Allows you to set up in advance which color globule your raid should kill for each possible color combination. This choice is then announced via /rw or /raid (or additionally via a yell, a private raid warning, or a private chat message) when the globules spawn.
The defaults for LFR and normal modes follow the Purple > Green > Yellow priority.
The defaults for heroic mode follow the Icy-Veins website. (As of 12/15/11.)
You can change the kill target of any color combination in the Interface - AddOns options menu.
Hmmm i try using this addon on heroic 10man today, it seem to not working : / is it just me ?
Anyone else able to confirm it doesn't work on heroic mode? Unfortunately I do not yet have access to heroic modes so I have no way of testing them. Thanks for letting me know it didn't work for you, though, so I can see about fixing it.
I am a code novice, but don't you need to account for the 4-digit heroic mode strings instead of 3-digit that you construct in Core.lua?
Yep that's most likely it, thanks.
Possible to get an option to mark the target you yell out? And ohh yeah...get one more box with yell so people get the speach bubble thing on the screen.
Added /yell in 0.07_beta.
As for marking the target, I might get around to adding it.
Fantastic! will have a go at it on heroics tonight.
Thank you
Love it. Thanks
If you can detect raiddifficulty within addon, perhaps adding a separate priority list for LFR would be a good idea since the priority isn't the same as in "normal mode"
Added LFR mode detection in 0.06_beta.