XPBarNone is an XP bar with handy feature set.
Lightweight XP bar with a nice set of features, the text display is customisable, the default setting resembles the following:
Exp: 1234/56789 (7586) :: 12.5% through level 34 :: 1234 XP left :: 12 kills to level
You can access two different menus to configure XPBarNone.
Shift + Right Click: This accesses the main configuration menu. It's the same menu you could get through the slash commands, but in a nice graphical form.
Control + Right Click: This menu allows you to select which faction you would like to watch on your XP Bar.
Slash Commands
/xpbarnone or /xpbn
Any chance of this getting updated for wrath classic?
Classic TBC Version
Is there a way to display both Experience and Reputation Bars at same time, like over each other ..??
is there a tag for xp/rep earned per session?
I have not been able to get xpbar to work for TBC I cannot find the lines to edit Ragedaug mentioned in the latest version 8b17e39-bcc.
For TBC, you can see XP again at level 60 be changing line 131 from 60 to 70.
Lots of Ace 3 Errors. Brakes at level 60
Latest update breaks in Classic.
2 changes necessary to make it work:
@line 76 change:
(GetMaxLevelForPlayerExpansion() doesn't exist in the Classic client)
@line 1243 change:
as BackdropTemplate deprecated (presumably)
In reply to DrVeoj:
Many thanks for that fix!
Non-functional in 9.0.1. No Lua error. I have 80300-1 installed (I see XPBN in my list of addons in-game as well) but /xpbn or /xpbarnone don't do anything, and the xp bar isn't visible.
Thanks in advance for any help!
In reply to matt0717:
I made a few changes to make it compatible with 9.0.1. Might not be the best implementation, I'm no WoW Lua expert, but it works for me now:
File Core.lua:
line 197:
line 219:
line 222 to 225:
line 1243:
In reply to Vasagore:
Works fine
In reply to Vasagore:
Thank you so much!
In reply to Vasagore:
any way you could upload the version of the addon you have with these changes
In reply to matt0717:
Hope the will update soon
when i max out a reputation i move it to inactive. is there a way to hide the rep bar if that has been done? or something similar - i'm not all that sure i am clear about what i am asking. this is for classic
thanks ;)
As of today's WoW Classic patch XPBN has stopped working, giving me this error: Interface\AddOns\XPBarNone\Core.lua:121: attempt to index global 'C_AzeriteItem' (a nil value). Should the classic version be referencing azerite items, or has my version got mixed up with retail somehow?
This happens because todays' patch seems to have changed the game client's version tag from 11302 to 11303, which causes the addon to no-longer correctly identify that it's running on Classic and not Retail.
I have submitted issue #16 that describes the problem, and also provides a simple 1-line fix for it.
- WireRydr
In reply to wirerydr:
I have a more robust version of this fix for later today that should hopefully prevent the addon breaking if Blizzard bump the version number again.
Can you please add the [percentXP] tag? I wanted to create a pull request on Github for it but I am not allowed to do so :P
Love the addon! In classic, I find I get the below error every time the game starts. Also, the bar moves slightly down and to the left every time.