Allows you to set up in advance which color globule your raid should kill for each possible color combination. This choice is then announced via /rw or /raid (or additionally via a yell, a private raid warning, or a private chat message) when the globules spawn.
The defaults for LFR and normal modes follow the Purple > Green > Yellow priority.
The defaults for heroic mode follow the Icy-Veins website. (As of 12/15/11.)
You can change the kill target of any color combination in the Interface - AddOns options menu.
p\s and + that
Hi modyfi plz this "function addon:OutputWarning()" on that, thx
As a note, on LFR, green is one of the weakest globule there is as it does not splash. Killing it ahead of yellow is a mistake, a horribly prevalent one at that.
very good addon
The fix worked for me in 10-man heroic mode.
Great, thanks.
Hello, today we entered Heroic Dragon Soul and the mod refused to tell us what ooze to choose! Eventually it would start up again but never the first. Did the recent hotfixes break something?
I'm experiencing this too. It was really disorienting, it would take up to 3 sets before it would pick it up on occasion. I don't know lua so I'm not sure what could cause it.
Same issue. First few waves never worked with the announce (worked last week) and then sporatically worked throughout the fight, awsome addon but currently unusuable due to inconsistancy. Big asset to a raid leader if you can get it working again.
Issue was in heroic mode.
They must have changed something with the boss emote then, I'll look into it today.
Preciate it, we did Yors the old fashioned way so won't be able to test until next tues but I am sure some others who are using this awsome mod will be able to let you know if it was fixed.
Try 1.1.3_beta and let me know. I've only tested it in LFR.
Will let you know on Tuesday if it works in Heroic, hopefully a weekend raiding guild out there can test it beforehand
Wonderful addon!
Should hopefully be fixed for heroic modes now in 0.10_beta.
sweet, i will give it to try today and will let you know :)
ok, it worked ! thank you
i'd also suggest going with {square} blue {square} so the RW has the color on top of the text, but i think we might be able to do that in the settings manually
Yes, that's why I left the settings boxes as text inputs. You can do exactly that just by putting that in yourself.
I can confirm that it doesn't work on heroic mode 10-man.