot plugin (maybe a new XLootMonitor?) There is a very minor feature overlap with XLootGroup showing need/greed/pass and summaries in tooltip of actively rolled items but that's it.
3. Regarding my own involvement.
I see myself in a maintenance role . I'm trying to restore XLoot* functionality to pre-MoP features (what XLoot* was doing itself) not take creative direction away from Xuerian.
At the moment I think XLootGroup is working as it did before patch 5.0.4 (baring any old or new bugs) but no new features have been added.
New XLootMaster is extremely barebones atm, has like 1/4 of old functionality because it relied heavily in an obsolete Ace2 dropdown library which was ditched in favor of a rewrite.
I'm hoping to re-introduce most of the old XLootMaster functionality over the next couple days (if Xuerian doesn't beat me to it) but for the moment it just offers a 'sorted by class' menu and exposing the new masterloot features in MoP, something that the old XLootMaster would definitely break (eg. ability of the ML to ask the server to manually spawn grouploot frames for the raid etc)
Oh well, thanks for reply guys, for now default blizz LootHistory is fine for me so far, but will keep an eye on your work - you are right about blizz loothistory defects - I can live with them for a while, but it will be nice to have the features you mentioned. Your XLootGroup addon is the best among similair addons, so will wait if you will make some another addon which improves or replaces blizzard LootHistory frame, as Dridzt mentioned.
Thank you for the reports, everyone!
I may not be able to work on this immediately, but fixes will be coming. For now, hold off on the error reports =)
Might come sooner than you think
z9-release should not be throwing errors and even work (somewhat)
Found this in my bugsack:
20x XLootGroup\XLootGroup-z8-release.lua:859: attempt to call global "GetNumPartyMembers" (a nil value)
"GetNumRaidMembers()" and "GetNumPartyMembers()" seem to have been eliminated and rolled into one new function "GetNumGroupMembers()".
Still love the addon thanks for the hard work Xeurian!
My post here is a few weeks old, but in the interest of not knowingly posting incorrect information, I thought I should clarify. It turns out the two commands are not rolled into one, each has it's own revised name.
GetNumRaidMembers() is now GetNumGroupMembers()
GetNumPartyMembers() is now GetNumSubgroupMembers()
XLoot 1.0 has been updated (beta version), I ran into some errors (and some CriticalFailurePlayingGuildWars2 issues) with this.
I'll be working on it and hopefully there will be a new version in the coming days. I'm not sure how much I will have to change for MoP functionality.
love the addon, id love an option to see if someone rolls a 100 :P