All in one buffing mod for all classes, overview of important raid buffs and instant access rebuff on right click.
Main Mod
- Responsible for loading class specific modules.
- Has FuBar/Minimap icon for options menu (Sorry, I just don't like Waterfall at all), and info tooltip.
- Single click minimap icon to quickly enable/disable auto-buffing.
- Raid popup list with complete buff overview (just mouseover the floating ZOMG icon).
- Highlights missing buffs for whole raid at a glance.
- Shows time remaining on your buffs on whole raid.
- Allows instant rebuff with Right-Click as assigned by seperately loaded modules, without having to muck around finding the player in the raid frames.
- Shows in-combat reminder (swirly thing around icon) if someone needs a rebuff mid-fight.
- Auto Buy reagents to defined levels.
Self Buffs
- Handles all self buffing needs including temporary weapon enchants and poisons.
- Can remind you in-combat when something needs rebuffing.
- Special cases to auto buff Crusader Aura for paladins when mounted, and aspect of cheetah for hunters in cities.
Buff Teh Raid
- Group class buffing module for raid buffs (Mana, Kings, Stamina etc).
- Allows you to define which groups you're responsible for.
- Enable or Disable buffs by clicking on the minimap tooltip for that buff.
- Selective buffing for single target raid buffs such as Thorns or Amplify/Dampen Magic.
- Unique Buff Tracking icon for Earth Shield, Fear Ward, Hand of Freedom and Hand of Sacrifice, which allows you to keep close watch on these buffs and easily recast with a click.
Common Behaviour for Buffing modules
- Manually casting a buff will be remembered (with a few exceptions which shouldn't) as the new required auto buff.
- Click the tooltip sectoin for that mod will cycle through buffs.
- Shift Clicking the tooltip section for that mod will remove it's entry from the template.
- Template save/load/conditionals.
- Simple mousewheel rebuffing in one common interface.
- Simple Right-Click rebuffing of your defined buffs for whichever module you have loaded.
- Definable pre-expiry rebuff setting.
- Options to not buff when:
- Not everyone in raid is present (definable to a % of people present).
- Not everyone in a party is present.
- You are resting.
- You are low on mana.
- You have the Spirit Tap buff (geiv mana regen!).
As always, many thanks to our tireless raid leader for ignoring me going AFK at various points to fix some problem. And to our Paladins, without whom this mod would not have been possible without their constant downloading and re-downloading of early alphas.
While donations are not ever expected they do help, and recent donations by a kind few are one of the reasons I have returned at this time to resume work on this and other mods. Please do consider how worthwhile ZOMGBuffs is to you and help to continue it's support into the future.
PayPal: [email protected]
lol Zomg stops me of rebinding my Mousewheel (MwheelUp+ MWheelDown), wtf?^^
how can i change the buffs for the Hunter Pets?
[Feature Request] Friendly target buff. (not in group)
I'd like to be able to target random friendly targets and hit my ZOMGBuffs hot key to buff them with all available single target buffs in sequence.
After update with WAU all works OK :P
I have BigWigs Bossmods and ZOMGBuffs do not want to work with it (the tooltip do not show at all, only button).
[Feature Request] Friendly target buff. (not in group)
I'd like to be able to target random friendly targets and hit my ZOMGBuffs hot key to buff them with all available single target buffs in sequence.
This could also provide a work around for the current missing ability to control the druid 'thorns' buff on pets in a raid.
For some reason the Autobuy Reagent on my Druid only works for Wild Berries, Wild Quillwine & Wild Thornroot. It doesn't work for the Rebirth reagents, it doesn't even show then in the Reagents Level Menu.
that's because it's not a buff reagent.
2 questions
1. How can I get this to buff pets on single buffs. Everytime I'm in a BG or arena it doesn't buff the pets when using single buff by target.
2. Is there a way to step up the speed of how often it checks to see if you're shapeshifted or stealthed? Too often I come out of stealth or shapeshift and it says I'm stil shapeshifted or stealthed for several seconds after.
I don´t know how to buff pets either. Every option is configured correctly, so I am missing one, or it doesn´t work at all. Most likely the first ,-)
Hello again,
I looked up the spell ids of Battle Shout and Commanding Shout of warriors, because in the newest version on wowace, battle shout does not work what I said after your comment about spell ids and Commanding Shout has a spell id and symbol of a NPC's ability in BWL (Death Talon Captain, http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=22440)
name - spell id - link on wowhead
Battle Shout - 2048 - http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=2048
Commanding Shout - 469 - http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=469
These are the spell ids with the rank on lvl 70. Please change them.
Consider it done.
Would there be a way to rebuff the Shaman spell "Water Shield" if the charges remaining are less than the full 3? It's a free cast spell and would be a nice rebuff between fights to refresh the charges left on it, instead of having to do it manually.
Edit: Oh, and roosterfish16 try "/zomg standby" without quotes to see if that returns the minimap icon.
i need help my icon on my mini map is gone i cannot get it back up i tried to reinstall and everything can someone help
Okay, got the keybinding now -- works great. Next question. As a paladin, I try and use all aspects of the class to their fullest (DPS/Tanking/Healing) and to help make it more intitive I have three macros that change the following:
Trinket Rotation
I also want to change my buffing structure with this same macro. To do this, I've saved templates within the ZOMGBlessingsManager and load them using the following commands:
/zomg ZOMGBlessingsManager template Solo/DPS load
/zomg ZOMGBlessingsManager template Tanking/Raid load
Although these commands successfully change the template, the buffing scheme wont seem to change until I open the manager and hit the generate button. For example: When I swap from tanking into dps, the profile loads correctly, but ZOMG will continue to try and buff me with Sanctuary until I hit Generate -- then it properly switches to might.
Let me know if there is a /command I can use to force generation as well? The bandaid I'm using at present is by adding a line which opens the manager so I can just hit generate quickly.
Thanks again!
This is SUCH an excellent addon - DLed it tonight and got it set up... will be working with the other paladins to make sure they have it for the next raid. VERY well done!
I do have 1 question though, is there a / command to make the addon perform the function listed in the box? I prefer hotkeys to using a mouse. I looked around in the options and documentation and didn't find anything.
If this is not available -- any chance it could be added?
Thanks again!
yeah, there is a keybinding. Poke around with the FuBar menus. I think it's under "Behavior", not sure.
It may be more intuitive to have the keybinding also accessible from the general keybindings interface.
On my Druid i set it up to watch for Nature's Grasp, this spell only works outdoors, is there some way you can fix so it checks if you're actually outdoors. Another thing is, it always buffs other ppl before myself, why is that? Thats not very handy in for example AV
Newer versions should always buff you first.
Good point about the indoor thing.
I was wondering was there a way to turn off the annoying chat thing? I really see no point of it for me.