XPBarNone is an XP bar with handy feature set.
Lightweight XP bar with a nice set of features, the text display is customisable, the default setting resembles the following:
Exp: 1234/56789 (7586) :: 12.5% through level 34 :: 1234 XP left :: 12 kills to level
You can access two different menus to configure XPBarNone.
Shift + Right Click: This accesses the main configuration menu. It's the same menu you could get through the slash commands, but in a nice graphical form.
Control + Right Click: This menu allows you to select which faction you would like to watch on your XP Bar.
Slash Commands
/xpbarnone or /xpbn
Any plans to add azerite power to this addon?
In reply to Forge_User_48404547:
I try to understand how it computes the # to kill. I multiply my latest xp with the "# to kill" and the result can be anything but the " # xp left".
Which numbers and formula is used?
Here's an odd issue. The mouseover to show reputation works on one of my computers but doesn't on another. Any ideas why that might be? Thanks!
Thanks so much for the update! ๐๐๐๐
Current version will not track paragon reputation. Here is an example of what I get when I am at paragon level with a faction:
Rep: Armies of Legionall (Exalted) 0/0 :: -1.$%
That is with this string:
Rep: [faction] ([standing]) [curRep]/[maxRep] :: [repPC]
Technically, there is no "exalted" for the Legion factions anymore. When you hit 21000/21000 revered, you are considered "exalted" for the purpose of achievements or vendor restrictions, but the reputation immediately goes from revered to paragon. That little bit where you could grind out 999/1000 just to fill the bar is gone.
With 7.2, you can earn reputation beyond Exalted with the Broken Isles factions. When you hit 10000 extra rep, there is a reward. The count then cycles back to 0, so effectively every 10000 rep you will earn the cache.
It would be cool if it tracked the new rep "tier" as well. I have 250 points into the new "tier" with Dreamweavers, and this is what I have displaying:
Rep: [faction] ([standing]) [curRep]/[maxRep] :: [repPC]
Display (at 250/10000 past Exalted):
Rep: Dreamweavers (Exalted) 0/0 :: -1.$%
Thank you!
The addon currently won't track any reputations.
Can you please add the option to color the bar by class color? The Normal bar option.
Is it possible to update this to also track artifact power?
Mais grave de grave ...
L'addon est genial :-)
La puissance prodigieuse en plus et ce serait le top du top ;_)
Whats the frame name of the XP bar?
I would like to anchor my KG Panels to it, but my old macro
/print GetMouseFocus():GetName()
doesnt seem to work anymore.
It's called: XPBarNoneFrame
In MoveAnything, anyways.
Auto Watch Reputation stopped working for me. It worked fine for a while but now nothing happens when I earn reputation with a different faction. I don't have any LUA errors either.
Any chance to add an option to default hide the XPbar at max level instead of showing the "you need to select a faction" thing and only show the bar at max level when actually tracking a faction? Would love that
I love this add-on so far, so thank you! Is there any way to have an option to shorten the text by rounding to the nearest thousand and inserting a "k" at the end, perhaps with the ability to select number of decimal places (e.g., "457,259" becomes "457k" with 0 decimals or "457.3k" with 1 decimal, etc.)?
I would love to see it too.
Loving this addon! The default XP/Rep bar is so ugly an unwieldy. Is there any chance of adding a bit more customization options for the border of the bar? I would love it if I could just get a 1 px solid black border on it. :)
I'm having an issue where it won't allow me to place the bar all the way at the bottom of my screen. It's leaving quite a bit of space between the edge of the screen and the bar. I'm not sure if it's a setting or something causing this to happen. Please help.
Also, when I log off then back on the position of the bar moves upwards, even when I have it locked.
So i had a peek at the LUA cause i couldnt find anywhere that listed all the Tags in a single list... Well i'm 98% sure these are all the tags usable in either section (rep only works on rep bar, and xp tags only work on the xp bar)
Experience Bar Tags:
Reputation Bar Tags: