Please use http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/xloot - Group is included in the package, and this is no longer maintained.
Smooth "Group Loot" roll frames
Options not featured in screenshot:
- Show time remaining on roll (Shown over icon)
- Show winning roll type icon (Need, greed, etc)
- Show undecided players
- When to track rolls you have decided on (Always, when rolling, never, by quality)
- Anchor direction (Up or down)
- Skins (Choose skin in XLoot 1.0, compatible with Masque skins)
- Frame scale, width, and button size
Loot Rolls anchor and Loot Popup anchors can be re-shown through the options panel or with /xlg
Skin used is determined by XLoot 1.0, if installed
wtf :(
If more people experience this, please say so, and if someone has a fix, post it please, i hate the default rol frame :S
Thanks in advance.
having the exact same issue .... and unable to roll on items i really need!!!
i.e. A mage will not be able to roll need on plate.
A warrior cannot roll need on plate that has intellect stat
This is nothing to do with the addon but the fact that Blizz default the random group loot method to be need before greed.
If you set the loot method to "Group Loot" then it will allow anyone to roll need on anything.
Thanks to Narzuhl for debugging it.
Since the purpose of those mods is to never see the group loot dialog (or do I have it wrong)
wouldn't it make more sense to just not use XLootGroup at all?
It is an optional module for XLoot, you don't have to use it.
Since the latest patch i have problems with the option to show the clicks of others. I don't see what others in my group or raid just rolled.
Edit: Option is checked, sure^^
Can you please consider incorporating a fix for those using Autoroll mods - PassLoot or AutoRoller? Using one of these mods, bypasses the actual 'CLICK' on the xlootbars, so it never gets updated, and remains onscreen, indefinitely. I patched the latest version to bypass that, simply by checking the GetLootRollTimeLeft(item) for 0. Here's my simple fix.